"this system is in such a financial crisis now! You can see the time is ripe for the end to come!"

by highdose 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • sinis

    You guys seriously need to pull your heads out of your asses and remove the numbness of the "cry wolf religious syndrome"... It is coming to an end - financially and even geophysical as in the terms of Earths weather, etc. This is by no means an indication of "god" or some Bible end times, but cyclical nature, as in the later, and human stupidity as in the former. Life on this planet is going to change drastically within the next few years, ie weather, food availability, and economic/financially. Once again, this has nothing to do with "God". What I find so comical in some aspects of many ex-religious is that they throw the baby out with the bath water, and can never see beyond the trees... mark this post, and my words, that the shit is on and will get a hell of a lot worse. One quick example is the Greece bonds, and the amount of money many countries, hedge fund managers, etc have pumped into them. Greece may take the $$$ come the 30th of June (chances are they will not), but it won't save them and like Charles Kruathammer indicated it will, for all intents and purposes, trigger an immediate global panic. Hell, France has indicated that they will be reducing the amount of money people can withdraw by 50%... hmmm sounds like the banks have no $$$$$ and are bracing for runs.

  • LongHairGal


    I am very much in agreement with your cynical post. I also feel that many ex-JWs have thrown the baby out with the bathwater in more ways than one. Yes, there are terrible things happening and they don't necessarily have to do with religion. It is a culmination of what you said about financially, geophysically plus overpopulation and greed.

    It is scary but I am trying to be positive within myself and not lose my mind over it all. What the hell can I do about it anyway? Nothing, just watch it happen.

  • sinis

    LHG - what can you do about it? You can try to be proactive. Stock up on food stuffs, while they are semi cheap, especially food items that have a long shelf life. Read up on how to grow your own food, hunt, fish, etc. How to repair small engines, bikes, cars, etc. Store seeds, etc. All of these things will work for you in a system where items are bartered or where work is traded for tangibles. Ultimately, some sort of personal protection, a place to 'escape" to in the event of bad shit going down, etc are all useful...

  • diamondiiz

    Sinis: Saying the end of the world is coming is over the top. What is coming is most likely a hyperinflationary depression on a global scale. This in part is due to imbalances in economics but also due to the fact that in today's banks are all affected by their investments in derivatives and intertwined with one another. In animal kingdom when there is an imbalance the nature sorts itself out, in our case, thanks to cheap oil and money backed by nothing allowed humanity to live beyond their means, saving very little and living as if the consequences will never arrive - this has allowed a human population to explode in the last 200 years when compared to a steady increase over the millennia. The future is bleak for many but I don't believe in the end of humanity but there will be a reduction due to hunger, war and disease. When people lose their money, their food, and their possessions and start to uprise against governments we will see civil wars where "normal" governmental activities cease. Wars do bring on death and disease. The 4 horsemen of the apocalypse show that people back in the bible times understood the human cycle better than many do today. That is why it's good to have savings in real assets and not in assets than can be inflated by the press of a button and it's good to have some garden or at least a knowledge of how to provide for oneself and yet not live like a hermit. Be prepared for the worse and hope for the best. As for the planet it can take a lot of abuse and heal itself but it takes time, much of the weather that we are seeing may be contributed to the celestial cycles as well, maybe or maybe not but that can't be overlooked.

  • Reality79

    Wasn't the "end" supposed to come at a time when everything is relatively peaceful and going good and totally takes everyone off guard like a "thief in the night"?

    I swear, these people just don't know what in the hell they're talking about.

  • designs

    The nice thing about the Bible's mention of the End Days is that it plays well with all types of conditions, Peace, War, Famine, Plenty, Natural Disasters, Contentment......... God is the allpurpose Fright Myster.....

    Let's all practice sleeping with one eye open like we did as JWs cause you just never know, tonight could be the night....

  • TheSilence

    Sounds familiar... here is an email from my dad sent a few months ago...

    What's the fastest thing you can think of? For me, it's light. I've heard there are faster particles, but I can't think of what they are. But light should be fast enough for the purpose of this observation.

    Light travels at 186,000 miles per second. That's almost 670 million miles an hour. No way anybody can wrap their mind around that kind of speed.

    In a year, light travels a little under 5.9 Trillion miles.

    If you could spend at the speed of light - $186,000 a SECOND, at the end of 3 years you still would not have paid off the US National Debt and the ongoing expenses of the government.

    No way anybody can wrap their mind around that kind of spending. I can't even imagine how many people you'd have to hire to write the checks.

    People are starting to throw their hats into the ring to run for President in 2012. They claim to know how to fix this. They're either lying or they're delusional. Who will you support?

    A new government is in place and poised to fix this and every other problem man has. Its King is already ruling. He will forcibly remove every one of his political opponents and destroy them. So again, ask yourself - Who are you supporting? (Daniel 2:44)

  • straightshooter

    History has shown that economies go in cycles. Depression/Recession and boom. Witnesses always need to fine something is wrong to prove that man cannot govern man. They sadly never see what is going right in the world.

  • sinis

    Diamonddizz, not really over the top, and I do agree with what you indicated. The end of this life as we know it (ie prosperity, etc) is coming to an end. Physical end of Earth, who knows. What is more important is the life that exists on it. Many instances in the past where 95% of the species died off, taking thousands of years to recoupe. So yes, the end of a worldy, though semantics, is coming wherein BILLIONS of people will be negatively affected.

  • d

    This period 2011 is good compared to perids during the U.S civil war and the Crusades and the first and Second World War.The world is more peaceful then any other period in history. The Jw's need to study their history.

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