Undercover Brother Campaign- have you received your invite?

by stuckinamovement 142 Replies latest jw friends

  • TheLoveDoctor

    im interested please inform me

  • slimboyfat

    I might go to at least one of the convention days. Can someone PM me what this is about, I might take part.

  • Diest

    I have completed my fade, cards are in a differnt city from where i live, and not where i grew up. Family still in the truth, so i guess the full apostate label to my name would not work, but anything not overt would work for me.....I faded before I got to this site.

  • Chariklo

    Oh dear, I'm ignorant. I'd love a PM please....?

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    I will never EVER go to one of those interminably boring things...

    So I'll gladly count myself out of this!

  • sizemik

    I love a bloody good campaign! . . . but I have no invite

    I might live on a south pacific island . . . but I can muster up a campaign of one that would make a dozen proud.

    Besides . . . I have an itch I want to scratch . . . and I need to go to a meeting to scratch it.

    So . . . fill me in

  • Kensho

    Still in and living in the shadows, I will be attending 3 seperate DC's (can't do 3 day's in a row) I'm down for whatever, please send me PM with details!


  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Please check your PMs.

  • cantleave


  • Chariklo

    Invite received and understood, and thanks for sending it. I won't go to more than one daay, but if I do go to that day, I'm in!

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