The way they probe you - unbelievable

by Anony Mous 60 Replies latest members private

  • EntirelyPossible

    while the elders involved are horse f*cking bastards, there is no HIPPA violation since the information can from a 3rd party, not the doctors involved.

  • jean-luc picard
    jean-luc picard

    A body of elders who are completely incompetent even by their own standards.

    They didnt need to write to write to Bethel for advice. Its already there in the publications if they'd be prepared to do a bit of work theirselves.

    And just typical. Our first thought are for the poor mother, and their first thought is to whether they should punish her!

    The word "bastards" has been used several times on this thread!

  • jeckle

    Another reason I'm never going back. Don't they have something better to do, like disfellowship some teenagers , or make more converts?

  • serenitynow!

    I don't believe a lot of the information in this letter. A doctor demanding you take a pill, without telling you what it is- nope. All this talk about the baby must "still be in her body somewhere"? JWs like to make health care professionals out to be stupid. Alot of things don't make sense.

  • AnnOMaly

    Oh the poor woman! What a nightmare for her!

    I don't understand why it was necessary to write the Society about this.

    1) Her body was naturally trying to abort, and the standard D&C would have got rid of anything to make the pregnancy viable.

    2) An ectopic pregnancy is not viable - even the WTS recognizes this:

    w75 3/15 p. 191 Questions From Readers

    Similarly, in some cases a fertilized ovum implants and begins to grow in the fallopian tube instead of the uterus. Such a tubal ectopic pregnancy cannot develop fully in this small tube; in time it will terminate with the rupture of the tube and the death of the embryo. If this condition is detected in advance, doctors usually treat it by removing the affected fallopian tube before it ruptures. A Christian woman with a tubal pregnancy can decide whether to accept this operation. Normally she undoubtedly would be willing to face any risks of pregnancy so that her child could live. But with a tubal pregnancy she faces a grave risk while there is no possibility that the embryo can continue to live and a child be born.

    According to the congo's letter, the JW sister's (elder) father and (elder) brother did the research. Didn't the elders writing the letter check the WT publications first?

    After the poor woman's insides have been chopped around enough (losing a tube in the process), then ...

    3) The fetus is finally discovered in another part of the uterus which, like the ectopic, is not able to progress full term and leaving things as they are is very dangerous to the mother. It's a no-brainer. Her relatives' and doctors' advice was sound.

    So why do the elders need clarification here?

    Yes, she was within her rights to end the pregnancy (even in JW-world), and a second opinion would not have altered the end result, namely, that her pregnancy was not viable, so no, no 'action' (for heaven's sake!) would be necessary. I'm hoping the Society wrote back with similar sentiments.

  • truthseeker1969

    My question is, how they can be so detailed in the date and timing of each event and the specifics of each procedure.

    Only if the information had been given to them or if they had been privvy to the whole event or accessed the medical records could they have that information.

    If as described a call had been made regarding fluid gushing and blood no doctors office would ever advise to come in the following morning as this would be deemed as an emergent situation especially with the given track record of failed pregnancies before.

    If the society had issued directives regarding this them the brothers would refer to the information and would not write to the society.

    Why if the situation was on going was the body of elders not involved until after the fact and why is the father was an elder did he not speak with the daughters body of elders and advise of the problems arising as such would not be a violation of HIPPA unless since he is not a medical officer.

    If the above is factual then it was a complete mishandling of information and the body of elders are passing hearsay to third party for the sole purpose of judicial action which is not within their scope since no biblical law was broken as far as I can see, no blood mentioned and no a distinct stance against taking a "pill" that would terminate the prenancy which is indication enough that the person concerned was not looking for an easy way out.

    My sister had a d and c because of a similar situation and elders were fully aware but not one single question was asked or any committee set up to investigate. They were fully supportive of her decision and the fact that she looked at every option as did the person here so I am not sure about this and why they would bring anything to committee stage.

  • NewChapter

    This just makes me ask the same question I've asked over and over. If Jehovah doesn't value this baby enough to ressurect it---why should this woman be willing to sacrifice her life for it? She wouldn't even be rewarded at resurreciton with this child. Nothing but conflicts in my head. Glad I don't believe it anymore.

    I can't imagine how this woman is sitting in her home right now---sick and grieving---as she waits for the elder's decision while trying to take care of her other baby. Assholes.


  • leavingwt

    This sounds like the WT Bible & Tract Society that I'm familiar with.

  • sizemik

    I feel the most revealing statement is this one here . . .

    During all their ordeal none of our local elders were contacted to apprise the elders or to request assistance/advice.

    These brothers care only about the fact they feel slighted by not being consulted on a matter involving someone in THEIR congregation. "How dare they not consult us!"

    It's a power thing. And they're so consumed by their perceived slight . . . that they're totally blind to anything else. Men with authority who don't have the faintest idea how to employ it . . . I saw it often in JW land.

  • stuckinamovement

    Assholes. This type of behavior needs to be brought to light.


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