Judas and Unforgivable Sin

by corpusdei 122 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • PSacramento

    CHrist said there is ONE sin that is unforgivable and that is to blasphemy the Holy Spirit of God.

    Did Judas do that?

    No, he betrayed Christ but never denied Christ and he repented.

    Will he be forgiven??

    That is between Judas and Christ and, like all of our sins, no one business but theirs.

  • godrulz

    transhuman: Shelby is a heretic and a lousy scholar. Check him out before you lend him credibility. There is much better conservative scholarship to refute him.

    guest: universalism is a liberal, false idea that all will be saved in the end unconditionally. The biblical picture is that some receive, some reject God with different destinies (heaven/hell-lake of fire).

  • snowbird

    Godrulz, Shelby and AGuest are one and the same - a woman, like in Man with a womb.


    You men do have tunnel visions don't you?


  • AGuest

    Well, then, as dear Miz Sibble would say, dear )oh, shoot!) Trans (peace to you!)... well I 'll be swoped! Dear godrulz... peace to you and please forgive my misunderstanding as to the subject of your comments. I repent... in sackcloth and ashes. Dear Tams... and greatest of love and peace to you... and if you read my initial comments, you will see that I did indeed take it as a compliment - LOLOLOL! Unfortunately, I misread dear godrulz "intent"... and so now must beg his forgiveness. Hopefully, he'll grant it! Peace! A slave of Christ, SA

  • transhuman68

    LOL. Godrulz was referring to John Shelby Spong!

  • tec

    Syl and Shelby (peace to you both) I believe Godrulz meant John Shelby Spong, as per his reply to Transhuman.

    Not that this doesn't mean he wouldn't consider you a heretic, Shelby, but sometimes, you gotta take that for the compliment it is. I think I would :)

    Love to y'all,


  • tec

    Er, yeah... what trans said ;)

  • snowbird

    Tee hee hee.

    I think I should take a little break ...


  • AGuest

    No, Syl... it was an honest mistake, IMHO. I am sure there are some who would take issue with ME jumping to the wrong conclusion (can't win for losing with some, anyway, so...), but not you. Like me, you're probably not "up" on the "scholarly authorities" as to what's in the Bible/what things means, and so when you saw "Shelby"... given that godrulz and I were in an interchange... assumed he meant me. I made the same mistake. Thank GOODNESS for the edit capability!

    Peace to you, my sister!

    Your servant, sister, and fellow slave of Christ,

    "Shelby" - LOLOLOLOL!

  • godrulz

    Even Catholics consider Spong a lunatic fringe nut. No need for me to forgive anyone here. No offense, no defense.

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