Judas and Unforgivable Sin

by corpusdei 122 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ProdigalSon

    godrulz, I've heard and seen this song and dance a million times. Every time someone tries to enlighten Christians to the fact that they have the Divine spark within they point to the serpent in the tree saying "you are gods" and they think it's "Satanic". I have news for you... the serpent was telling the truth. Jesus said YOUR BODY is the TEMPLE. Paul said the Christ is WITHIN YOU. Read the story in Genesis again.... Jehovah admitted that the couple had indeed "become like one of us". The entire Bible is a METAPHOR. No one wrote in literal language during the Biblical era except for secular historians and people writing personal letters. Divine truths were conveyed in the form of MYTHS. This was the common literary style. It is ridiculous to read it literally, and any Rabbi will tell you this.

    The Bible as written is specifically designed to keep the "goyim" nice and submissive, dead from the neck up. It is a trap, until you learn what it means. I know, because I spent 40 years in delusion from it.

    Why not take a chance, in spite of your biggest fears, and google "Bible Kabbalah" and see what you come up with. Try to have an open mind instead of seeing everything as Satanic. God is not going to get mad at you for thinking critically, especially when it comes to the Bible. If there was a book out there that had some of my work in it with a whole bunch of additions that I didn't write, and somebody said I was the author of the whole thing, I would want people to delve into it and find out for themselves that I didn't really write the corrupted version, someone else plagiarized my work and added to it. While you're googling also look at "Documentary Hypothesis" and you'll see what I'm talking about.


  • ProdigalSon



    Rabbi H. Geffen, 32 degree, F.P.S.


    Kabbalah is a knowledge of Divine Wisdom. This truth is the foundation stone upon which the regenerating and saving portion of every true religion is based. The Kabbalah transmits to us such knowledge as the adepts of those times chose to commit to writing.

    Our Masonic spiritual allegories are based on the Kabbalah, which is known to us moderns as the Kabbalistic Doctrine.

    Monotheism is the only true religion. Masonic students claim the Bible to be an occult book wherein the Kabbalistic system is embodied in allegories and symbols. The written and oral laws are dependent on and complete each other.

    The Kabbalah originated with the Essenes, and also with the initiated Talmudists, who arranged Kabbalistic schools that followed Akiba and Simon Ben Jochai, who consolidated it into a scientific system in the Books, Jetzirah and Zohar.

    The two chief classics of the Kabbalah, Jetzirah and Zohar, attributed respectively to Akiba and Simon Ben Jochai, reveal the basis of the occult religion of the Hebrews. The most ancient and most comprehensive is the Sefer Jetzirah, probably written by Rabbi Akiba. The Zohar teaches us that true Torah, or Law of Moses, is not in the literal but in the allegorical interpretation of the Pentateuch.

    Philo Judeas, in his treatise "On the Allegories of the Sacred Laws," elucidated in a very cautious manner a few of these subjects: the Creation, the Garden of Eden, the Deluge, the Tilling of the Earth by Man, the Confusion of Languages, the Migration of Abraham, His Two Wives, and many more such subjects having mystic truth as their foundation.

    Moses probably received and revived the Monotheism of Abraham. But, the Divine Kabbalah is the spiritual interpretation of material symbols and emblems. It is this tradition-namely, the esoteric Law of Moses-which is the Torah, whereof is recorded in the Talmud: "Moses received the Oral Law from Sinai and delivered it to Joshua, and Joshua to the Elders, and the Elders to the Prophets, and the Prophets to the Men of the Great Synagogue." It must, therefore, be well understood that the Torah thus mentioned by the Talmud is not the written, but the Oral Law, or Kabbalah, transmitted by tradition from generation to generation, until collected by Simon Ben Jochai and preserved in the volume of the Zohar. The Talmud is the Oral Law and is, in itself, in some places of a Kabbalistic character as a symbolical vehicle of the Divine Kabbalah.

    There were two traditions in the Occult Kabbalah, an exoteric tradition perpetuated and an esoteric tradition wherein the Kabbalah was transmitted. The exoteric tradition is permeated with Kabbalism. One must be a studious Mason to discern the esoteric direction from the exoteric customs having no divine object.

    It is not my purpose here to write the story of Moses. It is well known that he had obtained the hidden mysteries of Egypt, but he annulled the superstitious belief of the Egyptians and he built a true Monotheistic creed of Divine Wisdom. Hence, he insisted on worship being directed exclusively to Jehovah, the One Universal Omnipotent God; he also insisted on perfect purity of thought, word and deed. As a true Prophet we must suppose that his sacrifices consisted not of the shedding of innocent blood, but his intention was to prevent the people from human sacrifices.

    In studying diligently Masonic Occult Philosophy, we, must thus take into consideration that the Bible is a Kabbalistic Book, allegorically written and symbolically illustrated. The systems of the Kabbalah and Esoteric Masonry are identical, and for this reason the Masons call their Temple the Temple of Solomon. All the Masonic ceremonies have a Kabbalistic base. Their virtue is not doubted. There are moral, hygienic and spiritual rules of conduct given. The highest thought that Kabbalah and Masonry ever expressed was Universality. Although the Bible history is allegoric and symbolic and has much fable, it is doubtless founded upon truth.

    Moses and the Prophets, the Essenes, and the Tanaim were occultists and, consequently, most if not all their writings are manifestly or occultly treatises on Kabbalah; and we can say with certainty that they were the forerunners of Masonry. This assumption must naturally occur to the minds of only right thinking Masons, who are penetrated by the sublime virtues of our order and are justly entitled to bear the name of Occult Masonic students.

  • EntirelyPossible

    It warms me to the bone when Christians argue about who's right about the bible and are absolutely convinced the other one is wrong and have diametric viewpoints.

  • godrulz

    Christians debate non-essential, peripheral issues. We are talking about Christian vs cultist on the essential issues such as Deity/resurrection of Christ, salvation by grace through faith alone apart from works, Bible as Word of God, etc. A Mormon and a Christian are not fellow believers unable to agree. They are diametrically opposed, mutually exclusive religions debating eternal destiny issues.

  • designs

    Ah yes, always The Threat enters into discussions with the 'Christians'.

  • EntirelyPossible

    Watching christians debate made up stuff and calling each other false is almost, nay, MORE fun that watching star wars fan boys debate star wars fan boys.

  • tec

    You need a new hobby ;)

  • EntirelyPossible

    and you people don't?

  • tec
  • watersprout
    It warms me to the bone when Christians argue about who's right about the bible and are absolutely convinced the other one is wrong and have diametric viewpoints.

    At least athiests all agree! LMAO!

    There are many Christians who agree... It's the ''evangelicals'' who like to tell everyone they are wrong, and that you HAVE to believe in the Jesus they believe otherwise you are going to hell with Buddha.


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