How to dimantle a human being.

by eruption 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • Married to the Mob
    Married to the Mob

    Oh eruption!

    I was being open honest and sincere and you couldn't even answer my questions!

    Which regiment were you with in the British Army? How many tours did you do of NI?

    I am curious to know how envy is a british trait? As an Englishman I certainly don't eveny the welsh or the scots!

  • No Room For George
    No Room For George

    By the way, what the hell is "dimantle?"

  • sir82
    what the hell is "dimantle?"

    Yuo wood need a labotomy to understood it.

  • eruption

    Hey lostgeneration, I have to disagree with you, Elders and MS who remian are hypochrites.Plain and simple, they take the accolades and percieved status that they reached out for as JW.s, and most of them when they relinquish there status boast about it and seek to take a prominent role here, as if thier previous incarnation gives them some sort of status, or their opinions more berevity than others.Not the case,feel free to disagree

  • elderelite

    eruption, you didnt answer my question... do these guys make ALL active jw's look good, or just non elders?

  • Resistance is Futile
    Resistance is Futile

    Way to start another trainwreck of a thread Eruption. I'm starting to suspect your just trolling.

  • Married to the Mob
    Married to the Mob

    Baw Juggler

  • eruption

    This is the same herd mentality you put that guy through last night, Its like a sport, try to act as individuals and not part of a Pack, poor we guy was driven to dispare, I have seen this type of behaviour so many times in JW,s, All I can do is point it out to you, What you gonna do ? try to get me out tonight ? try to put me over the edge ? dont waste your breath,cos im off to the pub REMOVED

  • Resistance is Futile
    Resistance is Futile

    You're either trolling or you have a serious persecution complex. Have you ever thought about getting some counseling for your anger issues?

  • LostGeneration

    Elders and MS who remian are hypochrites.Plain and simple

    Most remain for a while in an effort to wake up at least their immediate family before leaving. How long should they wait? I know many who waited patiently for YEARS for their spouse/kids to wake up before attempting a fade. Their so called "status" allowed them to do this, if they had just up and left then they would lose their leverage. Every situation is different, and yes I would say a setting a time table and goals would be the right thing to do. But freeing a mind from cult control is much easier if you are an insider.

    most of them when they relinquish there status boast about it and seek to take a prominent role here, as if thier previous incarnation gives them some sort of status

    Disagree, what does a prominent role here pay? The same as being an elder, absolutely nothing! I would say most are simply here to help out those who came after them, just as many who came before them helped them out of the cult with the least possible damage.

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