How to dimantle a human being.

by eruption 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • undercover
    I have a company to Run

    ...obviously not Merriam-Webster...

    ...but then I doubt Noah Webster was any good at cleaning windows

  • NomadSoul
  • eruption

    Hey IVE had a change OF heart, You guys were right all along, Lets make PP,s life even harder, Yes Im going to bully him as well, so I can be part of the Inn crowed as well, Yes PP is a moron lets all kick him, Its only right isnt it ?it must be because the herd says so, Eh ? And I can court popularity, you people make me want to vomit, Yes your all heros, beating someone smaller than you, and sniggering about it, and 82 and george you clowns couldnt run a bath never mind a business, yes george I have seen your posts, your a funny guy, but dont court popularity by picking on someone smaller than you.

  • eruption

    Nomadsoul, YOU dont get to resign, dont bother asking again.

  • eruption

    Agent Undercover you have the IQ of a rocking horse, but I like your raincoat, return to base !!!

  • eruption


  • NomadSoul
  • eruption

    Never mind guys, go and bully PP, it will make you feel better, your too slow, i would have to have a labotomy to reach your cognitive level, and I thought envy was a British trait ?

    I hated JW,s when I was In, But You guys make active JW,s look good, please dont victimise others, all joking aside, its not good, even if you get off on it.

  • elderelite

    wait.... if they make active JW's look good does that help me? or is that only make active non elder jw's look good...?

  • NomadSoul

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