Today is my brithday and I feel depressed.

by TotallyADD 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • palmtree67

    Happiest Birthday to you!

  • petitebrunette

    ADD- Happy Birthday! Hope you enjoy your evening, and have a better day tomorrow! Everyone feels the way you do, just at different times. We all hurt, and have to remind ourselves how much better we are. You have the freedom to eat birthday cake!

    HintofLime- Happy Belated Birthday! Remember, you're special everyday!

  • GLTirebiter


    Happy Birthday, ADD!

    Yes, I know the feeling too. At least you have your dear wife taking care of you today, and that's a great gift!

  • fortis et liber
    fortis et liber

    Hugs to you, TotallyADD; you couldn't have picked a better example of why the cult just sucks but you're right, life is worth living and there's plenty of it ahead to live. Happy Birthday !!

  • Luo bou to
    Luo bou to

    Great wife and only 57. Lucky bastard .Happy birthday

    63 and all alone

  • TotallyADD

    Well friends it is the next day. After a good nights rest I woke up to my wonderful wife next to me looked out the window saw it was raining. But you know I feel really good knowing how all of you care about me and my wife yesterday. I look forward to give the same support when needed in the furture. This is truly what friendship and love is all about. I know I am a lucky man. I thank all of you for all the support you gave me. Best wishes to all of you in your journey in life cult free. Totally ADD

  • rebel8

    Feelings are not right or wrong. Grief is normal. (( ))

    I hope you are able to enjoy the good parts about today.

    Happy birthday! (I guess it's still your birthday in this time zone.)

    Here is a blog I visit when I need a laugh. You might enjoy it.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Well....I would like to see a copy of your birth certificate before I buy into this.....Peace to ewe....

    Your friend in Eskimo pies

  • Amelia Ashton
  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    first of all i want to wish you a very happy birthday and just because its your bday doesn't mean you have to feel happy sometimes everything is okay and we feel guilty for feeling sad.

    There are times when I don't have any immediate reason for sadness but I get a wave of it that comes over me stuff like that just happens sometimes.

    However yes I'M glad we left the org it's not the truth and it's dangerous but sometimes i do miss some of the people I knew but I realize that they have to come to a realization within themselves about the issue.

    i remain hopeful but I'm moving on with my life and It's so much better than being a jw.

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