To the Houshold of God, Israel... and those who go with...

by AGuest 121 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    i knew you were going to tell me to ask him.

    I am glad you knew, dear Strym (again, peace to you!). But I’m not sure you “knew” it so much as perhaps you were TOLD it.

    but i haven't achived that baptism(HS) yet.

    You don’t need that, dear one. Not at first. Otherwise, you wouldn’t hear his call BEFORE you came to him and RECEIVED such baptism. Listen… NOW . And put FAITH in what you hear. For example, you knew I was going to tell you to ask him. You very well could have.

    so more questons.

    Absolutely NO problem.

    we would still be on page 1 if it wasn't for the dogs at your heels. sticks and stones.

    Yes. I am very glad that you’re not letting the little dogs distract you.

    is there a set number of people going to be born?

    I truly do not know. What I DO know is that people will continue to be born until the last “seed” has come through earthling man (i.e., they have not all been “born” of man, yet).

    why did the command to keep the census occur?

    You’ll have to clarify, please – which census?

    if people keep being born won't god have to keep delaying to save the new born that have faith?

    The delay is due to the seed (most of which are scattered among the nations) and no others. Once that number has been filled (and no man can state that number), the days will be cut short. Please note, children are still born during the 1,000 years. Gog won’t be “sterile.”

    does Enoch still exist in some form?

    Yes. His spirit… which has already received a “white robe” (spirit body) is sleeping… “under the altar”. No one has been resurrected to a or in a spirit body, yet, except my Lord.

    what about apostle john? why did christ make the comment at john 21:22?

    I recently learned that it was not John that my Lord was speaking of, dear one, but Lazarus, the one who wrote the account. Lazarus (Simon the Leper) was the one my Lord “had affection for” and one mentioned as writing the account. The disciples wondered what would occur with Lazarus since he had been resurrected. You know, what about him… is he going to die again or live on forever? To which my Lord responded, basically, that it wasn’t any of their concern, that if it was his will that Lazarus remain alive until he returned, that was his business. Lazarus did die again, however, because he was resurrected in his fleshly vessel (which have corruption – sin and death – in them) and not in a spirit body (which is incorruptible and so sin and death cannot reside in it).

    i noticed everyone is giving the guy smoking dope a hard time.


    would using natural herbal god approved (gen1:29,gen9:3) medicine PROPERLY, hinder a persons spiritual progress?

    I can’t see how, depending on what and how much... and for what purpose. I mean, it might impede one’s physical abilities (like driving, etc.)… and possible one’s… ummmm… lucidity… but don’t all drugs pretty much come from SOME plant/herb? Excluding, perhaps, some of the synthetic ones, but I think even some of those have some kind of plant “base.”

    This thinking, what you’re suggesting, comes from some’s belief that my Lord refused “drugs” when he was impaled. He did: painkillers. So that he would not be accused (by our Adversary) of not FULLING sacrificing himself (“What sacrifice? He didn’t feel a thing! Numb me up and you can drive some nails and a spear through me, too!”). No, my Lord had to “experience” death… in every part of his body.

    For many people, pain accompanies death, dear one. In order for my Lord to be tested… LIKE US… in ALL respects… he couldn’t alter the experience.

    My mom died from pancreatic cancer… which was excrutiatingly painful. After awhile the morphine no longer worked. She tried, though, with the chemo, radiation, morphine. This was in the late 70’s and I remember her writing to the President (yep, of the U.S. ) asking “permission” to go to Mexico to get Laetril treatments… AND to use marijuana to ease her nausea. The reply was, of course, nope. And my dear mother, good obedient citizen that she was… “obeyed.” And suffered. Greatly. GREAT pain and discomfort. If she were hear today, I would not only pack her up and drive her across the border… but I would light the joint on the way.

    The Most Holy One of Israel is not as “exacting” as man has made Him out to be… so as to ruler over and dominate his fellow man, dear one. Thankfully, I live in California … and most folks here can see the utter ridiculousness of withholding beneficial “herbs” from sick people.

    What of the not-so-sick? One, not for ME to say. Two… who says they’re not “sick”?

    is type of wine or type of bread important when shareing in the evening meal?

    Yes and no. If one has access to new wine and unleavened bread… and there’s nothing preventing one from obtaining/using it… then it would be disrespectful not to. But what if one doesn’t have access… or the money to purchase wine/unleavened bread? Or one is under age? Or one is allergic to grapes… or flour? It is the obedience to the act that is of importance, dear one. Not the literal emblems.

    If, therefore, one only has a partially eaten pizza crust (well, the “thin” kind)… and a glass of water… so long as one DISCERNS these things are being the flesh and blood of Christ… that is what is important. Better one obey… than give flimsy excuses as to why one didn’t.

    also is it once a year or how often?

    GREAT question!! I will answer that with some questions for you:

    1. How often did the Israelites eat “manna”?

    2. How often do you want to be in union with Christ?

    3. How often SHOULD one be in union with Christ?

    4. What did Christ mean by “daily bread”?

    I think that if you answer these, you will have your answer, dear one.

    is prayer to be said outloud or in your head?

    My Lord always prayed outloud. As did Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, etc.

    was christ a carpenter? did he enjoy it?

    Yes, he was and yes, he did. It was only a means to an end, though. He had a mother to care for.

    does the infancy gospel have any truth?

    (Smile) I had to ask about this and, yes, it is true. My Lord did not know to reject the bad and CHOOSE the good from day one. He had to be taught. Because he wasn’t BORN knowing how to control his flesh. Isaiah 7:14-16.

    is the Islam faith a comparable or alternative type of worship to Jah?

    Asked about this, too, and yes, it is a worship of JAH, albeit... misapplied. Islam originates through Ishmael, the older half-brother of Isaac. Thus, they consider Abraham (Ibrahim) their “father” as well. And he is. Muslims, Jews, and christians all serve the same God. The enmity came when Ishamel began to persecute Isaac, Abraham’s true heir. Both Ishmael and Isaac learned proper worship of JAH through their father. However, BOTH went astray – Ishmael by means of his descendants joining with the nations after being ousted with his mother from Abraham’s camp… and Isaac by means of his descendants through Jacob (Israel). One of the claims of Mohammed was to “return” Ishmael to “true” worship; unfortunately, he tried to do this without Christ (because Christ was not told to or promised to Ishmael – the Seed that was Christ was to come through Isaac)… and so rejected even the notion of Christ. Which they still today (they consider “Jesus” a prophet and nothing more). The Quran contains the “laws” of Ishmael… which that nation formulated based on oral traditions.

    The consider “Isaac” (the Jews) infidels because of their repeated rebellion against God. Ishmael believed himself to be the rightful heir (as Abraham’s firstborn son); however, the promise of an heir to carry the Seed was made to SARAH (Isaac’s mother) and not HAGAR (Ishmael’s mother). It has been a bone of contention down to this day.

    To be fair, Muslims (Ishmael) do try to keep the “Law” (which was handed down from Abraham, who had it centuries before Moses, just not written in stone… to Ishmael); however, because Christ was not a part of their culture, they have no basis to understand the NEW Law. Like Israel , though, they will not be forgotten. Because they are also Abraham’s seed. They were promised to be a mighty nation… and they are.

    (BTW – Per my Lord, the name “Allah” comes from a misunderstanding of a fragmented specimen of a writing giving praise to JAH: hallel u Jah. Like Israel , Islam, too, forgot the name of God at some point in their history. Since Abraham was a Hebrew, the Ishmaelites and Israelites originally spoke the same language… and praised the same God.

    are there any more books about the earthly life of christ that are true?john21:25.

    Yes. Many. But they are not canonized… or “available.” Some are in the possession of the Vatican . Some are held by the Orthodox church. Some are kept in various monestaries. And some are “lost”, per se, meaning they are in jars, vessels, etc., that are buried, hidden in old structures, etc.

    and while we have john open,

    Oh, we do, do we? LOLOLOL!

    verse 24 kinda comes out of nowhere and verse 25 ends the book mid thought back from verse 23. the flow of the book just STOPS. i don't like it. i think it's been tampered with. thoughts?

    You mean, did someone “add” verse 24? According to my Lord, yes… but not in the manner that you perhaps think. Not a “tampering” but an acknowledgement, like a notary’s validation. Why? I asked my Lord and his response, well, astounded me:

    He said that Lazarus never personally identified himself as the writer. He gave clues, yes, but never took “credit” for the accounting. And… he asked those he gave it to to not do so as well. He said that the REASON was because those who killed my Lord were looking to kill Lazarus, as well… because of HIS resurrection… and so he had to go into hiding… and eventually into exile. There was fear, however, that if he put his name to the account, those seeking to kill him would find him… and bring him to be stoned/impaled. So, in order to assure those who READ it that it was someone who KNEW what had occurred… others who knew Christ and Lazarus… and of my Lord’s affection for him… corroborated that it was written by someone who THEY knew… knew of things they were writing about. But… and here’s the clincher… it was NOT any of the OTHER apostles (Lazarus was the other apostle “Simon”, not Peter)… because they, too, were exiled.

    Certain others, however, who were not as publicly known (as were Christ, the Apostles, Paul, and others), were able to get the account from Lazarus. But it wasn’t FOR the “congregation”. It was for posterity, because the Jews usually kept impeccable records… there was a Roman occupation and persecution of the christians… including death… and so it was important to preserve the events. My Lord had left, they were exiled… who would believe them? Who knew how long it would be before Christ returned… and what would occur in the meantime?

    So those who could wrote what they remembered… and all attempts were made to gather and hide these writings for some time. Some never made it, but many did… however, again, others now have them… and/or copies of them. More sitting on top of Peter’s grave in Rome than any of us know.

    sorry to be a question box. i hope you enjoy responding as i enjoy reading your responses.

    No problem and I do enjoy responding, to the extent I am sharing the wonderful things I myself have received.

    thanks to y(our) teacher for allowing this exchange of information.

    Yes, thanks to Christ, truly!

    I hope what I have shared helps and I apologize for the things I don’t know. Should my Lord decide to share such things with me, I will certainly pass them on.

    Again, peace to you… and may JAH bless!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


    P.S. He said that he wrote "Why do you judge?"

  • snowbird
  • 1975

    Aguest, must your topic and replies be so lengthy? I enjoy reading other posts, your's is to lengthy to read, there are others on this forum. I'm not being critical, just suggesting a suggestion.


  • AGuest

    Hey, Miz Sylvie, girl... peace to you! I send you a shout out:

    Just "because". The greatest of love and peace to you and I hope "all is well" with you and yours!

    Your servant, sister, and fellow slave of Christ,

    Miz Shebbie

  • AGuest
    must your topic and replies be so lengthy?

    My sincere apologies, dear 1975 (peace to you!). I am admittedly verbose. I am "afraid" to leave anything out... because that's were a LOT of confusion... falsehood... and misleading comes IN. Thankfully, when I asked my Lord about this, he said "Some of the others were lengthy in their words, too, child."


    Some say they read my posts in shifts. Of course, some don't read them because, as you say, they're too long (for them). Some don't read them for other reasons. I guess you have to decide for yourself whether there are any "things of value" in them to warrant perusing them. Please know, though, that I take absolutely NO offense if you choose not to, none at all.

    I hope that answers and, again, peace to you!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • 1975

    Aguest, many thanks for your understanding.


  • strymeckirules

    AGUESTs posts are as long as they need to be.

    please don't change your methods because others can't focus.

    if you don't explain everything, more questions will arise.

    i haven't argued against your posts or questioned the answer because you COMPLEATLY answer the question.

    less information = more room for error.

    more information = more understanding, less infering.

    if you can't understand her post, don't tell her to stop writing. YOU need to focus.

    if you want an example of WALLS OF TEXT or TOO MANY WORDS go check out djeggnoggs posts.

    new questions.

    does proverbs chapter 7-9 refer to christ or to the entity "wisdom"?

    JW teach that chapter 9 is christ words, but they had to change the bible to make that happen.

    NWT in chapter 7 it refers to wisdom as "you are my sister". then it stays in the female persona until chapter 8. then the "wisdom" female persona changes to an "IT". around chapter 8:12 "Wisdom" begins talking. then the JW's claim it's Christ because verses 22-36 "could only be Christ". try reading the passage as if it is talking about "wisdom". it makes very good sense.

    other bibles stay in the female persona the whole time.

    so the question is, is there a created being called "Wisdom" who has a feminin persona?

    the "Book of Enoch" CLEARLY backs this up.

    did Christ create everything or did Almighty God?

    how did the gospel writers get the information about the temptations of Christ in the wilderness after his baptism? did he tell them? seems like an odd story to tell it's a story that should only be told by someone else who witness the events, not Christ telling his Apostle how he outsmarted the devil and then they wrote it down. it just doesn't flow with christs ways. i could be wrong...

    how did Peter know what moses and elijah looked like to be able to identify them at the transfiguration?

    what is judas's fate? he killed himself and i think that shows remorse and one of the 12 had to betray, so is he delt mercy at all?

    did the human appointment of Matthias have any credit with Christ? does judas get to keep his throne or crown in heaven?

    do Angels show themselves to us at all today? are "UFO's" demons or angels or something else?

    crop circles? anything important about those?

    thanks for your response.

    i am listening as closely as i can and i think i might be "getting it". i just didn't understand what to listen for and i didn't believe it was possible before.

    i still haven't washed any feet yet. i did re-read the account and i think when i try it, the ones i do it to should be as suprised as the apostles were.

    it's just an odd thing to do to your friends in the 2011's. but faithful in least, right!

    i noticed the dogs have stopped. much more peaceful now.

    talk to you soon.


  • AGuest

    new questions.

    I am your servant, dear Strym (again, peace to you!), so ask away and I will answer if I can/am permitted.

    does proverbs chapter 7-9 refer to christ or to the entity "wisdom"?

    Christ IS Wisdom, dear one. There is some confusion because of the femininity associated with the Hebrew word that translates as "wisdom." Same thing with the Greek word ("sophia"). Same for the Spanish word for Satan ("Satana"). The confusion is because spirit beings are neither male NOR female, per se; they are a species that is "complete"... male AND female (kind of hermaphrodite-y, but that is a human/physical condition). So both male AND female associations apply.

    JW teach that chapter 9 is christ words, but they had to change the bible to make that happen.

    Okay, far be it from ME to defend ANYTHING the WTBTS does/has done... but the truth is that they haven't done anything more than others who deign to translate the Bible have done. EVERY version that you read has added something, removed something, corrected something, or misstated something. Every one. Which is why there are so many. If they all agreed, they would all say EXACTLY the same thing, using EXACTLY the same words. Right? But each one disagrees with SOMETHING the others have... or attempts to state it better, more accurate, etc.

    And in this case, the NWT is right (okay, there, I said it). The Hebrew stated:

    "Wisdom has built house, has made/dug/hewn (etc.) seven pillars."

    There was no "her" or "she". Those words are ASSUMED... because the Hebrew word for "wisdom" is a FEMININE noun. So the ASSUMPTION is that the reference is to a "female" entity. But that's not really the case. That "wisdom" is a feminine WORD does not mean it refers to a woman. It can very well refer to a masculine entity. A very good example, again, is the name/term "Satan". In Spanish (which derives from Latin)... it is a FEMININE word. If what many believe is true as to WISDOM... that the word denotes a FEMALE... then the same holds true for "Satan"... and in that light, he, too, is female. A woman.

    Which is why:

    1. He (Satan) is sometimes depicted as a woman in ancient paintings; one, as the "serpent" in the tree in "Eden", and another in Da Vinci's "Last Supper" to name a couple (that isn't Mary the Magdalene, as Dan Brown suggests... but Judas, with the "female" essence of Satan, who had "entered into him", depicted); and

    2. Why Islamics (and for quite some time and even in some circles today "christians") SO look down on women (i.e., not just because of Eve, but because of the female "influence" which, for millennia, was believed to be "evil."

    NWT in chapter 7 it refers to wisdom as "you are my sister".

    Okay, dear one, here I have to share with you how my Lord has taught me think and "see". Just as in English many words in other languages have other meanings. Sometimes, many other meanings. What one HAS to know is the CONTEXT in which the word was used... in order to know WHICH definition was meant. Looking at the Hebrew word for "sister"... achowth... for example, you have all of the following possibilities (and possibly others):

    1) sister

    a) sister (same parents)

    b) half-sister (same father)

    c) relative

    1) (metaph) of Israel's and Judah"s relationship

    d) beloved

    1) bride

    e) (fig.) of intimate connection

    f) another

    Wisdom, however, cannot literally be a "sister", so the word has to be used in the context of some kind of relationship, yes? For example, "(e) (fig.) of intimate connection." What is occurring at Proverbs 7:1-4 is that the Holy One of Israel is teaching Christ... and HERE, instructing him to have an intimate connection... with wisdom. How can we know this? Because the word for "wisdom" HERE (chokmah - Strong's H2451) is NOT the same as the word for "Wisdom" used at Proverbs 9:1 (chokmowth - Strong's H2454).

    The first refers to wisdom such as shrewdness, prudence, etc. The second, pretty much just wisdom. But it goes further: the first word (chokmah) is the etymological root of the second word (chokmowth); however, the root of chokmah, the first word... is "chakam) (Strong's H2449), which means:

    1) to be wise

    a) (Qal) to be or become wise, act wisely

    b) (Piel) to make wise, teach wisdom, instruct

    c) (Pual) to be made wise

    d) (Hiphil) to make wise

    e) (Hithpael) to show oneself wise, deceive, show one's wisdom

    So that, in the instance of Proverbs 7:4 Christ is being admonished to be wise, to have a close relationship with wisdom, shrewdness, prudence, etc. To be WISE, ACT WISELY, etc. Whereas, in the instance of Proverbs 9:1... HE is wisdom... at least, as far as MAN is concerned.

    then it stays in the female persona until chapter 8. then the "wisdom" female persona changes to an "IT". around chapter 8:12 "Wisdom" begins talking. then the JW's claim it's Christ because verses 22-36 "could only be Christ". try reading the passage as if it is talking about "wisdom". it makes very good sense.

    It makes very good sense because it's the truth, dear one. But this is why one needs HIM to explain what's occurring and who is being spoken of and in which context.

    other bibles stay in the female persona the whole time.

    Yes, which is not WRONG, but is inaccurate. They are not the same thing. Because the WORD is feminine. So staying in the persona is not necessarily wrong. BUT... because of the CONTEXT... it is inaccurate. The word very well could denote a feminine entity; but here, it does not. In either case.

    so the question is, is there a created being called "Wisdom" who has a feminine persona?

    No. There is the Son... whose feminine quality of wisdom (and there are male qualities, as well)... which was greatly DEVELOPED by his training from the Father... results in his being denoted as Wisdom. Just he is denoted as "the Way." And "the Truth. And "the Life. And "the Light." And "the Day". And "the Spirit." And "the Word." And "the Door." And "the narrow gate." And... and... and... And that is the POINT: HE is all of things. Him... and no one else. When one finally GETS that... one starts to begin to SEE him.

    the "Book of Enoch" CLEARLY backs this up.

    Yes, and Jews believe the "shekinah" Light to be female. But that, too, is Christ: the Light. As a spirit, HE is the one who lead Israel out of Egypt... and who was their rear guard. Again, it's not wrong, given my Lord's feminine qualities (such as wisdom)... but it's inaccurate. And Enoch depicts him this way for the same reason various Bible's do. It is no more intact that any of the other writings upon which man has set his hands.

    did Christ create everything or did Almighty God?

    The Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies... created everything. Except Christ. My Lord is not a "creation", but a Son (of Sarah, which is not the same as the son of Hagar). The Most Holy One of Israel USED this Son... to create... EVERYTHING... else. Everything. Everything was created FOR him... by MEANS of him... and THROUGH him. One example I can use (and I have before) is sourdough. Think of JAH as the baker... and Christ as the "mother dough." Every other loaf has to have a bit of that mother dough in it to be "sourdough."

    Or, better yet, I can use the example my Lord himself gave when he denoted JAH as a cultivator (gardener)... and himself as the True Vine. John 15:1. JAH planted the vine... and everything else grew FROM that vine. Yet, the vine didn't MAKE the branches; they are a PART of the vine. It was the Father, however, who planted the original Seed... so that the vine came into existence. And from that vine, everything else is pretty much a "cutting."

    how did the gospel writers get the information about the temptations of Christ in the wilderness after his baptism? did he tell them? seems like an odd story to tell it's a story that should only be told by someone else who witness the events, not Christ telling his Apostle how he outsmarted the devil and then they wrote it down. it just doesn't flow with christs ways. i could be wrong...

    But he did, dear one. He kept no secrets from them. Although he may not have told them everything right away, eventually he shared with them. All that they could bear at the time, at least. I asked about something similar (how they could write about what he prayed about if he went off a distance. Could they hear him? Did he later reveal it to them (as the Holy Spirit) and if that was the case, what of his words to me that they weren't "in spirit" when they wrote? And his answer was that he did tell them, that it was not something they wouldn't have put faith in because they KNEW him and knew he wouldn't lie about something like that.

    His words were that he didn't tell them in order to brag about himself or his "strength"... but that he HAD to tell them what he had endured because they would undergo similar "tests" by the Adversary. (Luke 22:31) What kind of a leader would he have been, having been tested by his (and his friends') enemy... and not share with them what those tests consisted of... and how HE was able to prevail? We also know that his disciples were curious and even asked impetuous, if not impertinent questions of him, virtually all of which he answered. It would be unreasonable to think that he disappeared for 40 days, with no food or water... and then, upon returning, no one asked him where he had been. PETER would have asked, for certain.

    how did Peter know what moses and elijah looked like to be able to identify them at the transfiguration?

    I started to respond that I did not know (truly, I didn't) and move on to the next question... and then my Lord answered. He said that he had "prepared" them on the way up the mountain, that he told them why he was going. Which is why no one was scared or shocked at what they saw (remember, psychics and mediums... and raising up the spirits of the "dead"... was forbidden. They could have been stumbled. But he had prepared them and they trusted and had faith in him, as the Son of God). He said that he could tell that they were skeptical when he told them where they were going and why, but they were also curious... and excited about the possibility. So, they went without question.

    what is judas's fate? he killed himself and i think that shows remorse and one of the 12 had to betray, so is he delt mercy at all?

    I truly do not know, dear one; it has not been revealed to me... and I have asked. I feel as you do (and I do know that JAH shows mercy to whomever He shows it). I know one thing... that he will be resurrected (because even the unrighteous are resurrected). But... also remember that our Lord is recorded as saying, to the Father, "I have not lost one... EXCEPT the son of destruction." I do not know, however, if that refers to Judas... or Belial (Satan). I have not heard. This particular matter has been veiled to me. And so I've left it alone. JAH withholds nothing from us that we NEED... and so apparently I don't NEED to know this matter. It's none of my business. And I'm totally okay with that, particularly in light of all that I HAVE been given.

    did the human appointment of Matthias have any credit with Christ? does judas get to keep his throne or crown in heaven?

    Matthias not only had great credit, but did replace Judas, by direction of my Lord (some think Paul did, but Paul was NEVER one of the "Twelve". Ever.). Even if Judas is resurrected to life (vs. to judgment), which could occur because the prophecy is that ALL Israel will be saved (which is why my question as to who the "son" of "Destruction" is)... he will not receive a crown or throne. That I DO know...

    do Angels show themselves to us at all today?

    Yes. They manifest as "able-bodied men"... meaning flesh with its blood. Both good angels and bad angels do so.

    are "UFO's" demons or angels or something else?

    I cannot respond to that one, dear one. I have not been granted leave to share what has been given me on that subject. If I ever I am permitted, I most certainly will. But I can say that it has nothing to do with, say, the "aliens" of, what, the "Outer Limits", "War of the Worlds," or some such melarkey.

    crop circles? anything important about those?

    You mean other than some university nerds dropping in and crushing the fields with long planks controlled and maneuvered by ropes? And in "awe-inspiring" patterns? Which, IMHO, is nothing more than new age "art"? Not that I know of, dear one. The Most Holy One of Israel doesn't communicate with man through inexplicable symbols in fields or on the faces of planets... He communicates through His Son. Who speaks. Directly, if one is listening.

    thanks for your response.

    You are QUITE welcome! Again, I am YOUR servant and so the privilege is mine!

    i am listening as closely as i can and i think i might be "getting it". i just didn't understand what to listen for and i didn't believe it was possible before.

    Faith is the beginning, dear one, and just the fact that you now think you CAN... is a great start! A GREAT start! You just have to get to the point where you KNOW you can... even if you aren't "hearing" anything... yet. Because if you know you CAN... then the next step is knowing you WILL. Even if it doesn't happen "right away."

    i still haven't washed any feet yet. i did re-read the account and i think when i try it, the ones i do it to should be as suprised as the apostles were.

    They will be. And some won't let you; it's "uncomfortable" to them, for several reasons, including the obvious (i.e., old pedicure, if one at all - LOL!). And very humbling. But it's not about having it done - other than for purposes of the union between you and the other person... in Christ ("You have no sharing with me unless I wash YOUR feet.") It's about DOING it TO others. It is a real lesson in humility; not a sort of real, or pseudo real, or quasi real. Real. BUT... it is also one of the greatest "privileges" (as the spirit in you will show)... one could ever experience. It is indescribable, actually.

    it's just an odd thing to do to your friends in the 2011's. but faithful in least, right!

    It is, yes... and faithful in much, yes! Sometimes it helps to show them what Christ said about the matter. Keep in mind, though, that not all will "receive" it. No worries - it is not FOR all, dear one. That doesn't mean those who don't want it aren't "worthy," though. NONE of us are worthy (hence, UNdeserved kindness... and MERCY). Your love shouldn't "fail" for these, either, not at all.

    i noticed the dogs have stopped. much more peaceful now.

    Yes. For now they appear to be sleeping, so we'll just let them lay, shall we? LOLOLOL!

    talk to you soon.

    I look forward to it. I must let you know, though, that my schedule right now is a little... shall we say... "iffy"? If I don't get right back to you, I ask your patience. If I take too long (say, more than 3-4 days/a week... PM me? That'll help.

    Again, the greatest of love and peace to you!

    YOUR servant, as I am servant to ALL those of the Household of God, Israel, and those who go with... and a slave of Christ,


  • PSacramento

    One thingg Shel, Satan in spanish is much the same as in portuguese, Satanas or Satana with the apporpriate accent that I can't add sinc emy keyboard is on English.

    Love your posts as always :)

  • SixofNine

    I am very glad that you’re not letting the little dogs distract you.

    such a sweet innocent lady. Only the best of intentions here on JWD.

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