I'm new to the whole JW religion - Can someone please explain the basics?

by Jackals 70 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Maze
    a person who is intolerant of any ideas other than his or her own, esp on religion, politics, or race

    Jehovah's Witnesses have been tolerant and analytical of ideas other than their own when addressing this topic.

    g96 9/22 p. 5 Are We Predestined by Our Genes?

    What of Infidelity and Homosexuality?

    According to an article published in The Australian, some genetic research asserts that “infidelity is probably in our genes. . . . It appears that our cheating hearts are meant to be that way.” Just imagine what havoc this attitude could wreak on marriages and families by creating a loophole for anyone who wants to claim diminished responsibility for a promiscuous life-style!

    Regarding homosexuality, Newsweek magazine carried the headline “Born or Bred?” The article stated: “Science and psychiatry are struggling to make sense of new research that suggests that homosexuality may be a matter of genetics, not parenting. . . . In the gay community itself, many welcome the indication that gayness begins in the chromosomes.”

    The article then quotes Dr. Richard Pillard, who said: “A genetic component in sexual orientation says, ‘This is not a fault, and it’s not your fault.’” Further strengthening this “no fault” argument, Frederick Whitam, a researcher in homosexuality, observes that “there is a tendency for people, when told that homosexuality is biological, to heave a sigh of relief. It relieves the families and homosexuals of guilt. It also means that society doesn’t have to worry about things like gay teachers.”

    Sometimes, so-called evidence that homosexual tendencies are determined by genes is presented by the media as factual and conclusive rather than as a possibility and inconclusive.

    The New Statesman & Society magazine puts cold water on some of the flair for rhetoric: “The dazzled reader may well have overlooked the sketchiness of the actual hard physical evidence—or, indeed, the total absence of a basis for the scientifically egregious [flagrant] claim that promiscuity ‘is encoded in the male genes and imprinted on the male brain’s circuitboard.’” In their book Cracking the Code, David Suzuki and Joseph Levine add their concern about current genetic research: “While it is possible to argue that genes influence behavior in a general sense, it is quite another matter to show that a specific gene—or pair of genes, or even a score of genes—actually control specific details of an animal’s responses to its environment. At this point, it is fair to ask whether anyone has found, in the strict molecular sense of locating and manipulating, any stretches of DNA that affect specific behaviors predictably."

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep


    If not, what are you saying?

    I'm just stating your apocalyptic doctrine without touchy-feely fluff to make it appear to be something it isn't. If you want to refute it, go start another thread.

    A warning Jack. JWs are experts and changing the subject when confronted with questions they don't like.

    Your BF might try it too. If he does, try to keep him honest and on topic so that he has to confront issues he would normally be able to blank out and not think about. I wish someone had done that for me in my youth.



    Jehovah's Witnesses have been tolerant and analytical of ideas other than their own when addressing this topic.....Alice/Maze

    Jehovah`s Witness`s are so tolerant..

    They support an organization that intends to exterminate anyone who isn`t a JW ..

    Your still a Moron..


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep



    From your own official website


    The Bible is clear: God does not approve of or condone homosexual practices. He also disapproves of people who “consent with those practicing them.” (Romans 1:32) And “marriage” cannot give homosexuality a cloak of respectability. God’s direction that “marriage be honorable among all” precludes homosexual unions, which he considers detestable.—Hebrews 13:4.

  • EntirelyPossible

    Maze, thanks for the plug!

  • OnTheWayOut

    If your boyfriend is a gay JW, he's either "in the closet" with the religion or he's been kicked out, or else he isn't fully a JW. If he is fully a JW and hasn't been kicked out, he'll have to keep you in the closet too.

    If your inquiry is legit, then RUN RUN RUN away from this guy going back and forth from trying to get right with Jehovah and then getting right with you. JW's do not tolerate homosexuality. To be fair, they don't tolerate any sex outside of marriage. There's no sense in learning anything more about JW's for his sake because if he remains with them, you are out. If you are in, JW's are out for him.

    If you really must learn, read http://www.jwfacts.com/watchtower/15-minute-guide-to-truth.php.

    To be fair, they don't tolerate any sex outside of marriage.....OTWO

    To be fair they don`t tolerate much sex in a marriage..



  • EntirelyPossible

    Neither did my ex, outlaw.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Jackals, it might help to know also that the JW religion is for the most part not based on truth, but speculation.

    An example: Each congregation is distributing prior to its' district convention a tract entitled "WILL HUMANS RUIN THIS EARTH".

    A great deal of anticipation is being generated as though 'new light' is going to be revealed about who the 'toes' belonging to the immense image in Daniel's prophesy at Daniel chapter 2 applies to.

    Truth is there is no 'new light'. Everything is just a ruse or scare tactic of the JW organization in order to increase attendance at the conventions.

    You'll find out for yourself that the 'Society' is a very deceptive organization. Beware!

  • Philadelphia Ponos
    Philadelphia Ponos
    From where in the bible can it be quoted that I will not be forgiven for being gay?

    If you are not seeking any forgiveness, how can you be forgiven? In order to be forgiven you have to stop being gay by no longer acting on your gay desires. The fact that you countinue to act on your unatural desires is why you will not be forgiven.

    1 Corinthians 6: 9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.

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