What say you Christians ???

by wobble 277 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • godrulz

    It sounds like you are talking down to me. It is highly problematic to any concept of love, truth, righteousness, freedom, relationship, justice for God to only pick some to be saved for no other reason than arbitrary decree. TULIP is not a biblical view.

    If you are right about determinism (and you are not), it will not matter at all if you are wrong in your Christology. Is there a reason you refuse to glorify Christ by sharing your view of who He is? If asked, I will not hesitate to defend and proclaim my biblical views.

    Who is Jesus? I don't care about your soteriology if your Christology is defective.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog

    I've been glorifying God/Christ. But you are to full of yourself to see it.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog

    Just to put your mind at ease, I believe that Jesus is I AM

  • beenthere26yr

    For several years I was the fire chief for our small town fire department and every year we had the 1st grade class visit the fire hall for the big fire safety lecture. I always had to ask the question "If your clothes catch on fire, then what?" They always all knew the answer (Stop, Drop & Roll) and they would all raise their hand to answer. I had to pick just one to respond and one year the boy I called on simply said "You're probably gonna die!"

    So it is with sin, "You're prpbably gonna die" and I'm sure one of the scripture quoters here can direct you to the one that says that there is not one without sin.

    As for the JW's, if arrogance is a sin, "They're probably gonna die."

  • godrulz

    Right on, Jesus is Jehovah! Were you ever a JW? Do you like Piper, Sproul, Packer, Lloyd-Jones, F.F. Bruce, Edwards, etc.? I do....

  • godrulz

    Rom. 1-3 establishes man's universal condemnation due to sin. All men are sinners without excuse in need of a sinless Savior. Thankfully, He has provided justification in Christ for those who believe (Rom. 4-5). Heaven is not limited to JW 144K elite nor Calvinistic elite elect (limited atonement with non-elect unable/unwilling to respond to a persuasive gospel presentation that God honestly intends to use for the conversion of all those who are willing to come on His terms).

  • beenthere26yr

    So you accept Christ and are babtized to clense you of your sins........ and probably before you get out the door you already have a new sin under your belt...... unless you drowned being babtized you still have sins to die for

  • godrulz

    Baptism does not cleanse from sin. Justification is forensic and means we are declared righteous, just as if we never sinned, based on grace and the person and work of Christ. It deals with the penalty of sin. Sanctification deals with the power of sin and is a progressive work by the Holy Spirit in the believer's life. We do not become sinless in ourselves, but there is provision if we do sin (I Jn. 1:9....confess, repent, obey...same blood of Christ). Glorification will ultimately remove us from the presence of sin when we are resurrected with new bodies in the presence of God. All is the work of God, but not without a cooperative element based on relationship.

  • beenthere26yr

    Through his undeserved kindness we are saved. Yes confess, repent, obey and sin again. Still undeserved.

  • godrulz

    Jn. 1:12; Jn. 3:16; Rom. 1:16; Rom. 10:9-10; Eph. 2:8-10; Titus 3:5; I Jn. 5:11-13 (grace through faith, not by works). 26yr. What was your experience with WT and where are you at now?

    I imagine JWs deflect many verses as applying only to supposed 144K anointed. This is a lie robbing people of truth and hope. Unless anybody is born again, they cannot even see the Kingdom/King (NWT paraphrase Jn. 3:3).

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