To My Fellow Atheists...

by Pika_Chu 77 Replies latest social humour

  • PSacramento


    I can respect that opinon 100%, I know, I was there too.

  • Pika_Chu

    @Psac: alrighty. But I get the impression you think I'm some sort of lost soul or something. Lol.

    By the way, anyone else want to comment on that site...?

  • sabastious

    I had an experience that solidified my belief in God two days ago.

    It happened within a train of thought. I was thinking about my reasons for living and it suddenly occured to me, in glorious simplicity, that I have reaons to live. Why should there be a reason to live? Why not just accept the life given to you? What is life worth on it's own? If I remove myself from my "reasons to live" list do I fade away like dust in the wind?

    And the answer is I did imagine myself without them and I didn't fade away into the wind. Even without my "reasons" I still exist and therefore have a right to exist. Life is a gift and a gift, by nature, has to given to meby someone. The fact that I have life means that God exists because life is a gift. I accept it freely and graciously and take responsibility for the powerful tools bestowed upon me.

    For me that is unequivocal evidence that God exists and has some sort of intricate connection to me, and I suspect, every other human that has existed, which includes you Pika_Chu.


  • tec

    It isn't just about believing if God exists or not. It is about believing IN Him. In what He stands for. In what He teaches. In what He is.

    Most people don't like to be told what to do. (actually, some people do like this, but following rules doesn't mean anything, if you don't believe in what you are doing first. You are bound to break those rules, because they aren't a part of you. They are outside of you, and not inside you).

    The change has to happen within us for it be a true change... not just people following rules for the sake of reward or punishment. It might start out that way sometimes, to teach the difference between right and wrong, but love has to BECOME the light inside of us. Christ is that light, and for those who know him, that light lives within them. Some never have a chance to really accept or believe in him, BUT, some are a law unto themselves - those who have the requirements of the law seared onto the consciences and hearts.



  • sabastious

    Jesus said the greatest commands are love God and love yourself and your neighbor. There is a first step to that and it involves accepting the gift of my life, with nothing attached to it. Loving yourself (in a non egoic way) is a prerequisite to loving God and your neighbor.


  • PSacramento
    @Psac: alrighty. But I get the impression you think I'm some sort of lost soul or something. Lol.

    You are asking questions and you are searching for the truth, your soul is not lost my friend, far from it :)

  • PSacramento


    ARe you being truthful or just trying to make some point that I am not bright enough to get?

  • Pika_Chu

    @Sab and Tammy: Thank you for the thoughtful words. But I believe love is purely the result of empathy created in the brain, and life (as we know it, anyway), is a mixture of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, etc. No offence, but that's just how I look at things. And, Sab, what you said was interesting. Things can and do exist without APPARENT reason, but I don't think god should be just this hard to prove. I don't think I'm being stubborn, but I don't see reasons to believe he exists. I know you exist and I don't have to be proven that. Then again, you readily interact with me. It strikes me as very odd that god does not interact with people (at least, not the way I see it). I God who doesn't act like he's there may as well not exist. Again, no offence, but this is merely my perspective.

  • Pika_Chu

    By the way, I do not reject all the concepts of Christianity. Just the idea of the Christian God. Like I said in another thread created by Wobble, I live my life loving others and "turning the other cheek." I also believe that all of us, Christian, Atheist, etc., are all just searching for the real truth to life's biggest questions anyway. Having said that, I think this is something that should unite humanity, not tear it apart, like it has done, historically. But that's not JUST religion. People will hate each other, people will love each other, most of us don't even no each other or ourselves...

  • Pika_Chu

    whoops, sorry, another thought here: I agree with Tammy that reward should not be the basis of morals. Love should. I don't believe in God, but I believe in love. I don't think this love comes from him though.

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