How evangelicals and Witnesses are alike

by jgnat 93 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    jgnat if we don't know any Muslims or Jews personally then I have to say their behaviour in the news does not represent their faith very well. So unless they want to share their beliefs with me. I can't say I am drawn to really want to find out about their beliefs or religion. I know this isn't a fair representation for all. But it is what I see while their thoughts remain their own.

  • jgnat

    I count a sweet and compassionate Muslim as a friend. A Sikh, too. The danger of limiting ourselves to filtered information:

  • godrulz

    My neighbors are good Muslims and I have good friendship with them. I do not try to convert them, but I would if they were open. Behavior is not the issue (except in works based religions, the antithesis of grace/faith alone Christianity). The followers of Jim Jones did good works, but they ended up dead and far from God. False gods are cruel. Religion is Satan's idea, whereas relationship with God is the only way to go (heart vs externals).

    Acts 16:31 I am not sure why jg would quibble about believing on the Lord Jesus to be saved (Jn. 3:16, basic as it gets; you can't embrace Jn. 3:16 and reject Jn. 3:36 cf. I Jn. 5:11-13). There is no merit or wisdom in telling people that all roads lead to God if they do not (mutually exclusive, diametrically opposed views are not equally true/salvific; most religions have more differences than things in common). Perhaps my distinction between behavioral and redemptive truth is a word of knowledge from the Spirit?

  • jgnat

    I don't quibble. I'm done. Good night.

  • godrulz

    Good night, sleep tight, don't let the AB bed bugs bite. God bless, mystery lady.

  • Terra Incognita
    Terra Incognita

    Satinka; Post #241:

    If only these religious zealots could see their repulsive


    Satinka; can turds smell each other?

    Godrulz; Post #302:

    "Cofty: revelation>reason; men will not apprehend spiritual reality/invisible God with raw reason alone. Christianity is the only rational world view that explains reality."

    Godrulz; don't you realize that reason and rational are derived from the same word? How can Christianity be "rational" if "reason" by itself cannot explain the most important element of its religion-that is God?

    Godrulz; Post #305:

    Godrulz; may I call you God for short? What you are doing is trying to convert people to your way of living. This is what the Jehovah's Witnesses do. It is irrelevant, for this particular point, that whether there is an organization or not.

    Deputy Dog; Post #4558:

    "I don't know what "evangelical church" you attend or attended, but


    all the ones I've ever attended, agree with the bible. Which teaches


    we are condemned because we are sinners nothing else."

    Deputy Dog; it is obvious to anyone who has associated with Pentecostals and Baptists, as I have, that lack of belief in certain doctrines would indicate a lack of salvation. Would you believe that a person who "has accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior" will really be saved if . . .

    • He does not believe in the Trinity?
    • Or in Hell as a place of eternal torment or alienation from God?
    • Believes in spontaneous evolution in which God simply created the raw materials of the Universe and left them alone to spontaneously evolve; without further guidance from the moment of the Big Bang?
    • Believes that Jesus came to North America, after his resurrection, in order to convert the native population?
    • Doesn't believe himself that these beliefs, just mentioned, have to be accepted in order to be saved?

  • godrulz

    The existence of God, Deity/resurrection of Christ, salvation by grace/faith vs works are salvific, essential issues. Trinity, hell, creationism, (forget Mormonism), etc. are not so much. If one rejects God and Christ, they cannot be saved (sorry atheists/godless).

  • xchange


    Thank you for your sentiments and concern for our welfare because of rejecting your god concept. My hope for you is that you will make it through Ragnarökr. Please, for your sake, do not reject Odin or Thor. In fact, appease them so you can be saved. For if one rejects Odin., et al., - they cannot be saved - sorry. (Of course the gods will be destroyed at Ragnarökr but you could be one of the lucky survivors.)

    I'll shout out some good vibes to the universe for your soul.

  • InterestedOne

    Yes, godrulz, acceptance of Odin is salvific.

  • godrulz

    There is a big difference between following YHWH, the Living God, and false idols/gods/demons. Are you using the retarded atheistic Flying Spaghetti Monster argument (it is fallacious that there is the same evidence for God as the FSM)?

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