How evangelicals and Witnesses are alike

by jgnat 93 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • godrulz

    There are better exegetes/commentators than me, but veerrryyy funnny. Are we all hear to learn from each other (test our beliefs under scrutiny and change when necessary) or are we here to mock? We can all give our opinion on Scripture, but I trust it is an informed one.

    Gen. 1:1 I believe it at face value, as well as Jn. 1:1; Jn. 3:16; Genesis to Revelation (but it must be correctly translated/interpreted). I am not infallible, right about many things, wrong about other things. I am dogmatic about things that are clear and vital in Scripture: existence of God, person and work of Jesus, salvation by grace through faith, etc. I have not solved all eschatological (end time) mysteries, but have an informed opinion about that to. We all do theology, but some do it well, and others do it poorly.

  • satinka

    Jgnat wrote:

    This thread was a direct result of an insensitive evangelist (godrulz) who sees himself at the vanguard of a great army (or perhaps a small team here on JWN) to save the "lost". His crass approach brought to mind the prejudices that can keep people apart - away from true dialogue - because they cannot see their commonality. More foolish us.

    I also see godrulz as crass and transparent. He/she/it would like to see ex-JWs to exchange one set of mind control for his/her/its version of "mind control." It feels like the ex-husband butting in to attend my group therapy session. It feels invasive and dis-respectful. I wish he/she/it would go away. After leaving the jws, I see the religious patterns being used. I will never --- could never --- join another religious organization!

    If only these religious zealots could see their repulsive commonality!


  • godrulz

    I am not trying to get people to join another organization (where have I done that)? I am trying to get people to follow Jesus as God, Lord, Savior, since this is the only way to abundant/eternal life, by His own words (confirmed by rising from the dead). It is a shame the WT has turned people away from God, but that will not be an excuse on Judgment Day (and we will all stand there in or outside of Christ, Redeemer or Judge). Feel free to ignore me, but don't try to muzzle me (I obey God, not man). Dislike me and my approach, but do something with the claims of Christ on our lives (receive or reject Him from an informed position).

    It is not mind control to respond to God's drawing and truth. Don't confuse free will Christianity with controlling cults. Just because you guys were burned by a cult does not mean there is not a true God and churches that reflect His ways and will (freedom vs bondage).

  • satinka

    sounds like religion to me...godrulz!


  • cofty

    Just because you guys were burned by a cult does not mean there is not a true God

    Like many people here we reject the concepet of god for good reason based on a calm and thorough investigation of facts, nothing to do with being burned by a cult. I was an evangelical christian for almost a decade and I know exactly what you mean by not having a religion but rather a personal relationship with god. Its a delusion. I know this for the same reasons I know the Watchtower are full of BS - rationality v wishful thinking

    I am not trying to get people to join another organization (where have I done that)?
    I am trying to get people to follow Jesus as God, Lord, Savior....godRulz

    I`ve Watched you

    You dimiss all the other Christians..

    For you Christianity is..

    You are probably one of the least Christian-Like people I`ve seen on JWN..

    You could learn from the Real Christians we have here..

    ....................... ...OUTLAW

  • godrulz

    Why is it my way or the highway when I quote Jesus' words in Jn. 3:16. Your beef is with Jesus/Bible, but you are wrongly impugning me (which is not an excuse when you stand before Jesus vs me).

    Cofty: revelation>reason; men will not apprehend spiritual reality/invisible God with raw reason alone. Christianity is the only rational world view that explains reality.

  • cofty

    Cofty: revelation>reason; men will not apprehend spiritual reality/invisible God with raw reason alone. Christianity is the only rational world view that explains reality.

    But it should at least be compatible with reason - its not. How exactly does christianity explain reality?

    Why is it my way or the highway when I quote Jesus' words in Jn. 3:16. Your beef is with Jesus/Bible,
    but you are wrongly impugning me (which is not an excuse when you stand before Jesus vs me)....godrulz

    My post didn`t include your quote from the bible,so why use it?..

    Using the Bible to deflect your UnChristian Behaviour,is a Strawman..

    Saying I have a Beef with Jesus,is just more BullShit..

    If Bullshit is all you have to offer..

    I can see why the Real Christains here,don`t take you seriously..

    Real Christians are about following Jesus..

    Not some Bible Thumping 1/2 Wit..

    Who claims Superiority,over his Fellow Christians..

    ....................... ...OUTLAW

  • godrulz

    The Christian worldview explains creation (something does not come from nothing), life, intelligence, morals, etc. The key point is the existence of God (theism) vs atheism. One we embrace theism, then we have to ascertain what is truth on the details about who Christ is, what He has done, what He expects of us, etc.

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