I don't get this...Jesus' birth and death

by poopsiecakes 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    What these two titans of logic and critical thinking have proved, ladies and gentlemen (I need a sarcasm smiley), is that the bible is a very unreliable source for information about even the most basic details about Jesus.

    That, and crazy people shouldn't be allowed internet access.

  • kurtbethel

    How many angels really can dance on the head of a pin?

    angels pin head

  • Larsinger58

    So please explain this to me. A noon time trial followed by a third-hour impalement followed by a noon-time darkness, all on the same day. That's what you need to explain. How can all this happen on one day? His trial is at noon. It gets dark at noon and lots of things happen in between. So what's going on per your interpretation/explanation. I'm curious. It seems to me you need two days here. You apparently get past this in some way, I'm just wondering how you do that.

    I have no comment.

    Precisely. Just my point. It doesn't work.

    So let's go over your timeline. You think Jesus eats the passover meal on Nisan 14th. After that night Jesus gets arrested. It is still Nisan 14th per your understanding.

    Jesus was taken to the Sanhedrin right at sunrise. After that, he is seen first by Pilate, then sent to Herod, who returns Jesus to Pilate that same morning. Jesus' final trial before Pilate is at noon. He then dies at 3 p.m.

    That's what is in your mind. But Jesus was impaled at the "third hour" which is 9 o'clock in the morning or at night. So according to the Bible, after his trial at noon, he wasn't impaled until 9 p.m. that night. That's impossible because after sunset on Nisan 14th, it becomes the sabbath. They do not impale anyone on a sabbath day.

    Further, the Bible says after he was impaled that it got totally dark at noon for three hours.

    So the bottom line is, the trial had to be the day before his death. There is no other way around it and I see you have no explanation for it, because there is none. His death on Nisan 14 is a false teaching. Plain and simple.


  • cantleave

    Ohhhh I missed this thread!!

    Lars and Idiotnog - having an argy bargy!

    Idiotnog gets his arsed kicked here too.

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