Earthquakes Earthquakes and more Earthquakes

by sizemik 185 Replies latest jw friends

  • sizemik

    Obviously they are being allowed to live too long . . .

    We may have to arrange a cull . . .

  • transhuman68

    Its all just sex drugs and rock & roll in NZ. Hmmm.... maybe too much rock & roll...

  • finallysomepride


    you been watching to many imported nz tv shows

    amazing wat u see on country calendar

  • finallysomepride

    The fun never stops in Christchurch

  • sizemik

    Just an update for those interested . . .

    Since Sept 4th 2010 there have been 10,115 quakes. We've felt probably about half of them. It needs about a 4.0+ to wake us at night and about a 5.0+ to notice while driving. That's still an average of 11 per day felt. Sitting or lying down allows you to feel most of them. All up there have been 122 quakes at 4.5 or larger. The most recent were a 5.8, 5.3 and 6.0 on Dec 23rd 2011.

    This map reveals how the energy release has migrated east and off-shore.

    The first quake (7.1 Sept 4th 2010) was centred at Darfield on this map. The Feb 22nd (6.3) which took 181 lives was centred just south of the city centre.

    The easterly migration raises some concerns as there are a number of active faults in this region which have not responded to the new configuration, as can be seen here . . .

    Of course it may be decades before major movement offshore occurs . . . but it's a bit of a damoclean sword.

    The aftershock sequence has been described as both "typical" and "unusual" Typical, because it follows an expected aftershock pattern for this type of event. Unusual, because fault rupture sequences in faults which move every 15,000 to 25,000 years are seldom experienced.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    You bunch of rockers and shakers

    do you feel like a James Bond martini now....'shaken, not stirred'

  • sizemik

    Hello still . . . long time no see . . . painting over?

    People get more nervous now when it goes quiet LOL . . . and there's plenty of booze being scoffed.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I wish...*although I'm kinda enjoying it* gonna start painting the outside soon.

    Is that the latest excuse for scoffing booze? It's not bad. Better than the rugby Anyway, your mayor and his cronies can shout with their bonuses and pay rises.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    hi Size,

    I thought you were moving?

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    He keeps changing his mind BP...he's enjoying the ride down there

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