There's someone here who shouldn't be

by mrsjones5 86 Replies latest jw friends

  • jookbeard

    is there a link to this ?

  • spaceinvader

    You all are seriously fabulous! I'm LMWAO right now - and trust, Outlaw - I talk about my "white ass" all the time - try it, you'll like it!

    @Mrsjones5 - you know I'm new, but you have definitely been one of the people that has stood out to me on the different threads of this board - you are clearly an unbelievable woman with unmatched integrity, and someone to know!... the phrase "serious badass" comes to mind, and I assure you that is a HIGH compliment.

  • mrsjones5

    is there a link to this ?

    No link. I called my mother yesterday. She had been waiting a month to tell me this. As you might guess I don't speak to my mother often (it's better that way) even thought she lives only 5 minutes (drive time) away from me. I said hello and this mess was the first thing that popped out of her mouth. My mother is not too savvy when it comes to the internet so everything is Facebook and she thought I talking about the Menlo Park/ Cobb controversy on Facebook...which is not true. I think she got confused about where this person said I was online and I did nothing to correct the misunderstanding.

    The person who put a bug in my mother's ear is on Facebook (I just looked her up). I would never friend her and I'm glad that I have no friends who are friend with her.

    the phrase "serious badass" comes to mind, and I assure you that is a HIGH compliment.

    Spaceinvader, I have to say I really appreciate that. Thank you!

  • snowbird
  • mrsjones5

    Thank you Sylvia.

  • snowbird


    JW's paranoia is intensifying.


  • AGuest

    SURELY... this lurker (and certainly you, dear Tempter)... knew better'n t' mess 'wit Miz Jonesy??? If she didn't (and I assume it's a she), then as the saying goes, "She would want to [get a clue]."

    Dear Ms. Jones... girl. (Shakes head). The greatest of love and peace to you and yours, my sister! Girl, I'm a little angry at Mama: she should'a told Lurker, "That's my daughter, you talkin' 'bout, heffa. Get away from me with that mess." No problem: I'll say it for you.

    Dear Lurker... peace to you and some advice? Miz Jonesy ain't ascared of you (or anyone else for that matter), as you can see. What you did was reprehensible, especially if you call yourself a "true" JW (don't they have "laws" against gossip? And, yes, since Jonesy isn't a JW... it's absolutely gossip. Heck, it would still be gossip even if she were).

    If she was a JW... and you had an issue... then you should have revealed it "between you and [her] alone." Right? At least, that's what Christ is recorded to have said. That she is NOT... should have prompted you to... well, mind you own business. Right? The fact that you took something to her mother in this way, however... puts YOU, IMHO, in the Class of those who may be called "evil." In that light, you deserve whatever punches she gives you. I suggest you roll with them... and... if you have the heart (and cahones, and proper upbringing)... apologize.


    A slave of Christ,


  • watersprout


    Where have all these nasty little trolls appeared from? Like Lovelylill said must be a full moon!

    They all need to frick off or they will feel my wrath! I am an excellent cyber fighter! Lol

    Hope everything works out ok Josie


  • mrsjones5

    Dear Ms. Jones... girl. (Shakes head). The greatest of love and peace to you and yours, my sister! Girl, I'm a little angry at Mama: she should'a told Lurker, "That's my daughter, you talkin' 'bout, heffa. Get away from me with that mess." No problem: I'll say it for you.

    Shelby, is it too late for you to adopt me?

    Thank you Waterspout

  • AGuest
    Shelby, is it too late for you to adopt me?

    Wait, I thought I already had! LOLOLOLOLOL!

    Of COURSE it's not too late, dear girl. It's NEVER too late to take on a love one! Now, c'mon over here and give "Marmie" (which is what I will have my grandkids call me) a hug!! You, too, Mr. Jonesy (peace to you, my dear)... step up, son!

    LOLOLOLOL! Peace, children (and I can say that 'fo reelz, now)!

    SA, on her own...

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