Do JWs still believe in 1914?

by Iamallcool 125 Replies latest members private

  • jay88

    Are you suggesting that Jehovah's Witnesses should abandon all of their beliefs with respect to the year 1914, which would mean their giving up on 607 BC, on their interpretation of the "seven times" of Daniel 4:25, on the 2,520-year span of years separating the beginning of the appointed times of the nations and the fulfillment of these "seven times"? If so, we won't, but my question to you is why is it that these other Christian denominations can believe that Jesus is God and that God is triune, and whatever other things they choose to believe, and Jehovah's Witnesses cannot believe what they choose to believe?

    Is there is any semblance of honesty with this paragraph?

    You are Preaching to the choir, eggs.

    Please, for god sake stop defending them,....well unless you are on their payroll

    It is sad that you put so much energy into all of this.

  • djeggnog


    It is sad that you put so much energy into all of this.

    What do you mean? I suppose I put as much energy (if not less!) into my posts as you do in yours. If you are you actually trying to measure the amount of mental energy that I might be expending (maybe physical energy I spent when talking to my PC) in connection with my communications here on JWN, ok; do your thing. This would seem to be a waste of time for anyone to be doing, but it's your time to use as you please and my time to use as I please. I trust that you believe you are using your time wisely, because I always endeavor to use my time wisely. It may have taken me less than five minutes to dictate my previous post and 90 seconds to dictate this one, but I'm not measuring anything, and I cannot count any of the time I spend posting messages here, so I think you're just being a busybody since you are definitely off-topic.

    BTW, Jehovah's Witnesses do not have a choir, and if I am preaching to anyone, it isn't to those that have decided that they no longer wish to associate with us, whose choice I respect, but to those in fade who have not yet decided that they no longer wish to be in association with us and to those lurking this thread, who might be sitting on the proverbial fence as to whether they should more actively pursue their faith in God. We all have choices and so it is to them that I am preaching.


  • miseryloveselders

    BTW, Jehovah's Witnesses do not have a choir, and if I am preaching to anyone, it isn't to those that have decided that they no longer wish to associate with us, whose choice I respect, but to those in fade who have not yet decided that they no longer wish to be in association with us and to those lurking this thread, who might be sitting on the proverbial fence as to whether they should more actively pursue their faith in God. We all have choices and so it is to them that I am preaching.


    Please, please continue doing what you do.

  • jookbeard

    they certainly do have a choir FFS, a choir of brain dead uneducated masses that is only growing from the poor 3rd world countries, the choir from the Western world is going gradually silent disillusioned with the decades of lies,failed prophecy,membership of the UN,seeing their own brothers persecuted in Malawi yet brothers in Mexico were shown a complete double standard by the sickening filthy egotistical , superior attitude that their own GB has shown to this choir. This choir is slowly waking up and thew choir from wonderful so called Apostates are are singing to the Rank and File J Dubs and a new song , a song of exposing this dangerous high control cult in which millions are starting to hear the new song from the choir!

  • andrekish

    I am merely an interested observer who does believe whole heartedly in our Creator.

    As an interested 'casual' observer I can definitively state that all of Jehovah's Witnesses I have met here in he UK seem very much to believe that 1914 was the prescribed time for the beginning of the 'last days of this system'.

    And I still cannot see the flaws that many state are in the conclusions drawn by the witnesses. The scriptural evidence put forward by djeggnog is quite compelling actually.

    @djeggnog has offered more evidence to support statements made than anyone has offered evidence that they are wrong. Since Christ himself quoted Daniel it is hard to see how Daniel can be portrayed as a false prophet as some claim since Jesus probably would have mentioned this and corrected Daniel.

    The more postings I read on this site the more I suspect that Jehovah's Witnesses are indeed absolutely correct, even if they do appear totally mad when they are misquoted. I would rather have one of Jehovah's Witnesses as a friend and nieghbour than a soldier or politician so to all you Witnesses out there reading this: Good on you folks.

  • jookbeard

    interested observer my ass

  • poopsiecakes

    Are you suggesting that Jehovah's Witnesses should abandon all of their beliefs with respect to the year 1914, which would mean their giving up on 607 BC, on their interpretation of the "seven times" of Daniel 4:25, on the 2,520-year span of years separating the beginning of the appointed times of the nations and the fulfillment of these "seven times"? If so, we won't

    Dude, you just said a mouthful.

    Not to mention that now that they've abandoned the idea of the creative days lasting 7,000 years everything kinda falls apart.

  • palmtree67

    Are you suggesting that Jehovah's Witnesses should abandon all of their beliefs with respect to the year 1914, which would mean their giving up on 607 BC, on their interpretation of the "seven times" of Daniel 4:25, on the 2,520-year span of years separating the beginning of the appointed times of the nations and the fulfillment of these "seven times"?

    And don't forget - they'd also have to scrap the idea that they were specially chosen by God in that year.....whoopsy-daisy!!

  • therevealer

    egg said - If so, we won't, but my question to you is why is it that these other Christian denominations can believe that Jesus is God and that God is triune, and whatever other things they choose to believe, and Jehovah's Witnesses cannot believe what they choose to believe?

    You say "If so, we won't." Does this mean you are a gb member sneaking on here? Or if you speak as an individual jw and you feel that you can say such a thing with any weight to its veracity, then you are dillusional. Also I don't see anyone trying to tell witnesses what they can or can't believe. I just see people looking at what they believe and saying, like dude, you really think that makes any sense?

  • jay88

    The same folks who claim 1914 as relevant are the same folk who claim:

    1919 was the year that Christ examined world religions

    1935 seal of the 144,000 just to renege later, (faulty holy-spirit)

    1975 - this was the year that WTBTS endorsed the end of the world

    On yes and the waffling generation definition, .......

    As far any christian is concerned, the end times began with jesus death, any dates made after his death are of man's creation

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