I'm a clique of one...

by mrsjones5 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mr. Falcon
  • Mr. Falcon
  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Looks like a big crowd chiming in with the same situation, eh?

    I am much the same, and I attribute it to a couple of things:

    • I left a cult after nearly 40 years of association with no one else but cult-members.
    • When I left, I was late 40's. Tough time to go out and try and find new people to 'befriend'.
    • I was always a bit of a loner even on the 'inside' of the cult. My nature I suppose.

    To some extent, I credit my introverted nature to saving me from the cult eventually. I had enough time to myself to actually examine the matter carefully once I got the courage. And I didn't say a word to anyone before I knew the 'truth about the truth', which aided me to exit as an informed person.

    I am fiercely loyal to those I consider my friends. I have a lot of FB 'friends' but only know perhaps a couple dozen of them face to face. And the majority of those are relatives.

    I like being alone for the most part. Plus I am super-busy raising my grandkids, and that is pretty full-time.

    It is what it is.


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I'm a bit of a hermit myself.

    I have to push myself to go get some social contact.

    I take a quick look at Facebook maybe once a month and wouldn't have put a comment on it for over a year.

    I used it as a protection mechanism as a young kid and can easily let myself slip back into that pattern.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I'm a bit of a hermit myself.

    I have to push myself to go get some social contact.

    I take a quick look at Facebook maybe once a month and wouldn't have put a comment on it for over a year.

    I used it as a protection mechanism as a young kid and can easily let myself slip back into that pattern.

  • mrsjones5

    Josie, I met you at one of the Tahoefests. I noticed how difficult it was for me to talk to you and so I kind of gave up and focused on your beautiful children. I wondered why since your personality here seems like you are an easy going, fun yet thoughtful person. Thanks for explaining that for me. I get it.

    Ya know WhereWasI, I thought you were a lovely woman (still do) and I regret I didn't have enough time to get to know you better at Tahoe. We were only there for the day and I wish we could have stayed longer cuz it just wasn't enough time for me to really warm up to anyone. My husband is so much better at being a people person and sometimes I wish I was more like him.

    I'm glad to see I'm not the only loner...which is kinda ironic.
  • Snoozy

    Sometimes it's nice just to sit back and "People watch" as I like to call it..

    Sometimes I am a pain in the a** talker...lol

    Hugs, Snoozy

  • mrsjones5

    Sometimes it's nice just to sit back and "People watch" as I like to call it..

    You got that right. I love being an observer.

  • flipper

    Mrs. Jones - Like Mr. Rogers used to say on his show when we were kids - " I like you for just being you ! " LOL ! Nothing more, nothing less. I like the fact that you're an individualist or independent . I find many of the closer friends I've developed on this board ARE that way . It's a quality to be admired . My wife and I consider you, your husband and children as good friends. See you guys at Tahoe ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • SixofNine

    Can't wait for part II!

    I'll be in Vegas next week. ::howl::

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