Is this not an easy question?

by the pharmer 137 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • the pharmer
    the pharmer

    I wanted my JW friend's perspective on something, so I asked them this question:

    If I read a passage of scripture and conclude about it something that opposes the WT's view of the same passage, in your mind who has the truth about that passage (i.e. who is correct)?

    I thought this would have been an easy question for my friend to answer, but for whatever reason, two weeks have passed and it still remains unanswered (not even acknowledged).

    Can I get some feedback from some of you (realizing many of you are xJW) as to whether or not this would be an easy question to answer as a JW?

    I really don't mean it to be a deep question; take it for what it is asking.



  • zeroday*

    JW's must believe what they are told to believe by the Governing Body they are not allowed independent thinking and can not so much as question the least of their doctrines...

  • the pharmer
    the pharmer

    Zeroday, I understand that. So are you saying this is a difficult question for a JW to answer?

  • OnTheWayOut

    This is a piece of cake for a fully believing JW. His answer could include how the Bible is written in a way to make us think, but it's very difficult to understand without the guidance of Holy Spirit. We get some of that, but mainly we rely on the Faithful and Discreet slave to provide such guidance. So, reading a passage is insufficient. We have to read what the Watchtower says about that scripture and then we will see why they are right and we jumped to a conclusion.

    A really good JW would not even form an opinion on what a scriptural passage means until he reads what Watchtower tells him to believe it means.

    It's a cult.

  • zeroday*

    Considering how many times they have changed their doctrine I would say it is a difficult question. In all my 28 years on the inside I could not explain using the Bible only how they came to their conclusions concerning doctrine. They have used the same scriptures to prove then later disprove their own doctrine. The fact is they are fed what they believe is spiritual food and question nothing...

  • the pharmer
    the pharmer

    Thanks OnTheWayOut. Notice though, the question I asked this person does not require them to give me their opinion aout the passage of scripture (...that opposes the WT's view of the same passage...).

    So, with that in mind, do you think this is a difficult question for them to answer?

    (I'm not trying to be difficult here, I just am surprised that it remains unanswered after 2 weeks.)

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Keep on knocking and it shall be opened to you, ... keep on farting and laughter will follow....

    Ditto what zeroday said...

    Ask friend same point again nicely. Thought stopping and cognitive dissonance are preventing him arriving at a conclusion plus he knows its a trick question. Freedom of thought is something we only appreciate when we realise we dont have it. JW's by and large do not realise they dont have it, or else accept the company byline for giving it up or not desiring it in the 1st place.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Most would think they are in error. For the few that might conclude they have a better understanding than the spirit directed F&DS, they would wait patiently for the Slave to "catch up" instead of "running ahead" and espousing their own view.

  • jwfacts

    It is not an easy question for a JW to answer due to the way you have worded it. You ask "who has the truth"? It could be either/or. However, the real question for a JW is which opinion will you believe. Then the answer is easy - The Watchtower interpretation.

      "[Avoid] questioning the counsel that is provided by God's visible organization" Watchtower 1983 January 15 p.22 Avoid Independent Thinking

      "'Believe all things,' all the things that the Watchtower brings out" Qualified to be Ministers (1955) p.156
      "Beware of those who try to put forward their own contrary opinions." Watchtower 1986 March 15 p.17
      "... some who point out that the organization has had to make some adjustments before, and so they argue: "This shows that we have to make up our own mind on what to believe." This is independent thinking. Why is it so dangerous?" Watchtower 1983 January 15 p.22

      "The point is that Christians have implicit trust in their heavenly Father; they do not question what he tells them through his written Word and organization." Watchtower 1974 July 15 p.441
    Watchtower leaders consider truth less important than obedience.
  • the pharmer
    the pharmer

    Hmmm, I don't mean it to be a trick question though. I thought I could get a straight-forward and honest answer from them. It was via email, and I don't think there was any condescending tone. The whole email was this:

    I want you to help me understand your view about something.

    If I read a passage of scripture and conclude about it something that opposes the WT's view of the same passage, in your mind who has the truth about that passage (i.e. who is correct)?

    Any additional thoughts?

    (I appreciate all these comments!)

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