Is this not an easy question?

by the pharmer 137 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • the pharmer
    the pharmer

    lol...and entertaining (or not). :)

    Thanks jrk. I'm almost speechless (maybe people would prefer that! lol)

  • jgnat

    Like comparing a string of beads on a necklace to a jumble of beads. Both look nice, but only one is wearable. To the primitive who has never worn a necklace, both will appear the same.

  • the pharmer
    the pharmer


    I like that analogy!

  • the pharmer
    the pharmer

    For you djeggnog:

    Djeggnog...I don't want to sound rude, but...NO MORE NONSENSE! ...Please? :)

    Get back to addressing the conflicting statements you introduced in your answer to my original questions.

    Either reconcile all your conflicting information I pointed out, or show me how I am wrong that they conflict. Your failure to do so will just be evidence that you can't.


  • jgnat
  • the pharmer
    the pharmer


    That wasn't nonsense to me...thanks for sharing!

  • the pharmer
    the pharmer


    Not only have you been unable to reconcile your original conflicting statements (or been unable to show exactly how and why they don’t conflict), but you also have not addressed many of your mistakes or misinformation – some of which I have brought to your attention.

    I read comments from you in response to other people, where you tell them things like, “…perhaps you could benefit yourself by just going to a public library and doing a bit of reading up on this subject.”

    Yet, at the same time you boldly make statements and claims full of misinformation to me without addressing them once they’ve been pointed out.

    It doesn’t take much reading up on the subject you so confidently made claims about to me, to realize just how incomplete and incorrect your statements are. For example, you stated, “…there are no sharps in the A-minor scale.” If you assume that there is only one type of minor scale out there (natural minor), then in your mind you would think you are correct, but in reality you are incomplete. All I would have to do to show how incorrect your statement is, would be to ask you in terms of A-minor, “how many sharps are in the harmonic minor scale” or “how many sharps are in the melodic minor when ascending?” I could take it a step further and ask you what the difference is between an ascending A-melodic minor and the A-Major scale.


    Please reconcile your original conflicting statements and address your additional mistakes/misinformation.



  • the pharmer
    the pharmer

    To djeggnog (and anyone else who believes he was correct on his music theory), let me clear it up for you. (I believe the way in which he handles himself on this matter provides a certain amount of evidence and might be relevant to other areas as well.)

    Minor keys are not as straight forward as major keys, because there are 3 types of minor scales -- natural, harmonic, and melodic. Because minor keys have these three variations, when speaking of the key of A-minor, all three types must be considered. Djeggnog made an elementary error when he said "There are no sharps in the A-minor scale."

    The problem is, you can't really say THE A-minor scale because there isn't only one A-minor scale, there arethree!

    So, just how many sharps are there in "THE" A-minor scale? (remember, there isn't a "THE A-minor scale", there are "three A-minor scales)

    A simple yet complete and correct Answer: Up to 2 sharps!

    Simple explanation:

    --Melodic A-minor has 2 sharps (F# and G# -- typically used when ascending)

    --Harmonic A-minor has 1 sharp (G#)

    --Natural A-minor has zero sharps

    So much for the comment "There are no sharps in the A-minor scale." On a music theory test, djeggnog, that answer would be incorrect!

    Why do I bother mentioning all this?

    Because -- Djeggnog has not admitted his error, even when it has been proven and asked of him directly. This goes completely against the idea of being honest enough to admit mistakes.

    Not only did he completely miss my point with my initial example in my post #41, which was that JWs were singing/playing in a minor key when the composer had written it in a major key, but he got off on a tangent discussing music theory -- a topic of which he tried to present himself as a competent authority figure -- and ever since, I've been having to correct his mistakes along the way. I honestly wanted to give him a chance at admitting his errors in areas that weren't a matter of opinion, but were in fact, FACTS. I tried to quickly get his mistakes corrected and acknowledged, and put him back on track to the real issues, but I was unable to succeed.

    Oh well, thank you everyone for your patience and kindness in putting up with me in all of this!

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