the other side of my story and why im going back

by deservingone26 89 Replies latest jw friends

  • EntirelyPossible

    Ok, caught up on the thread. If there are huge places where 7 is normal, so be it. 7:30 is much more common. I've been to meetings in NC, SC, GA, NYC, NJ, CA, TN, FL, Moscow and probably a few places I can't remember I never once saw a 7:00 start time.

    Since I am obviously wrong, I'll apologize and retract that one.

    The rest of it, though, is still BS. As nugget said, doesn't hang together.

    Anyone notice he says he knows BD, are face book friends and said BD wasn't a witness but was very spirtually encouraging?

  • jgnat

    I thought the best summary of desrvingone's post was from Lozhasleft.

    Deservingone - I find it sad that you see only the TWO options for the way to move forward - either the hedonistic empty lifestyle OR a return to the JWs - when in reality you have many many more options open to you which also include holding onto your belief in a creator. (Lozhasleft)

    It seems to me that you have bought in to the Jehovah's Witness world view, even as you lived in the "world". You took full advantage of the hedonistic options. Your return to sober thinking, a "smartening up", if you will, considering your future and family, is very normal at your age. Yet your only consideration of God, order, and sober living is the Witnesses!

    You invited posters to list how being a JW really gets in the way of living our lives to the fullest, so I'll give my list as an intelligent fifty year old career woman (never a Witness).

    • As I've reminded my JW hubby, joining the Witnesses and submitting to him as the "head" would result in personal economic ruin. You see, I make much more money as a Manager and leader than he could ever hope to achieve. I give that up so that he could be the "financial head" of our home and we are instantly poor. We lose our modest house. We apply for public assistance.
    • I would give up my voice as a leader. You see, I am a natural leader. This is how God made me. But the WTS has determined that women are not to take any leadership role in the congregation.
    • I give up my community involvement, instructing art to inner-city children, and planning crime prevention activities in my neighbourhood.
    • I resign as Condo Board president.
    • I give up my beloved Sunday School class and shun my congregation, never to darken the doors of my church again.
    • I throw out three-quarters of my books.
    • I replace my personal dreams and ambitions with the only role open to a Witness, publishing or pioneering.
    • I would be required to shun my son which would be devastating for him and for me. I am his anchor. How could he possibly make it on his own?

    Might I suggest some new "worldly" activities before you go back, where you spend a little more time in self-reflection and self-discovery? You see, college is more than just a vehicle to make more money. It's a chance to develop new ways of thinking and viewing the world. It is a chance to discover your unique strengths and abilities, that frankly, the society places no value in.

    Why not try out a self-assessment tool and find out more about your abilities?

    How about signing up for a religion class; comparitive religions? Round out your world view a little bit?


    "His meetings start at 7? Not any hall I've every been to." For most of my 29 years in I attended both the TMS/SM and BS at 7:00 p.m. on Mondays and Thursdays respectively--never Tuesdays and Thursdays, never 7:30. The PT/WT study was 10:00 Saturday morning, not Sunday, not 9:30. Am I a troll? No. And when I lie it's about stuff that matters. AMNESIAN Captive 7/72-2/2001

  • Honesty

    deservingone26 ,

    I hope you have a happy and productive life.

    Personally, I will never set foot in another kingdom hall or allow some men

    who have never been right the first time around tell me what behavior God approves of.

    However, if you feel that your life will improve by returning to the Watchtower Society's version of Christianity I wish you well.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Life doesn't have to be one-or-the-other. You start out with ["I decided to take the road of selfishness and sin!"]

    So to you, life is either Jehovah's Witnesses or selfishness and sin. Regardless of whether they have truth in their beliefs, there are plenty of people outside of JW's that are not living a life of selfishness and sin. Ordinary people right on up to monks in Tibet, and plenty inbetween are living for others or for God or whatever. If you base your whole life path on what you see you and your friends doing in your teen and post-teen years, that's a poor decision maker.

    So if you want to stop searching for "the truth" and just accept that JW's have it, all fine and dandy for you. I never read anything in your long account about doctrine, just that you believe in God and you "believe we all have a purpose and that is to serve god." Your own JW's talk about people serving "not according to accurate knowledge."

    I won't even waste my typing skills to address further individual points here like whether JW's discourage college or whether it's easy to be a JW or YADDA YADDA YADDA. I will just stick with the basic facts. Jehovah's Witnesses claim to have "the truth" and all you need to do is seriously examine that claim and discover that they are more of the anti-truth. Try or roam around at You will find out. Read a few books like: Crisis of Conscience, Captives of a Concept, Combatting Cult Mind-Control.

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    Good luck with that one.

    Here, you'll need one of these.

    Once you get back to the Kingdom Hall they'll fill it full of lies for you to peddle on the public.

    I'll give you a few just so you won't show up with an empty bag:

    Christ came back to earth in 1914. God hates gay people. God is going to kill everyone that isn't a Jehovah's Witness. Better to let someone die than give them a blood transfusion.

    Once your eyes have been opened you are going to find it very difficult to close them again.

  • journey-on

    You're young obviously. No children, I assume, to worry about raising under the repression of the WTS. Your Life hasn't even really begun yet as far as learning who and what you truly are. Life is an amazing adventure, and one must be free to experience it. (They say one's brain isn't even fully developed till age 25.)

    You haven't laid your foundation yet and are still standing on the shaky JW sand afraid to move for fear you will go teetering down a slippery slope.

    Go ahead and go back. Sit there and listen....really listen. Pray....not like a JW prays, but like a son talking to his father (Abba). Tell Him you desire to KNOW Him and his Son and seek to align your free will with His perfect Divine Will. Then listen with your heart and pay attention to how and where He guides you.

    I totally understand that a young person cut off from family can be devastated. It happened to my teenage brother. He was disfellowshipped for having sex with his girlfriend. He lost everbody and everything he had ever known. My mother and I were the only ones that did not shun him, but all of his friends and other family members treated him like he had the plague. He was a good boy and extremely intelligent and handsome, but, he was never the same after the trauma of being cut off and shunned. His heart was broken and he didn't have the internal tools to rise above the cruelty. (It's a long story of betrayal and sadness.)

    It's a cruel organization of men who are ignorant of so many things. One's life is a serious thing to tamper with and shunning has traumatic and lasting consequences, expecially for young adults just getting started on Life's journey.

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Taken from a discussion yesterday....

    Those who leave the Organization and go on to lead successful, happy lives outside will never be featured on a District Convention or in a magazine. On the other hand, there are some who get DF'd - still blindly believing it's the truth - get into trouble on the outside and then run back to Mama Org. For members who remain inside, these examples just confirm the "reality" painted by the Society. These are the experiences you'll hear at the DC.

    I'd like to put forth a blunt hypothesis that could be completely wrong. My thoughts are based purely on what little information I've read here, which isn't enough to make a good judgment, but for the sake of discussion, I'll venture a guess. Still, I know I'd want someone to be straight with me if I were in your shoes.

    You were institutionalized as a youth. You didn't mature before you left and your growth has only been stunted since then. Before you walked out, your "success" was just a matter of following black and white rules and feeding on propaganda, which worked out fine (or so you thought). Then you decided to drop it in favor of what appeared to be greener pasture - the hedonistic lifestyle, with few rules.

    Now you recognize the need to grow up but you don't really know how unless you get back the rules, regulations, and support structure provided by your family, the WTBTS, and the Bible. You've created a false dichotomy for yourself. It's either this or that. And since you left for what seem to be reasons of immaturity (and I'm not condemning you there), little has changed. You still have that need; that characterized dependence. You didn't learn the critical thinking and self-discipline to make good decisions and follow through specifically because you were taught to be dependent. So now you want the return to the only other system you know - the ease of a tidy, prepackaged plan... the JW prescription.

    I'm not saying you're abnormal. This seems pretty typical. I've always felt that life was easier inside the organization. You get a "cookie" when you perform as expected. A lot of decisions are made and the thinking is mostly done for you. It's kinda like having a personal trainer/nutritionist. Just do what they say. Sure, you have to put effort into it but, still, it doesn't take much thought on your part. Zombies would make good JWs because it can be done mindlessly. In fact, unquestioning submission is encouraged.

    I'd suggest you start there: learn how to think, not what to think. Critical thinking skills are the key. You're trying to go back to a parent/child relationship. That isn't maturity. It's not even an illusion of maturity. It's a delusion of maturity. Don't be naive. Make sure you know what you're investing in before you go back.

    Of course, everything I've said here is probably pointless since you didn't leave having recognized the fallacy. I suspect you'll go back, give it your best shot, and get exactly what you're looking for. Best regards to you if that's what you do. You'll be a great example to JW teens, reinforcing the stereotype of those who leave the flock just to crawl back after a miserable life throwing caution to the wind, chasing pleasures in the world.

    Nevermind those who make good decisions and lead happy, successful lives after they get out.

  • mindseye

    I'll echo what others have said. jgnat was right on the money. Deservingone26, you remind me of one of my cousins who has been in and out of the org his whole life. He sees life "outside of the truth" as wild partying, drugs and sex. So that's what he does, lol. Then he is overcome with guilt and returns.

    Truth is you never even left the witnesses. Even when out, you're living their narrow concept of what a 'worldly' person is. When one truly leaves it is a freeing of the mind, not just some permission to indulge in some hedonistic fantasy.

    Like my cousin, it is probably no use trying to convince you using logic. Not everyone is ready for the red pill (see the matrix if you don't know). In life there are leaders and followers (by leader I mean one who thinks for his/her self). It's up to you to determine which one you are.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    ed Why post here? Do you honestly think you are going to convince anyone to rejoin a dangerous (very dangerous) cult that they manage d to escape with God's help? Are we to puch Jesus in the stomach and return to an org that has the audacity to call itself Christian while denying the very essence of Christianity? This is a free country. People have the right to be very foolish and pay for mistakes for the rest of their lives.

    So you are a little people-pleaser. If you were five, your choice of your family would make more sense.

    I left the Witnesses at thirteen. The brothers could not read so they did not teach what was in the Watchtower. They believed they were. Yet I was grotesque for noticing it b/c I am female and thus tainted. God should have created me to be retarded. He really slipped. I saw love outside the Society, never any in it. Never, not once and my family has been active since Russell. My father and uncles served at Bethel. The cardinal rule growing up was to never became friendly with the amoral Bethelites, It wasn't' only my parents. Everyone with strong ties shared the view. So four decades have passed.

    I became very ill. Jesus was present with me but he did not stop the illness for a very long time. The Anglican Cathedral in NY and a society church saved my life. A very famous author spent many hours tallking with me about the spiritual implications of illlness. As I was near death, I volunteered in homeless ministries. I welcomed tour buses. I am well educated. Dietrich Bonhoffer, Thomas Merton, Paul Tillich and Karl Barth are all familiar to me. Words are interesting but actions of love ring the truest. Early Christians received their first press notices when they stayed despite death during plagues. The world had never seen such love before. Witnesses won't even help their own kind. Do the Witnesses cherish member's understanding of scriptures or their dedication to knocking on doors? I knew nice Witnesses but they were all ineffectual. Jesus said what you do for the least of me, you do for me. Nowhere in Gospels, canonical or othserwise or Christian legends does Jesus mention 1914 and knocking on doors. He assumes his audience knows the scriptures. Solitary study of gospels by consecutive verse should be encouraged, not punished.

    Where in Scripture or legend is the WTBTS mentioned? If what they teach is true, Jesus would have foreknowledge. He would say to the crowds study the June 6, 2o14 Watchtower, paragraph 8, very carefully. Jesus constantly referred to scripture and Jewish custom. Why did he not say well, the scriptures are fulfilled by this uncooll group in Brooklyn, formed in Pittsburgh so don't bother knowing the Torah. You have no principled reasons for returning. Only weasal stories. Assuming that you are real person.......

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