I ended up in the back room of the KH today

by Nobleheart 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • Murray Smith
    Murray Smith

    Maybe the clean break is the best way for you . . . if you're confident you can manage the fallout (shunning).

    I would encourage you to consider carefully how you might word your letter. As an active JW you will feel naturally inclined to "play by the rules" . . . but all you need to convey is that you no longer wish to be known as one of Jehovah's Witnesses. You can make it clear (even though it won't happen) that you have no desire to stop associating with your current friends . . . nor to cease following the leadings and teachings of christ (not apostacising) . . . those are impositions THEY will place on you anyway . . . but you don't have to attach those labels to yourself . . . good luck.

  • Nobleheart

    @ Murray Smith

    Yes, I won't fail to mention that I still love God and Christ (not a rebellion against them) and the people at the hall. It will be their choice to shun me.

  • slimboyfat
    I sympathise with your inability to go out on the "ministry". I remember my very last time out on the doors I was working with the wife of another elder and I told her wasn't feeling so good and would she mind if I just kept quiet. I had absolutely nothing to say to anybody, the lies would have stuck in my throat.

    I remember a similar feeling, offering magazines to people and hoping they would not take it. That was ages ago now. I have not been on proper ministry for probably eight years or so, although I sometimes still put in reports until about six months ago. I have been taken on a few calls more recently but they are mostly social visits with little Watchtower content anyway.

  • Murray Smith
    Murray Smith

    Do keep us posted Nobleheart . . . as you know by now people here really do care . . . again, good luck

  • villabolo

    Nobleheart, seriously consider fading away, whichever way you can. You don't need to feign outright mental illness. Claim stress and moderate depression. Say or hint that you're not doing well at school. Whatever it takes, do it.


  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    I feel for you, I'm in a similar situation. I'm too deep in to fade or disappear. However I do expose as much as possible, put my question marks behind certain viewpoints but in a quizzing way which seems to be great when you're in a group, you're considered being spiritual and studying 'the deep things' and in case somebody decides to investigate further they'll most likely start to understand and find themselves things that are going against all logical thinking.

    I'm one of those persons people think is doing great, being blessed, getting Holy Spirit etc. etc. I'm up for promotion actually (the gossip mill is abuzz about it and all the numbers and little points they 'counseled' me on are starting to look good) and it will be really funny for me personally to see an apostate promoted into a position that is supposed to be decided by Holy Spirit itself.

    If you're looking to DA yourself, don't do it in a letter that nobody will ever hear about. Go out with a bang - do it in a talk. Work through your subject logically and expose the flaws where the WT goes against the word of the Bible (such as it's viewpoint on Blood or the position of the FDS) by the end of the talk you will have a bunch of confused looking people especially if they respect you, they might even follow your reasoning straight out. The damage control after that is going to be even funnier most elders are not all that educated in the truly 'deep things' of the Bible to even understand what you brought and you might even get away with it if you are subtle (don't call them out) and don't announce yourself to be disassociated.

  • clarity

    Nobleheart, it is almost unbelieveable that we go through so much sh$t in a 'free' country, just to be able to live our own lives!!!

    If you've got the guts, yes go out with a big bang (make sure it's taped) or if you just need to bide your time, come down with a case of "female troubles" no guy will want to know anything about that!

    Good luck


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I couldn't imagine DA'ing with family still in.

    I'd want them to be able to talk to me.

    In their minds, DA is worse than DF.

    One is a choice to be an apostate but the other could be a mistake or weakness.

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    hey nobleheart,

    wish I had more time to type, but I don't right now..

    I will connect with you soon. I'm so glad you have had your awakening.

    I served as an elder for many years after realizing it was all a fraud and was able to reach many people with the real truth before I left. Even though I have completely moved on, I still consider it a great act of kindness to help anyone still trapped inside to come to the realization that they are living a lie and have been thoroughly decieved by a man-made organization.

    Take care and we will talk soon!

    The Oracle

  • jamiebowers

    First of all, you're an adult who is under no obligation to meet with the elders after the meeting or any other time. They have no authority over you. If your heart isn't in the door to door work, withdraw from the pioneer list, and give the same standard answer to anyone's and everyone's inquiries; "I don't want to talk about it"...period, end of story. The same thing goes for not attending the meetings. It's nobody's business what you do with your life.

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