Higher Education June 15th Watchtower 2011

by jwfacts 89 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Mary
    In time, he graduated from what is now called the Bible School for Single Brothers

    WTF is 'the Bible School for Single Brothers'? Are they talking about Bethel?

    Grzegorz, the computer programmer, made some changes in his life. He said: "Taking seriously the advice of the elders, I simplified my life. I realized that I did not need to further my secular education.

    Um, assuming that 'Grzegorz' is a real person, he must have already had a BSc in Computer Science (which requires a college or university education) or he was self-taught. If he was self taught, he still would have spent alot of time learning how to be a computer programmer, as its not a discipline you can pick up overnight. Is there anyone in the Writing Department that has any functioning brain cells left?

    I also find it quite interesting that Bethel is only interested in recruiting young people who have a degree or diploma in certain disciplines. A sister I knew who tried desperately to get in to the Canadian Bethel was specifically told that if she went to Nursing School and got her degree, she could come back. A brother I knew who also wanted to go to Bethel was basically told the same thing: 'you need to get a degree in something if you want to come here.'

    So why the double standard? Oh I forgot----if you get a degree solely for 'furthering the Book Publishing Company's Profits the Good News, then it's okay, but if you do it simply to make a decent living then you're 'materialistic' and lacking in faith.

  • St George of England
    St George of England
    WTF is 'the Bible School for Single Brothers'? Are they talking about Bethel?

    One of two new courses announced at the AGM last year.


  • wannabefree

    Bible School for Single Brothers ... formerly known as Ministerial Training School

  • Mary

    Thank you St.George and Wannabefree. Evidently I have not been paying close attention and keeping up with Jehovah's Celestial Chariot..........

  • sir82

    Erm, maybe it's just me, but I see some conflicting goals in that list from above....

    If obtaining a college degree is "not really necessary" and shows "lack of confidence in Jehovah's ability to provide for you"....

    Then how exactly is one going to find a job which allows you to "rejoice and see good for all your hard work" and "have enough physical and emotional strength to carry out your duties"?

    Earning $8.00 an hour as a Walmart cashier or a night shift janitor would likely require working 50, 60, or 70 hours a week to make ends meet.

    So which will it be? Get a degree and find a decent job, or forego the degree and work 60 hours a week until you die of exhaustion at age 72?

    Oh wait, I forgot the 3rd option: Enter Bethel at age 20, brown-nose your way up the ladder, start to partake of the emblems, and get elected to the Governing Body. Clearly that's the career goal that the 10's of thousands of teenage JWs should have.

    What utter idiots.

  • Vidiot

    poopsiecakes - "Are there any other religions out there who actively tell their followers to NOT educate themselves? Because god hates that? "


    JWs are the only ones on the planet who feel that threatened by smart people.

  • wobble

    The problem for the WT is that further/higher education teaches Critical Thinking, it shows you how to question, and how to think clearly about the answers you have been given, and question those answers.

    The WT and its "truth" cannot stand up to this, it is finished, so they need to keep the young potential donors of funds away from H.E

    I was surprised to hear of a C.O who went against the Socs. advice,(some years ago) and told a young man who was studying with the Wits. to finish his Degree course at Uni. before taking up pioneering.

    The guy did so, pioneered for a few months, and then was invited to Bethel. Why ? He had the skills and education that they needed.

    They are hypocrites, and heartless manipulators of peoples lives.

  • wasblind

    I agree Sir82,

    it doesn't make sense to have to work all of those extra hours just to make ends meet

    only to be told not to let your secular work interfere with your preachin' work, that

    means Jehovah is not gonna be pleased that you are missing meetings to make ends meet

    but if you get a good education you could get paid enough without needing to miss meeting

    Yes they are idiots

  • TotallyADD

    How does higher education glorify you? What they are really saying is we don't want you to have any self esteem. Because people with that are harder to control. People with low self esteem are easier to control. What kind of parents wants their children to develop low self esteem so they can be controlled by a cult. Education build's you up and they want that. Just as wobble said education teaches critical thinking and self esteem when you are able to think clearly and get the right answers to your questions. Totally ADD

  • wasblind

    What parent in their right mind, would look at their child and say " I don't want you to be educated "

    key word above: right mind

    as my child was gettin' close to finishing highschool the more they tried to pressured me with guilt

    by sayin' my child should think of putting the preaching work first , it would be pleasing to Jehovah

    I didn't see Jehovah being displeased about my child wanting a good education. The WTS were the

    ones displeased

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