Am I the only one who felt sorry for adam and eve?

by Joliette 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • james_woods
    If you don't have a bellybutton to play with see what happens

    Again - this (like the oft-stated "beauty" of Eve) - isn't this a non-biblical later addition to the myth? As far as feeling sorry for the mythical Adam & Eve? - no, not really. No - in fact, not at all. For one thing, I would rather be driving my Ferrari in comfortable clothes than rumbling around in the garden of Eden naked after several thousand years.

  • designs

    Driving naked in the Ferrari might be better

  • Terry

    The Nature of something is the identity which prevents it from being some OTHER than what it is.

    Human Nature was presumably given to humanity by the creator.

    The Nature of Choice in Man is

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Unshackled: I felt sorry for Jezebel...she was hot.

    Dude. Please tell me you aren't talking about Jezzy from the old yellow My Book of BS.... That was pure skankiness. She even had a bruise on her arm where people kept poking her with a 10' pole.

  • james_woods
    Human Nature was presumably given to humanity by the creator.

    This whole story sort of reminds me of the "I Robot" scyfi series - the one where some robots were accidently built with a modified form of the three laws of robotics. Was that the faulty robot's "fault" or "sin"?

    Driving naked in the Ferrari might be better

    There are some things better done naked than in comfortable clothes. Driving a Ferrari is not one of them - unless, of course, your motive is to pose for a magazine centerfold rather than actually driving the Ferrari. My point was, however - that without the "original sin" - (that is, mans natural excersize of free will) - a Ferrari, the Moon Missions, deep sea exploration, and thousands of other accomplishments would never have taken place. According to Watchtower Doctrine - barbequeing a sirloin steak would not even have taken place.

  • PSacramento
    Dude. Please tell me you aren't talking about Jezzy from the old yellow My Book of BS.... That was pure skankiness. She even had a bruise on her arm where people kept poking her with a 10' pole.

    That wasn't a pole and it wasn't 10Ft...

  • sir82
    The Free Will choices would allow a wide range of individual tastes preferences without ever becoming a life-threatening choice based on misinformation, propaganda or willfully misleading disinformation.

    Worthy of a repeat.

    Another question to ponder (Assuming the story as told in Genesis is true):

    Why did God create a world in which the "wrong" use of free will would inevitably result in the horrific suffering of billions of people over thousands of years? Couldn't he have created a world in which "wrong" use of free will affects the user only?

    I mean, shoot, I'm a lowly imperfect human and I can easily dream up such a world. I only lack the power to create it.

    Why didn't God, with a theoretically far vaster intelligence and far more power, do a better job than he did?

  • alias

    Yeah, the A & E story bothers me.


  • RubaDub

    I feel sorry for Eve a little ...

    But Adam should have been smart enough to get a shovel and just kill the snake.

    Rub a Dub

  • unshackled

    Dude. Please tell me you aren't talking about Jezzy from the old yellow My Book of BS.... That was pure skankiness. She even had a bruise on her arm where people kept poking her with a 10' pole.

    SBC: Yeah yeah, that's what I'm talking about. Jezz was truckstop hot. You know, smells like whisky, tastes like an ashtray. And check out that rack. LOL...

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