Am I the only one who felt sorry for adam and eve?

by Joliette 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • transhuman68

    The Garden of Eden was a setup. God had already pawned Adam & Eve.

  • james_woods

    Hold "free will" argument for 3 minutes...

    I had it in my head that there was a "new light" Watchtower in about 1962 or 1963 which changed the view on resurrection potential of Adam and Eve.

    I cannot remember if it flipped it over from Yes to No, or from No to Yes.

    There may have been a later view which changed it back.

    OK, back to irreconcilable free will speculation.

  • Joliette

    ^Wow, transhuman68, thats deep.

    Jehovah was so gangster in the old testament.

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    How is it that supposedly perfect individuals possessed the character defects needed to be misled as easily as they were.

    This says volumes, I've had good success using this argumant with some JW's. But you statement is simpler and more concise then the way i explain it, gracias.

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    If only Admiral Ackbar had been around in the Garden of Eden, he could've warned them.

    (That's right, this is the second thread I've posted Ackbar today. You're welcome.)

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Dang, I think I'm burying threads with Ackbar. I apologize. I'll stop now.









    ok, just this one more...

  • scary21

    Russell must have been teaching that because I believe the Bible Students still teach Adam will be in the new system. That Jesus died for him also. When they changed the teaching I don't know , but I think it was Rutherford... who kicked him out!

  • jgnat

    Yah, my (JW) husband is deeply resentful of Adam and Eve's "mistake". It occurred to me and I argued with him that is hardly fair to blame two innocents, who had no knowledge of evil, no prescience.

    I found the article speaking of Adam and Eve's potential for resurrection:

    "... Our previous consideration of #2Pe 2:5-9, has shown that those destroyed by God at Sodom and Gomorrah are eternally cut off ..."( Watchtower, 1952, page 335, par. 8) "... So those who die at Armageddon will pay the same penalty as the people of Sodom did, that is, they will not have a "resurrection of ‘judgement’ during the 1,000 year judgment day, but they will stay dead forever (Watchtower, 1955, page 200, par. 2, top of page) "Since the supreme judge never makes a mistake, there is no need for him to take under review any judgments that he has passed. His Judgments are final. That means the people that perished in the flood of Noah’s day will never be resurrected to stand trial again. ‘The same is true with the people of Sodom and Gomorrah as well as Adam and Eve ..."( Watchtower, 1960, page 53, par. 4) Now note the complete reversal of that position as published in the Watchtower of 1965, in an article entitled "Who will be resurrected from the dead," page 137, quoting from par. 15, "... Were those Sodomites worse than the rest of the Canaanites? No; ... And Peter does not say that the Sodomites and Gomorreans were destroyed everlastingly ..." Again, after quoting from Jesus’ words at Matt. 10:15, it makes this statement, "... It would be necessary for former inhabitants of that land to be present on the judgment day (Watchtower, 1965, page 479).

  • FadeToGrey

    Yeah I could never understand the setup in the so called garden of eden.

    God set them up to fail!

    Including his so called bad son satan.

    As a father goes god "Jehovah" is a pathetic failure. dooming billions of his so called children to a hopeless pain filled life.

    All for his glory and to prove he has the Authority to rule..I call BS on a grand scale.

  • The Finger
    The Finger

    I felt to have had this beautiful woman who was your soul mate and be presented with a problem that whatever you did you would lose her was very sad.

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