New Light. Is it new truth or simply new understanding on the underlying truth?

by garyneal 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • saltyoldlady

    Keep up the good work Gary - wish I could be as positive as the others here have been - she may indeed someday "get it" but also prepare yourself for the possibility that she never does and the great likelihood that she will start being very IRRITATED about your revelations of flawless logic - stay calm and smooth throughout - seeds of truth are only sown in peace (you probably realize that last thought taken from James 3:17 but we used to use it in supporting what we "thought" was truth.) Be patient with her - remember this organization builds great defenses around their adherents to prevent any deflection.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    somehow she failed to understand the whole point

    The authentic personality probably got it, which is why the cult personality stepped up even more strongly. The indoctrinated cult personality protects its territory.

    Keep working at it, Gary. The authentic person is taking all this in.

  • Ding

    "New light" is a WT euphemism for "changed doctrines."

  • DesirousOfChange

    This went on for a few minutes as my wife waffled back and forth on how changing understandings is not equivalent to changing truth. I love her dearly but somehow she failed to understand the whole point of what I was trying to convey to her.

    With the reasoning you are using, I suspect she is beginning to understand, she just cannot accept it yet, so she has switched to auto-pilot and is reciting the canned responses that she has been taught. I know just how she feels, only worse, since I'm the one who is trying to reason with myself, but finding the canned responses unacceptable as answers.

  • ProdigalSon

    Even if the "truth" could actually be established on paper, most of the Watchtower's core doctrines can either be "proven" or "disproven" using the same Bible. In fact, they had to invent their own Bible to clear up some of the confusion. How can understanding of "truth" change when you can't even firmly establish one "truth" to begin with? Either the Bible is not the Word of God, or God is a schizo. I'll put my money on the latter.

  • OnTheWayOut

    They read or hear enough logically-flawed, but good-sounding illustrations from WTS of "the light getting brighter" to buy into the idea that the truth doesn't change, but the teachings of WTS get closer to the truth as time goes on.

    Consider this. If the faithful and discreet slave were really discreet, then they would not have any specific doctrine subject to change. If something were not fully revealed as "truth," they would discreetly wait before making any hard statements about it.

    One of their examples from the literature says something like, "If you see a building in the pre-dawn hours, it only becomes clearer when the dawn arrives that it is a red barn." Well then, they should not be saying a blue apartment building stands, then later that it turned out to be a red barn when the light got brighter. They should have stuck with "a building" but "we don't know what it is."

    Applying such a concept, "What does the Bible mean when it says 'abstain from blood'?" How about "We don't know" ? There would be no flip-flop if they simply allowed the members to decide what various things in the Bible meant until they were sure. There would have been no wrong doctrines on 'generation.' They simply would have said "We will wait and see" until they absolutely knew that it meant an overlapping-generation, and since they absolutely knew that, they would never have to abandon that "new light."

    New light would only add clarity to previously-made statements. Speculation could be okay, but it would clearly be labeled as that.

  • jeckle

    i made a quick observation a month ago to my son's maternal great grandma & great great grandma. it was very similar but shorter . we were watching a movie abouta jewish kid and an irish catholic boy that were best friends and i simply pointed out the prejudices they held of each other mainly the catholic father but both families not the 2 boys they didnt care just wanted to play; was exactly like the witnesses. she tried to refute it and i gave a quick example of how they think their right and everyone else is gonna die is no different then the dad thinking if your not a catholic you going to hell. she stopped in her tracts fought back her tears and went to her room. the older gr gr grandma doesnt try to convert me the( convert back that is)we just focus on spoiling my son. i try to spoil her too cuz she loves my son so much and i really love the other grandma too just had to point that out.oh ya its sunday and i might not do anything today! yay me!


    New Light..New Lie......Not like the Old Lie..

    My wife says that God's Word does not change but that "our understanding of it changes."

    Jehovah`s Witness`s believe..Whatever the WBT$ tells them to Believe..

    "Doctrine does not change," she replied, "only our understand of it changes."

    In Watchtower World..

    Doctrine doesn`t change..It`s outright abandoned..

    ....................... ...OUTLAW

  • wasblind

    " In Watchtower World..

    Doctrine doesn`t change..It`s outright abandoned.."

    As Syl would say " TEE HEE HEE "

  • wasblind

    " My wife says that God's Word does not change but that "our understanding of it changes.

    Question: what about the words that were never in the bible like " Blood Fractions "

    That was the light that was never lit , and starting in 1992 it was a conscience choice

    to attend college, where does it say in the Bible that further education is a no no.

    another light that was never lit

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