New Light. Is it new truth or simply new understanding on the underlying truth?

by garyneal 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sabastious

    The Witnesses have a foundation of which all their beliefs grow from:

    I am one of God's Chosen OnesIt's interesting that they start with this concept as the premise. Logically, to figure out if you are someone of special significance you first need to explain the purpose for that significance beyond random chance. "Why am I being chosen and not someone else?" This brain process can be circumvented very simply by using the answer to that question as your foundational (already implied) belief system.

    To a Witness, after indoctination, they are part of the Chosen Ones. If anything challenges that fact it is shrugged off as lunacy. One of the ways that people break free from this illogical mental step is to suddenly become aware of it senselessness. That was how it happened for me. I simply, for some reason, questioned the premise of my beliefs for the first time.

    All Watchtower articles are designed to misdirect the reader from questioning the premise. They know that when this occurs they will likely lose the member and subsequent money's associated.


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