New Light. Is it new truth or simply new understanding on the underlying truth?

by garyneal 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • thetrueone

    Its alarming to see how JWS are faithful followers and mental slaves to the WTS corporation's

    publishing agenda, being totally deluded that their proselytizing is god's own expressed work.

    Cultivated lies circumvented on fear is how this dishonest publishing company operates and has

    done so for many years. The WTS carries with itself the spirit of exploitation and coercion.

  • wasblind

    The next time your wife says:

    " that God's Word does not change but that "our understanding of it changes."

    You show her 2 Timothy 3: 7 which states:

    " Always learning and yet never able to come to an accurate knowledge of truth."

  • MrFreeze

    I understand what you are trying to do garyneal. I hope your wife does see the real light eventually. However, trying to argue with a brainwashed Witness...


    The WBT$ could say anything they want..And..

    Jehovah`s Witness`s would Believe it..

    "This Duck..Is now an Apple".. "Ducks is now Apples.....Jehovah`s Word gets Brighter and Brighter".

    "Being a JW is Easy..Cause you Doesn`t has to be a Brainoligist".

    ....................... ...OUTLAW

  • dgp

    I guess the best definition of New Light - from the perspective of the Governing Body - we owe to Ashleigh Brilliant:

    “ My opinions may have changed, but not the fact that I'm right. ”

    That said, I'm sure your wife did get your point, but she won't recognize so.

  • yourmomma


    while it must be brutal to sit through that crap, the time you are putting in there is going to payoff in my opinion. for example, looking back as a child who was raised in the JW cult, I would have killed to have a father like you taking me to Chuckie Cheese, or buffer the fear and guilt coming from the platform. your kid is going to remember that and it could be the difference between her joining the cult or not. thats admirable that you would subject yourself to that for your child, and also i agree with other posters, if you stay patient with your wife, she very well could wake up. keep up the fight.

  • MrFreeze

    Jeff Goldblum said it better than anybody else about new light:

  • garyneal

    Thank you so much for your responses everyone. I went back today (am I a masochist?) but I barely stayed in my seat for even an hour. My oldest daughter and I walked the corridors for most of session. I have no idea what most of the talks about because I paid so little attention to them. Right after lunch, my oldest daughter insisted that she go to Chuck E Cheese's and since time was shorter today I went ahead and did so dropping my wife and littlest one at the Assembly. However, we did return for the last 30 minutes of it before it ended.

  • Ding

    What does "it's a matter of conscience" mean in Watchtowerspeak?

    1. It really is up to the individual?

    2. "You know what we want even though we don't say it"?

    3. "We're changing our doctrine but don't want to admit it"?

  • factfinder


    that is good that your wife lets you have such conversations with her. Perhaps in time she will get the point.

    I wish I could have such conversations with my brother. He is so close-minded, arrogant and he unreservidely worships the" slaaaaave' (his way of saying the gb). He won't let me ask any questions- it is all "foolish questionings". I think he is afraid he will discover the real truth about the slave and he can not bear to deal with that.

    I cannot describe my frustration. If the gb says the moon is made of cheese he will accept it and no one will convince hom otherwise.

    I'm sure your daughter will remember you taking her to Chuck E Cheese as the highlight of that day.

    During the last few assemblies I attended I could not sit through the garbage either. I went to the bathroom frequently, walked around and spent much time walking outside wishing I could just leave and go home.

    I hope your wife continues to listen to you.

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