Wanted to get reinstated... Almost ready to give up

by headisspinning 92 Replies latest jw friends

  • pontoon

    Simple, write the BOE and tell them that all you friends on the apostate web site you belong to say that you all ought to let me back in. Should do the trick.

  • headisspinning

    The thing is, I have never had any doubts about this being The Truth... until now... seeing how we've been treated. It just doesn't add up.

    When my ex husband threatened to burn the house down with me in it, they did nothing to discipline him and one elder had the audacity to tell me to go back to the jerk. And yet somehow I am the leaven in the congregation that must be kept out. It's funny how that works, hey?

    i was always a good little J-Dub and I would never have ventured onto one of these evil apostate sites... until now. And you know why? Cuz I was looking for support in getting reinstated. Well, let's just say they left things a little too long cuz I've been doing some reading and now I know why they don't want us on here... LOL!!!

  • dozy

    The following thread might be of interest:


    If you really want to get back in , you might want to write a letter to the branch - try not to be too negative (as that would count against you) but say how discouraged you are , but how you still love Jehovah & his organisation (always goes down well , the last bit) etc. Ask for a visit with the CO as well during his next visit, but don't get too aggressive.

    Cases like yours can take a couple of years or so to reinstatement - just keep on plugging away. I haven't read your background but In a neighbouring congegation there was a case where a ministerial servant left his wife of 30+ years and had an affair with a much younger woman. They were both DFd and they married & she had a baby. They were reinstated a couple of years after being DFd having gone through the application stage several times & getting frustrated like you are. Even then , many in the cong ( especially friends of his ex-wife) felt that they had been reinstated too soon - even now , many years later , some pretty much shun them.

    When you finally are reinstated , you will still be treated like a pariah by some. If you are happy to go through the process , then good luck.

  • headisspinning

    You guys are funny! I want to tell them that! I am fed up!

  • palmtree67

    Are you wanting to get reinstated to have contact with JW family, or are you going back because you think they have "The Truth"??

  • headisspinning

    Thanks Dozy. I am going to check that link. I don't have a lot of posts so you should be able to find out story very easily. It was definitely a big scandal. My husband was Congregation Coordinator and had been married for 18 years. It was a huge shock for everyone and I don't belittle that at all.

    I don't really care about being a pariah in the congregation - I just want to make things easier for our children. The boys (his son is 15 and mine is 14) are both getting close to baptism age and once that happens they might be pressured to avoid us. Want to try to circumvent that if possible.

    Thanks again.

  • OnTheWayOut

    It is indeed a cult that makes its own rules to suit its own needs.

    We were disfellowshipped in 2009 for adultery. Since then we have 'set matters straight' and are married with a 7 month old baby.

    I don't remember the time frame, it was probably more than 10 years ago. Back then, they had a letter to the elders and instructions through the C.O. that those who "scheme" to get out of a marriage and get a different spouse will have to wait "several years" to get reinstatement.

    It doen't matter what circumstances you and your mate have if they are following that information. It would seem that the both of you wound up with each other after the act of adultery, so they will take several years to reinstate you. "Several" is more than a "few." A "few" means "3" so "several" or "years and years" means a minimum of "4" to elders. You would be better off to take 2 or 3 years away from the congregation and if you still feel the need to get reinstated, start attending then and go for 6 months before requesting reinstatement.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I hope you figure out what WTS really is and never ever ever ever ever let those kids get baptized if you can help it.

    Learn "the truth" and reveal it to them. They can keep talking to y'all if they never get baptized.

  • headisspinning

    To PalmTree...

    I've always believed it was the Truth and never had any doubts whatsoever. I did leave for a bit as a teen because my mom was so fanatical but it wasn't that I didn't believe. And when we got DFD we both fully intended to go back... but now, it's more for our kids and because we really don't know what else to do. We want it to be the Truth... we are so screwed if it's not, you know? Everything we've ever known revolves around the New System and Jehovah and putting the Kingdom first... I want all of you on this site to just be bad and wrong... just so that the bubble doesn't burst!

  • headisspinning

    To OnTheWayOut...

    I am dead against kids getting baptized anyway and thankfully my own son is not even publishing yet. He's on the school but is timid. Thank God!! i do not want him baptized before age 21. Then he can decide for himself.

    These 'rules'.... grrr.. didn't Jesus condemn the Pharisees for making up rules?? But I'm sure you're right about the 'several years' rule. And my husband was the P.O.Congregation Coordinator too, just to add to the scandal!!!

    We're F@#*ED!!! Just say it!!

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