I've been outed...

by brotherdan 303 Replies latest jw friends

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Dan, I won't pretend I have any idea of the pain you're going through. I honestly don't know where I'd be today if my wife hadn't realized the truth.

    That said, you might feel alone but just know there are people fighting injustice alongside you and, even if we don't see eye to eye, we're pulling for you and your family to win out over the WTBTS. You can recover from this, dude. Someday you'll just have the scars.

    There's good reason to believe your sons will grow up to realize how bogus the WTBTS really is, especially if you keep your head through all this. Keep thinking about your boys and hang in there.

  • Nickolas

    I haven't a clue what you're talking about. Forget about it.

  • diamondiiz

    bDan: The cult hurts people and it's not you. Because you realized you were deceived and wanted the truth the cult mentality didn't allow your wife to see and it's wts who is holding her from reasoning on the real world. Don't give up and don't blame yourself. It takes time to heal. Why do you have to move out of your house? Really, I know you feel for your wife but you're also the victim here and don't make them paint you as an evil devil-man. If you were abusive to your wife and weren't a dub they would tell your wife to keep praying more but because your were dunk you have to leave your own home and your kids? However horrible the situation is today it will get better but don't let them walk all over you like it's your fault, guilt and fear is their only power, fight for your kids at least as you don't want them to have ruined lives because of the BS cult.

    As for God thing, it's hard to lose faith but when we realize that our actions are 100% our own and there is nothing out there that will help us we come to 2 conclusions that's either God doesn't give a shit about humans or he just doesn't exist. Hope things get better for you with time but at this time you have to be strong and don't let them push you around as if it's your fault.

  • cantleave

    Dan, I have just read this feel so much sorrow for the situation you and your wife find yourselves in. I really hope this can resolved without your relationship breaking down.

    As has been said your waking up to the truth is certainly not the cause of your wife's medical issues, being in a high control group, where you can never do enough, is probably a greater contributor.

    Take care of yourself as well your wife and family, you need to be strong for them whatever happen.

    Thinking of you.....


  • baltar447

    Dude, don't blame yourself. Hang in there. Don't let her guilt trip you. When your wife tells you "it's over" you go through alot of hurt and it's scarring, but give it some time. Refuse to leave, she has no scriptural "grounds" according to the org for her to divorce you. Your having doubts is not why she's having seizures. She wouldn't be having them if there wasn't a real medical problem underneath. Just lay low, DENY being apostate just say that you have some doubts but maybe leave it at that. Have her agree to counseling for couples, and don't DARE use a "brother" for that. Slow down, calm down and give it a little time.

  • cyberjesus

    Dude, I am sorry you are going through this. You wife and family are in a mind controlled cult. You have to either fake it and lie to everybody and tell them you believe the WT is appointed by God and be prepared for a long long long process of trying to help your wife out (with her seizure problems plus emotional blackmailing she is used to do).. or just remove yourself from the situation and start a new life. That is tough decision. But trying to match a JW spouse with your ANTI-JW sentiments wont work in your situation.. (based on everything you have shared)

    Rest and try to tackle one thing at a time... We ALL are going through stressfull situations are have gone .. thats why we are here. Dont forget it. WE ALL ARE VICTIMS

  • brotherdan

    I will go to the JC and they will not know what hit them. I guarantee that there has never been a JC than the one I will give them.

  • miseryloveselders

    Bro.Dan, its true you're not obligated to go through a Judicial Committee, and considering the stakes are raised and not in your favor, an argument can be made to maintain your dignity. At the same time, an argument can be made to go through with the JC, and take a chance with it. Depending on the makeup your elder body, they may or may not be lenient depending on the level or remorse or regret you show. The Flock book is specific in stating that ones who have doubts, should be helped. Granted, we're talking about Jehovah's Witnesses who are all about doom, gloom, and shunning any who don't maintain the party line. In this case though, its possible you can show remorse and humility and turn a disfellowshipping into reproof depending on the makeup of your JC.

    Regardless of all of that mumbo jumbo, I'm glad your wife is pulling through, and I hope you find some measure of peace despite the circumstances. At least maintain your dignity and reasonable pride throughout this situation. You're a man at the end of the day for all the good and bad that comes with it. You're still a man, and deserve to be treated humanely. Maintain your own self worth, and stop worrying about your shortcomings in your marriage. For every mistake you've made in your marriage, your wife has made mistakes as well. It takes two to tango.

  • brotherdan

    Why do you have to move out of your house? Really, I know you feel for your wife but you're also the victim here and don't make them paint you as an evil devil-man.

    Because my kids need their house. I will leave. They need their own beds. I only need a place to lay my head. I won't even need that soon.

  • zoiks


    I'm sure that you could give them hell and then some like they wouldn't believe. I know you're angry and hurt. But, priorities! Focus on your family.

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