Malawi — Savage Betrayal by Watchtower?

by Marvin Shilmer 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • james_woods
    I believe it was latent, if not blatant, racism.

    I don't always agree with Sylvia on her racism theories - but this truly fits the bill. The society had nothing to gain from the poor Malawians - so throw them to the dogs. *(unlike the Mexicans who owned property)

    I also think they orchestrated it to induce persecution and convince the international "rank and file" that it was the Truth.

    There really is no other way to rationally look at the international publicity the WTBTS raised - supposedly to "help the Malawi brothers". All that letter writing and protesting really made the situation worse. And, of course it served the purpose of convincing the rest of the JW world that we were being persucted as true christians. While not a word was leaked about the Mexican draft card scandal until Ray Franz.

  • snowbird
    Considering the racial aspect of Malawi, I wonder how Sam Herd compartmentalizes it all emotionally?

    He probably doesn't allow himself to think about it.

    Thought-stop or stop-thought technique ...

    I can't ever remember which.


  • james_woods
    He probably doesn't allow himself to think about it.
    Thought-stop or stop-thought technique ...

    Thought-murder is more likely. It is going to take far more than this token black GB member to erase what was done in Malawi.

    I will reluctantly give him the very slightest chance that he may not really know the whole inside story (like Ray described in CoC).

  • Scully

    I have to wonder if Sam Herd is even remotely aware of that skeleton in WTS's closet. Most JWs aren't - even the ones that lived through those years. I certainly knew nothing of it until I read Crisis of Conscience. Given the paranoia surrounding Apostate™ literature, it wouldn't surprise me if he never read it either.

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    that image of Knorr's oath of allegience to the US is too small to see. Does anyone have a better picture of that? What does it say exactly?

    The frightening thing is that if you were to even mention this incident at all, you would be immediately branded a heretic.

  • james_woods
    Crazy thing is nobody in your average congregation knows anything about this. I would have never known about this had it not been for this forum and other outlets like Mr.Shilmer and FreeMinds. This religion has so much dirt, its crazy. Considering the racial aspect of Malawi, I wonder how Sam Herd compartmentalizes it all emotionally?

    And this is why the ex-JW community should NEVER LET THEM FORGET OR HIDE WHAT THEY DID IN MALAWI. I think it is probably the racism aspect, along with the blatant hypocrisy vs. Mexico, but this pisses me off more than the blood doctrine or the United Nations NGO mess. More than the false prophecies, even. More than being anti-education or telling people in detail how to handle their sex lives. This is literally the Watchtower version of the Spanish Inquisition.

  • Reality79

    The GB were are and still a bunch of racist, conniving filth. It's just a pity Malcolm X died shortly before this time because he would have called them out on it if made aware and made the whole world see them for the disgusting pieces of human excrement they were.

    I remember being disturbed the very first time I read in detail the horors that the Malawians had to go through - all that over a cheap political card! And I didn't even know about what happened in Mexico until fairly recently.

    They are a very horrid bunch and just because they have the token negro doesn't mean shit.

    The media need to do a documentary on the Malawi/Mexico fiasco and expose these dogs for what they are.

  • snowbird

    Malcolm X could certainly fit the bill because his mother was a JW.


  • diamondiiz

    Please connect the Mexican military scandal happening at the same time as Malawi persecution to this blog. Some witnesses may argue that signing a pledge of allegiance to obtain a passport is alright but not alright to say the allegiance out loud - however odd that may sound. The two incidents sure pain an ugly picture and a cover-up by wts.

  • mrsjones5

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