Here i am....

by makersmark 81 Replies latest jw experiences

  • wobble

    Hi Makersmark ! Big Welcome !

    Excellent posts above, please read and consider them with an open, but critical mind, all of us on here are happy to be corrected if we are wrong, and you are allowed to question our beliefs and contentions as often and deeply as you like.

    How different is that from the WT ?

    Enjoy the freedom to explore what you have beeen taught, and to find out what others think, then use your own mind to form your own conclusions.

    If you believe in God, you owe it to him to use the mind he gave you, not let the JW/WT organization do your thinking for you.

  • jookbeard


    I'll have a little go answering your points in my own little way

    UN Membership no big deal only joined for the library-

    So WTF did they keep it secret for so long and lied about the membership when the scandal was exposed and why does the WTS attack vehemently the "Churches of Christendom" who have also become affiliated with the UN-double standards and hypocrisy from the WTS pure and simple. highlights this scandal nicely

    Blood Issue-

    Also WTF did it take until the early 1950's for the WTS to suddenly realise that receiving blood in a medical emergency is such a sin against your God, and why were vaccinations and Organ Transplants also outlawed resulting in needless deaths and untold misery for families around the world, ever lost a loved one or watched a loved one die a slow and excruciating death for refusing a blood transfusion? probably not, Ray Franz second publication ISoCF from Commentary Press has a chapter devoted to the subject I suggest you order yourself a copy ASAP.

    607 -

    As stated earlier no credible historians accept this date as the date of the destruction of Jerusalem, if 607 is wrong then all the other dates that the WTS is so obsessed with are wrong so it throws out all credibility to the false prophet which is The WTS. Carl Olaf Johnson's fine publication available through Commentary Press is well worth reading.

    Derogatory Word Play-

    A sense of humour is very much needed after being released from years of being captive into a dangerous high control cult like the WTS, I'm sure the R&F Dubs have far more offensive acronyms and plays on words for people like ourselves, don't get too far up your butt about it.


    A particularly dangerous and offensive practise by the WTS that also has in common with many other dangerous high control cults the "conformity at all costs" attitude displayed by your rotten,filthy hypocritical GB. I sat in front of a JC on a charge of Apostasy yet the Bible was not ever opened not once, yet my only crime was vocalizing viewpoints that were contrary to WTS teaching at the time, yet now the WTS has reverted to previous teachings and accepted teaching's that I promoted back then, whose the Apostate now FFS? The examples you listed in your OP must be some of the dumbest and smallest examples of DFing so called working , but it doesn't.

    Attack on Russel and Rutherford-

    So it's ok for these 2 false prophets to have attacked the clergy of Christendom at the time through their writings yet it's not ok to highlight the failed prophecies that these 2 charlatans were guilty of? hypocrisy of the highest order, sense a pattern emerging Mark?

    The GB

    a truly dreadful conceited, filthy, hypocritical,arrogant,jumped up with pride bunch of filthy perverts ever to govern any religion any where ever , from the beginnings at Russell's time to the forming of the Board of Directors to the modern day GB from the early 70's and the cover up that they presided over with your own brothers form Malawi sickens me, they also covered up 2 homosexuals that ruled for decades Leo Greenleas and Ewart Chitty, only when Greenleas' abuser spoke out were they removed to hard ship postings to the UK bethel where they resided to their deaths, Greenleas used to sodomize his victims in his very own room in Bethel.

    A few things for you to digest Mark?

  • chicken little
    chicken little

    Excellent post, really good responses. I was in from infancy, pioneer, married to elder, moved to serve in another country etc.....

    Nagging doubts as to the inflated position of the governing body, unhappy with the generation changes and finally I read George Orwell's 1984, quite an eye opener when I compared it to my own religion and its methods of control. When I saw that the organization had its own way of changing its history, even down to altering what went into the bound volumes of the watchtower compared to what was in the actual watchtower we had placed in the service. Well I just had to start examining and that took me out. My family are now extremely happy and living a life of peace and harmony, we are deeply involved with humanitarian work and feel fulfilled and contented. If so called apostate books worry you, try reading Orwell's books as a start.

    Thanks to all the other posters, fantastic reasoning.

  • jookbeard

    BTW Mark, I was a "born in" never pionesneered though, my last "boasting session"from the Kingdumb Hell was around 1993 and after another "dig deeper" talk from the platform I decided that me and Jerkhoobah were finished, and could no longer be called a Jerkhoobah Witless, from it's early beginnings under Chuckie Russel and Joe Rutherfraud to Nathan "Homo" Knorr I also decided that the Washtowell Bible and Tract Society is a false prophet, and shouldn't be listened to, my last Ass'embly was also that year, and also cancelled my Washtowell and Asleep magazines meaning that I never had to pick up my Littertrash any more, luckily I was never a big contributor at the KH so I wasn't paying into The World Wide Paedophile Fund any more, and had stopped Field Circus many months before as well.The Gibbering Body of the Filthful and Descreet Slave Bugger really does have a lot to answer to,

  • punkofnice

    @jookbeard I am peeing myself with happifying laughter at your post. Most efficacious!

    PS. What's a 'slavebugger'? I'm in the UK not familiar with this term. I know what a slave is and what a bugger is, do I simply add the 2 together to describe how the GB are shafting everyone?

  • jookbeard

    Dont know Punk just picked it up from here, your probably correct

  • yesidid


    Are you deliberately trying to annoy Makersmark.

    He specificially said that the terms you used upset him, but you do it anyway.

    I am assuming, by the time you spent on your post, that you are trying to get him to your way of thinking.

    Perhaps it would help your cause if you invested in an old book, "How to Win Friends and Influence People".


  • Lets Think
    Lets Think

    Welcome Makersmark

    I agree with nearly all your post. I am still an active Witness but resigned as an elder six months ago after thirty years of serving.

    Biggest Issue: Same as you, Generation change and overlap, to me it makes us look like nutters. Now a new dead line; those who are overlapers will by no means pass away before the end comes!! (how many dealines do we have to blow through, before we all say enough? 1914 no longer makes senes. If no one is alive that saw the events of 1914 it is not really relevent. Plus the world was worse in the 100 years before 1914 then the 100 after. I would rather live now then anytime in the 1800's.

    I wish we would just drop anything to do with dates and end is nigh talk.

    My seond biggest issue in the JW stand on education. This is just plan wrong on many levels.

    1)Not supported by the bible. (unless you want to do a crazy spin job)

    2) Hypocritical: Please,,, see if you get a call from bethel if you are an engineer, doctor, dentist etc...

    3) Only those trying to oppress limit education. Truth is not afraid of higher learning.

    4) None of there bisiness what the R&F may decide on this. If the bible does not have a clear ruling stay out of it. I have a son in High School he is going on to Higher Education, i saved them the trouble of deleting me. They are just going to lose a lot of elders.

    This leads to my question what do you think of the GBs stand on education?

  • NVR2L8

    Lets Think...

    JWs are trained to accept and defend anything the WTS says without asking themself if it's right or I am shocked that 2 elders are voicing their disagreement with the FDS! I wonder how many more "spiritual men" think the way you do but are afraid to express their disagreement. If you take time to examine the other issues raised in Makersmark's first post you will start discovering the truth about "the truth"...from there it is impossible to turn back. This is the point I am at and I can no longer take anything from the WTS at face value because they lied to me.

  • pontoon

    What bothers me the most about the blood issue is the mess the borg made out of it. It should be simple, we can or can't. If we can't, really it should not even be used for tests. If we can, then it should be a non issue completely. I no longer believe in "no blood doctrine." The borg expects witnesses to stand firm on whatever changing blood doctrine they claim to be correct at the time, but the reason blood doctrine is changing is because the borg does not stand firm on their own doctrine. They change for fear of man (lawsuits). This is the only issue I'll comment on now.

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