A roaring current of change.... Is The Watchtower in the process of a major overhaul of their religion?

by koolaid-man 81 Replies latest jw friends

  • Vidiot

    wasblind - "The Slavemasters use to refer to the slaves as bein' the happiest people on earth"

    Seriously??? Shit, I didn't know that....

  • cyberjesus

    "a roaring current of change" oh yeah I agree, its been going since the beginning...its called...."new light" the end of the wt is coming ...very very soon..... we r getting closer and closer....I think I know where I heard that before


    We`re so Dam Happified/It dosen`t matter the WBT$ Lied

    When Mom got Df`d/No one Cried

    Cause now she Works for Satan!


    ........................ ...OUTLAW

  • Nickolas

    Everybody now in harmony ... " Cause now she works for Saaaaaa-tan!"

  • wasblind

    Sad but so Vidiot,

    and to just think about the scripture 2 Corinthians 6:14 "....... For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? "

    The WTS and the slave masters of the past are too evenly yoke, too similar and have a whole lot in common

    most of the congregations I attended which are in the south the majority of the cong was black

    if all them black folks were to wake up and leave I believe they would have to close some congs

    but that's only if they wake up and get the hell out of dodge.

  • blondie

    The WTS leaders were all in prison in 1918, the printing of the WT was almost nothing...but they got out

    and near 1925 95,000 were attending the memorial which dropped down to 25,000 after 1925 did not bring the "end"

    With the persecution during WW2, the numbers came back soaring with a slowdown in the 1960's which was pumped up with the teaching of the end coming in 1975

    In 1978 and 1979 there was a drop in members only to go up again

    With each new light and adjustment, a few leave but even more come in who never heard of the old light

    The more things change the more things stay the same

    The important thing is to concentrating on helping individuals who see the light know there is a place to go and support from those that have.

  • Nickolas

    Absolutely right, blondie.

    jwfacts.com, incidentally, reports membership declines in 1977 also. Three consecutive years of declines after several consecutive years of fairly large increases.


    I wonder how many Black Folks know..

    The WBT$ used to teach..

    "Black Folks would Turn White in the New System"..

    Black wasn`t a colour Jehovah wanted in his New System..

    I don`t think Jehovah is Crazy about the Orientals either..

    ........................ ...OUTLAW

  • wasblind

    Oh Hush yo mouth Outlaw,

    You know the WTS don't want you to

    " Run 'n tell dat"

  • blondie

    Outlaw, probably none...jws find it hard to read the current bs from the WTS let alone go into the past writings...then there are the jws that believe that apostates wrote the old pubs or that it is old light or that was then and it is different now.

    Each one of us had that final ephiphany after a series of wake up calls. It takes time to condition people to be jws, takes time to get out.

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