A roaring current of change.... Is The Watchtower in the process of a major overhaul of their religion?

by koolaid-man 81 Replies latest jw friends

  • factfinder

    It really is sensationalistic nonsense. My JW brother sees no problem with any of these so called "earth -shattering" changes!

  • Nickolas

    Hey, wasblind. Good to be back, I think. And thank you for your post last month. It was appreciated.

  • factfinder

    the downsizing of the printing facilities were very discouraging to me and I gave up going to meetings 5 years ago- but not just because of that.

    But my jw brother and his wife are both pioneers and have no problem with any changes, which they see as trivial. They are loyally following the slave and pleasing God and Christ-obedience is what is important to them. They are happy as witnesses and I do not think they will leave, regardless of any changes.

    Others have been disturbed and upset over certain changes and leave.

    But I have a hard time believing that Jehovah's Witnesses will come to an end. People here are hopeful and look for indications that this is happening, but it is not.

    They may be consolodating and closing some branch offices but they have plans for major expansion in NY state. Facilities at Wallkill will be updated and enlarged, there is major expansion planned for the WEC at Patterson, there are the planned World Headquarters complexes at Ramapo and Warwick, NY-they plan to keep growing and expanding.

  • Beware of false prophets
    Beware of false prophets

    As far as Rick is concerned... Six Screens was one of the first eye opening websites I ever visited and it played a huge part in the curtain coming down for me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZR64EF3OpA I will give him the respect he deserves for playing such a big role in my deprogramming.

  • lovelylil

    I love Rick and his family too and owe them a lot of gratitude. They provided a place to go and fellowship with other ex-jws who want to still keep their Christian faith.

    As far as the WT toppling tomarrow, I don't think it will. But all these changes they are making is having an affect on the moral of the rank & file that is for sure and people are leaving in large numbers. Without any real new growth they will remain stagnant for years to come. Its possible to survive they may cut their losses with the older ones an become more mainstreem in the future to keep the young blood around.

    Of course you will always have the die hards who feel even more superior as others leave. The tower is definately hurting and bleeding $$$, And I don't think they will ever have any shred of credibility like they had in some years past. Lilly

  • Nickolas

    the downsizing of the printing facilities were very discouraging to me

    The Watchtower didn't downsize their printing operations. They consolidated them a couple of years ago into a single facility in the Georgetown, Ontario bethel with huge, state-of-the-art twin German printing presses capable of producing more than 100,000 impressions per hour. It was an smart economic move.

  • thetrueone

    And another thing, I don't trust the WT's numbers at all. I am sure they count people as witnesses who have not stepped foot in a kingdom hall in years. I would cut at least 1/3 of their stated members right off the top.

    I'll agree with that, there seems to be a reduction in the organization's members thats not being honestly and accurately portrayed by the

    organization itself.

    100 years of bullshitting to people has got to create its own plausible effects.

  • miseryloveselders

    Tabloid Apostacy.

  • jamiebowers
    Tabloid Apostacy.

    MLE, you are too funny! That being said, I don't always agree with Rick, but I have to admire his effort. Don't forget, he's being shunned by friends and family, but he keeps forging ahead in the war against the Watchtower.

  • factfinder

    That is too bad Rick is being shunned by his family and so-called friends but why is he letting the wts waste more of his life?

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