How I Know The Assembly Parts Are Made Up

by lovelylil 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • trueblue

    Before I started going to the meetings I was accused of a crime and it was thrown out of court because it was self defense, then I moved after going to meetings for awhile for work and was in an auto accident and layed up in the hospital and could not go to meetings and an elder give a talk about me stating that I left the org. and went back to a life of crime. I was wondering why everyone always quoted the law to me. Sick bastards.

  • moshe

    JWs are willing stooges for the WT's phoney assembly skits/experiences.- The drama was so upbuilding!

  • AvocadoJake

    If we can get a rights to a card board standup Starbucks coffee stand, the parts would be more realistic. The old timers knocking on the doors, while the new progressive 18-55 year olds, are great at spinning their wheels. Effective ministry, is that a fuel cell powered car, that runs on java?

  • VM44

    It appears that the Assembly experiences are simply stories made up to tell the audience.

    There is no guarantee that the stories are true.

    "Never let the facts get in the way of a good story."

  • Xanthippe

    Then, the brother asks me flat out if I can fudge it a little by changing the details to suit the part better. I was like No, I can't do that. I can't lie to all those people and have them congratulate me on an experience I never had. He was like, I don't see what it can hurt - Lovelylil

    Thanks for bumping this thread VM44. The thing that makes me angry is that we believed that it was very wrong to lie. My pioneer sister lost her part-time job as a secretary because she refused to lie for her boss, just to say over the phone that he wasn't in. Lots of ordinary witnesses have suffered through being honest in their work and then these elders ask people to lie about experiences from the convention platform!

  • Scully

    Well, not only are JWs expected to lie when giving parts at a Circuit Assembly™, they are also expected to lie when they testify in court on behalf of a JW who is being represented by a WTS lawyer.

    When I was a child, our family was friendly with another JW family - their kids were the same ages as me and my siblings and we were in the same classes at school. Anyway fast forward several years, and their youngest child gets pregnant, DFd and then marries the guy she was with. Eventually she decides she wants to be Reinstated™ so she can have contact with her JW family members. Her mom starts sending the mags to the house, which makes the girl's husband furious - ooooh, Persecution™! - and they eventually divorce. His family is well-to-do and threatens to do whatever they can to get custody of the kids - more Persecution™!

    Because this is apparently a 'landmark' case the WTS laywers get involved. The two (Publisher™) Sisters™ who have been Conducting™ a Bible Study™ with this girl are asked to testify on her behalf, along with the two Special Pioneers™ who know the family very well. The WTS lawyers spend a couple of weeks with the Congregation™, and Monday to Friday consisted of intense coaching sessions with the four Sisters™ where they were practicing different scenarios that might come up in the court room. One such scenario bothered one of the Publisher™ Sisters™ very much. The question from the bench was something along the lines of "Do Jehovah's Witnesses teach that the government and its agents are under the control of the Devil?" We ALL know that this is taught. It's documented in the literature, and it's easily proven that it's taught. The Sister™ was conflicted - she was expected to swear on the Bible to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, and she was being told that in order to get the win for the WTS, it would be necessary for her to lie under oath - to commit the crime of perjury and suffer the consequences - by a legal representative of the WTS.

    To add insult to injury, the two Special Pioneer™ Sisters™ were allowed to count the time spent in these coaching sessions toward their required hours for Special Pioneering™, which amounted to 150 hours per month at the time, the two Publisher™ Sisters™, putting in the same amount of time in the coaching sessions, were forbidden to add those hours to their Field Service Report™. This was the reason I even heard about the rest of the case, because my mom was so annoyed that she wasn't allowed to put those hours on her Field Service Report™, when she had given up her other activities in order to participate in these coaching sessions. She was actually less peeved about being asked to lie on the witness stand because for all the coaching time she put in, she wasn't called to testify. In a way, it was like Abraham's hand being held back from sacrificing Isaac - he was willing to commit the act in his heart, and then wasn't required to carry it through to completion.

  • LisaRose

    Scilly, that is an interesting story, I had never heard of the Watchtower getting involved in the case of an individual JW. The lawyers are suborning.

    perjury if that is true.

    Per Wikipedia:

    In American law and in Scots law the subornation of perjury is thecrime of persuading a person to commit perjury — the swearing of a false oath to tell the truth in a legal proceeding, be it spoken or written. The term subornation of perjury further describes the circumstance wherein an attorney at law causes a client to lie under oath, or allows another party to lie under oath

    As far as the experiences go, I remember being at conventions when these types of experiences were given and feeling guilty that I never had anything like that happen to me. I guess that is the point, to make everyone feel guilty and hide the fact that the door to door work is completely ineffective. Everyone thinks there is something wrong with them, when it is the work itself is just a big waste of time.

  • MissFit

    I wonder what would happen if more people would agree to tell their experience, they could let the Bro. Think they will go along with the exaggerated experiences but change to the truth when they got on stage?

  • DesirousOfChange

    I wonder what would happen if more people would agree to tell their experience, they could let the Bro. Think they will go along with the exaggerated experiences but change to the truth when they got on stage?

    What would happen?

    There would be that many more people DFd for "Brazen Conduct".


  • cultBgone

    Thanks for bringing this back.

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