So I asked my female coworker what she was doing this weekend............

by miseryloveselders 88 Replies latest jw friends

  • VampireDCLXV

    Miz needs to grow a pear [sic].


  • Violia

    I agree with a previous poster, man, go get laid ( or in the Walt Disney world, Kiss the girl)

    Kasha is right, chicks don't really like the Phil Donahue's of the guy world.

  • miseryloveselders

    If I find a girl worth getting DFd over, maybe. I'm talking a girl like Keri Hilson. Man she's bad. I just came out of a CVS to get some toothpaste and printer paper, and I walked by the magazine section. There she was in all her glory, whoa!!!

  • Sam Whiskey
    Sam Whiskey

    Defintion of Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different outcome each time....

  • wasblind

    Looks like My man is tryin' to climb a mountain

    He's holdin' on for dear life !!!!!

  • miseryloveselders

    Yeah thats just a little too much booty to tango with. You've got to have little man's syndrome or a Napolean complex to tackle that kind of booty. I'm 6-2, I don't have anything to prove. I'll pass on that kind of action.

  • wasblind

    Good gosh your tall !!!!

    I was thinkin' diddy would need a GPS

    to find his way round that, his arms

    won't go no further than her side

    and he got his arms stretched out

    look like when she bent over his feet left the floor !!!!!

    or if he didn't tip-toe her hindparts would be at his chest

    he truly looks as if he's havin' a rough time

  • miseryloveselders

    Puff's 5-11 from what I see on Google, so he's not a midget, but he's not bullyfootin anything either. I've seen some big girls that had a way about them that would make me take a shot at em. My financial director is a healthy woman, and I have to say if it wasn't for the fact that she's married, I'd make a go at her. There's just something about how she dresses, and her confidence , and that feminine fat that makes me a go-getter. Not to mention the Lane Bryant business suits and her hair. Something about her just makes me want to make her feel loved.

  • wasblind

    Trust , I'm from the south and ain't to many thin women in my family

    but diddy bit off more than he could chew in that pic

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    I love the term "healthy" - although you can say "fat"... it's not like it's the N word, LOL...

    I call myself "fat" because.... I am. I've had weight issues most of my life. I'm larger now than I used to be, but I yo-yo as well. 3 years ago I was 2 or 3 dress sizes smaller.

    Having said that.... my butt's not quite as big as hers, lol!!

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