Video and pictures just coming in from the world wide protest!

by koolaid-man 90 Replies latest jw friends

  • koolaid-man

    It was thrilling to participate in the world wide protest, Jan, 21-23 2011 exposing The Watchtower Organization for their policies on deliberately breaking up up families. We thank all those involved this past weekend for their passion and commitment to help free those trapped in falsehood. I am aware that many on this forum do not believe in protesting against The Watchtower Society,and I respect their position. We all have different approaches in trying to help free our family and friends and all of us working together unitedly can get the job done. As more pictures and stories come forth we will post them on this thread.!

  • boyzone

    Well done Rick you're doing a fantastic job exposing the WT wickedness. Was there a protest in London?

  • james_woods

    Did Johnny get out for the event?

  • brotherdan

    Rick, it is so encouraging that there are people like you that are willing to do more than just talk about the organization. Getting out there in 20 degree weather to inform the public is great. It's nice that you don't just talk...but DO.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    world wide?

  • undercover
    Did Johnny get out for the event?

    He was being watched by GB henchmen. If he dared step outside they were gonna take him out. He would have been wearing concrete boots at the bottom of the East River by nightfall...

  • koolaid-man

    Thank you........ Hopefully our world wide protesting friends will get their pictures to us. More pictures from the Boston area protesters.


    World Wide?..

    Your enthusiasim is Admirable..


    Theres not enough people in your protest..

    To hold up the 4 signs you brought..

    .................... ...OUTLAW

  • koolaid-man

    If just one person was holding a sign ,a statement would be made!


    It`s comedy KoolaidMan..

    A WorldWide Protest with 3 People is Funny..

    I`ll be putting up another Satellite Photo soon,of the WBT$ WorldWide Protest..

    You got 31 pages on your other thread..Thats dam good..

    Maybe you`ll do better on this one..

    .................... ...OUTLAW

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