Verifiable Former Bethelite Willing to Answer questions

by Uzzah 94 Replies latest jw friends

  • Uzzah

    I listened to part of the first broadcast when he first made his appearance. I did not listen to the most recent as it would be a waste of time based on what I heard the first time.

    Claims of the underground bunkers, etc.

    It is not the first hoax to be perpetrated on JWD/JWN nor will it be the last. Anyone else remember Danni?

  • lisaBObeesa
    I listened to part of the first broadcast when he first made his appearance.

    I see. I don't think Johnny said they were building underground bunkers. I think he said they were building something underground, and he didn't know what it was, but that underground bunkers had come to mind. Thanks for your answers!

  • Uzzah

    I just listened to the first 4 minutes of the latest appearance of Johnny. It is just my opinion but the guy is either someone needing mental help or else a drunk trying to pull one over on the ex-JW community.

    "I am being followed right now"

    "I told them I want to leave but they said I can't because of what I kow." "They threatened my family"

    This just doesn't happen. I helped write the frickin 1995 Watchtower article about the "Generation Change" and was privvy to all the discussions surrounding that change. I knew of many of the child abuse cases, cover ups and mishandlings. Yet when I said I wanted to leave, they all but drove me to the gate. Yet this kid, who claims to be involved in hacking/tracking (yet cannot explain what he did in any kind of technical manner) is so important they are looking to silence him? Yeah right.

    This is all either paranoid delusions or intentional prank.

    Anyone have any serious questions they want answered. I will check in tomorrow and answer as I can. Good night all.

  • lisaBObeesa
    I helped write the frickin 1995 Watchtower article about the "Generation Change" and was privvy to all the discussions surrounding that change. I knew of many of the child abuse cases, cover ups and mishandlings.


    Yet when I said I wanted to leave, they all but drove me to the gate. Yet this kid, who claims to be involved in hacking/tracking (yet cannot explain what he did in any kind of technical manner) is so important they are looking to silence him? Yeah right.

    Hummm. That's a very convincing argument.

    This is all either paranoid delusions or intentional prank.

    He does sound pretty paranoid...but then that would be expected...

    Seriously, thanks for this. Very interesting.

    (I do hope that you eventually listen to the whole call, or most of the call, or maybe at least just all of the second call (much shorter). I understand if you don't listen to more since it would feel like wasting your time...but I for one would be very very interested in your take on it, and I hope you do.)

  • cofty
    I helped write the frickin 1995 Watchtower article about the "Generation Change" and was privvy to all the discussions surrounding that change

    Thank you for giving me the motivation to get out. I would love to hear more about those discussions. Enjoying your comments.

  • dozy

    I'd like to hear about the discussions surrounding the 1995 Generation Change as well - it was a big thing for me at the time.

  • wobble

    Thanks Uzzah,

    Your informed and truthful information stands in stark contrast to "Johnnies". this sort of stuff makes sites even like this one seem as they are painted by the WT.

    Despite your busy activity helping others please keep an eye on things here on JWN, your input is truly of inestimible value. many who come to this site are at their wits end, so we need to keep up the quality and truthfulness for their benefit, JWD/N saved my life, it will save many more.

  • whataburger

    Uzzah removed all doubt about this hoax. The guy in the closet is seeking attention and is not credible.

    Coming out of a religion like this makes you question everything you have ever known, everything your parents have ever known. It's like trying to explain to your family that up is down and down is up. The process can break you down, mentally, even if just for a short moment. I think the Bethel Closet guy is having one of those moments.

    The change of this religion is coming, but it will be slow. Anyone hoping for sweeping, drastic, overnight changes will be dissappointed. This isn't a presidential election, it is a society.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Uzzah, you have a PM

  • CrimsonBleu

    I took the time to isten to the entire recording from the beginning, to the time Jon was gone. I have yet to hear the second one. Later today.

    I believe him.

    Jon had no idea where that conversation was leading when he first came on. As things progressed, and questions were asked, he gained a sense of importance which seems to have shattered some of his credibility, although he remained as nerdish and humble as any other computer whiz-kid I have ever known.

    He answered on the spot-iin JW lingo and tone, even though he was at a loss for words at times. That only comes from youthful inexperience and lack of proper education in the reading and writing departments. No biggie. I know many people who can barely formulate a sentense, but can design, troubleshoot, analyze, and configure things I can only wish about. Brainiacs. But social skills----naw.

    Now imagine a person like that, all walled in with WTBS, put in a trusted position of importance. He had already taken a few precaution to stay undercover--BUT in the event he did get caught, he had no fear. His care level was draining fast. He had already been offered a place to go on more than one occassion, and by God, somebody would have helped the kid. So again, I believe him. There is no telling what other info he has on the tower.

    My MAIN reason for posting here is this : With all due respect sir (you seem like a fine gentleman) ....please consider the time you spent at Bethel was BEFORE social networking was a household word. Your belief is that hacking would not be something the WTS would want involvement with...Okay.....then I ask you this: What about Law enforcement? What about Homeland Security and what about the Military and big corporations.....?. And have you noticed that WTBS is structured under the same model as these type entities? Do you see the similaririties in how they are built and operated?

    I would like to you to open your eyes to 2011. NOTHING is sacred anymore, and indeed if somone really wants to know something about you, that information can be found. My husband was NSA (National Security) and what you think is safe information is not. And THAT was 20 years ago. Facebook, Twitter and other Social Media sites are data mined on a regular basis, and when a particular indiviual is sought out, it's a piece of candy. Have a look to get an idea of what I mea. This isn't long, so please watch and learn and grow.

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