Have you answered the knock on your door?

by Inkie 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis

    Ohhhh so it's God who keeps knocking on the door and I open it and...


    Ok God ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!

    It's not funny anymore!!!!

  • Inkie

    No, DP. (Shaking head.) It's not God who is knocking on the door. It is Jaheshua. Jaheshua is the one who wants to come and take the evening meal with us.

  • watersprout

    The problem is Inkie *waves* that ones on this board only read and take out what they want! How many times have members of the body of Christ had to state that we DO NOT hear God's voice...We hear His son's Jaheshua's. I really enjoyed reading your post. You should post more often.



  • tec

    Well, I thought it was interesting. Thank you for sharing.


  • Land of Magog
  • OnTheWayOut

    Like Inkie, I also get a knock at my door and when I get there, nobody is there but there is a voice.

    That UPS guy leaves the box and runs, then as I open the door, he says "Have a great day."
    He's always in such a hurry.

    I can see everyone's confusion. It's the UPS guy, not the postal courier from the U.S. Postal Service. Kinda like that God/Lord thing.

    I hope that helps everybody.

  • AGuest
    It's the UPS guy

    Really? At 2am in the morning, Jer? Hmmmmm... methinks you ought to report that. I would and I would certainly encourage any of the ladies to do so, as that sounds like a perv to me. Then again, mayhaps YOU don't have a problem with UPS showing up at the time of the morning...

    A slave of Christ,


  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis


    No one AGAIN!!!!!

    Damn you God.......oh wait.... I got it this time....Jaheshua!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Awen

    I too being a son of God (and having been a member here for quite some time) can relate to these experiences. I have heard the knocking on my door and have opened it to not find anyone there and in my sleepiness shrugged it off as a dream. I too say it's not GOD speaking to me, but his Son Yeshua, whom YHWH said we should serve and bend our knees. Even though YHWH is GOD, it is His desire that we serve His Son and by doing so we acknowledge that we are doing GOD's will.

    While I feel bad for my brothers and sisters who were mistreated by the organization and can understand their hatred of it, I do not understand the hatred, ridicule and mistreatment of the posters here on this board who are simply sharing their experiences.

    If I wanted to be treated like this, I would go back to the WTBTS. I was under the impression that this was a support board. Kinda like when someone twists an ankle and you help them up and support them until they are able to walk again on their own. Surely any loving person would not stomp on an injured person's ankle, but this seems to be the norm here. Such is my reason for not posting much over the years.

    Suffice to say, I suspect many have not worked out their anger towards the WTBTS and they are taking that anger out on anyone who identifies themselves as a Christian or speaks about having a relationship with GOD. It seems to me they want this relationship, but are uncertain how to go about getting it. It's very easy.

    Confess your sins. Ask for forgiveness. Submit yourself to Christ. Ask for GOD's Holy Spirit to come into your life, clear your mind and to direct you in the way in which GOD wants you to walk. Stay faithful. Never let anyone try to steal your joy.

    It's pretty simple, there are no long months of indoctrination and you meet all sorts of wonderful people.

    So welcome to the boards Inkie and others who's names I can't recall (my apologies).

    May you have peace.


  • AGuest

    Greetings, dear Awen... and the greatest of love and peace to you! Since you've been lurking I'm sure you know there's a couple/few of us here. I, for one, am glad to know you're out there!

    Your servant, sister, and fellow slave of Christ,


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