How do you know if you're going to heaven?

by Christiangal 88 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JT

    This man is at least honest about "Religion" and just think almost every single Belief System believes the EXACT SAME THING

    you got to love the dude who invented religion

    And no, not to be harsh, but it is true that if an American Indian has not accepted Christ, he will go to hell. As is with everyone who doesn't believe in Christ Jesus. It doesn't matter if you consider yourself to be a "good person" or not.

  • JT

    Christiangal says:

    "All I am trying to tell you is that there is a "eligion" out there that is not a "religion"

    Clinton says:

    "What is IS"


    can you tell the difference between the 2 above comments??

  • JT

    Christiangal says:
    "All I am trying to tell you is that there is a "Religion" out there that is not a "religion"

    Clinton says:

    "What is IS"


    can you tell the difference between the 2 above comments??

  • Christiangal

    You know, maybe it might help if you read the rest of the reply. I said that there is a religion that is not a religion- it is a relationship:

    All I am trying to tell you is that there is a "religion" out there that is not a "religion." It is a relationship. That relationship, trusting and leaning on Jesus Christ, is the greatest gift that God has ever given any one of us. It is up to you whether or not you choose to have this relationship.
    Read the whole post next time.

    GET A LIFE!!!

  • safe4kids
    GET A LIFE!!!

    Siggghhhh...why is it fundies have no sense of humor?! So weird.

    Anyway, thanks for the advice christiangirlie, don't know why I didn't think of that myself!


  • Introspection

    Well, I feel like I'm going to repeat myself again even though I haven't posted here in a while, but maybe it'll have a different spin so it won't be completely redundant..

    You can emphasize the first part of this question two ways: How do you KNOW or how do YOU know.. (not unlike "How YOU doin?") But seriously, that's kind of what it comes down to.

    First of all, I find it interesting that even though the scripture at 1 John 5:13 emphasizes knowing over belief, as I believe one other poster on the thread has at one point, the word belief is what's thrown around for the most part, that should tell you something.

    Now as for what "YOU" know, of course that usually mean 'how does one know' such and such, so it is subjective. Most people seem to confuse data with knowledge, and there is generally a lack of awareness as to the assumptions made in their argument, whatever their position on a given issue. Maybe there's a third way to emphasize this, and that is HOW. HOW do you know? I don't care who YOU are, after all HOW do I know when it's just an alias of someone on the internet? But if you break it down as far as what your reasoning is, I can see if it's reasonable. But it does seem that people are very hung up on the YOU, which of course really means ME. So other people don't believe what you believe, isn't that to be expected? Why do we become so emotionally invested with this stuff, is it really about going to heaven or is it about YOU?

    In the past when I've discussed topics like religion online I would often run into people who ask "So what are you??" (to which I'd like to reply "I'm Batman" but that's neither here nor there..) But of course they want to identify me in some way, like if I'm a Christian, Buddhist or whatever. Well, I've found that often the most exemplary individuals of these groups are ones that don't identify themselves as such, and it's because they prefer to identify themselves by their behaviors or not at all, because it's not about them as an individual. Secondly, often these individuals will be silent as to questions like this, because after all the answer would have to come from YOU wouldn't it?? So why are we all trying to answer it for other people??

  • Thomas Poole
    Thomas Poole

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  • Abaddon

    Thomas Poole; you can say what you like about me. But it's nice to see your 'Christian' qualities coming to the fore in your jibe about the disabled. By their fruits you shall judge them.

    tanbende1/Christiangal; mmmm, yes. My point is that YOU have to prove it. YOU are the one making assertions, I am just pointing out you have no better proof than any one of several thousand million religionists.

    For example; I have a book here that says that I am god, and Christians are devils sent to destroy the world. I know I am right. The voices told me, and the transfiguration of my pet gerbil, Norman.

    If I expected other people to conform to my beliefs, I might reasonably be expected to prove something. The same applies to you, but you can't.

    So, stop ignoring my point and prove your case. You make it sound like it's so simple, I wonder why you haven't done it yet.

    And I am sorry if I don't fit your nice little niche of perceived manhood... no, I lie, I don't care at all that I don't fit your little niche of perceived manhood. But I cannot imagine Jesus, even under provocation, responding to me as you do. By their fruits you shall know them.

    safe4kids; I like your joke about the missionary position!, and, shucks, you're too kind; no doubt the Moron Tabernacle Choir will accuse me of immodesty now.

    People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...

  • funkyderek
    All I am trying to tell you is that there is a "religion" out there that is not a "religion." It is a relationship. That relationship, trusting and leaning on Jesus Christ, is the greatest gift that God has ever given any one of us. It is up to you whether or not you choose to have this relationship.

    Doesn't a relationship of necessity involve two-way communication? Does this "Jesus Christ", the alleged other party in your relationship actually communicate directly with you?

    "Theology is never any help; it is searching in a dark cellar at midnight for a black cat that isn't there. Theologians can persuade themselves of anything." -Robert A. Heinlein

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