Is God LOVE ?

by wobble 76 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • AGuest
    So then, until we learn love, or recieve love, or experience love, are we without a core. Are we 'essenseless', until that time?

    Yes (again, peace to you!).

    How can a learned thing, a thing which we were not, become the core of our being, our very being?

    We start as empty vessels, dear one... which must be filled. And there are a lot of things for us to be filled with. Whatever is it we ARE eventually filled with... anger... hate... love... is what we ultimately become. We start being filled in this life.

    I hope that helps.

    Again, peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,


  • Satanus


    If you are saying this stuff we me in mind, you can you know. I used to get stuff like this from my abusive father. It doesn't bother me much now, though.


  • AGuest
    If you are saying this stuff we me in mind, you can you know.

    I do not know what you mean, dear Satanus (peace to you)... truly. Since your father was abusive (and I am terribly sorry for that, truly!), perhaps he knew... but did not practice what he knew? Which most hypocrites don't. Or perhaps he was just parroting what he'd heard from... somewhere/one? I dunno. Are you able/willing to elaborate? I truly don't want to state things that even remotely "bother" you, not at all, and certainly not in such a regard. And I didn't have such intention. Can you help me understand, please?

    Thank and, again, peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,


  • Satanus

    "And I didn't have such intention."

    Ok, i take you at your word and i drop it.


  • Farkel

    :Is God LOVE ?

    Well, sure He is. The Bible says so.

    Is love not jealous?

    Well, sure it is. The Bible says so.

    Is God a jealous God?

    Well, sure He is. The Bible says so.



  • thetrueone

    Is God love answer = no

    God is business, well he does own a publishing company in New York

  • Satanus

    If god is love, and we are made in his image, then why are we not love, at our core? If we are not love, in our essence, then god isn't, iether, unless, someone is lying.


  • Terry

    Love is not a THING.

    Love is not an entity.

    Love is the strongest possible emotion which is a caused emotion.

    Your strongest values produce your strongest emotions.

    When you encounter something which embodies your strongest values you FEEL Love.

  • ProdigalSon

    There are only two emotions that enter human consciousness: Love and Fear. God and Satan. Every other emotion is a by-product of one of those. I think this in itself tells us exactly who "Jehovah" is: Satan. The TRUE God cannot be the producer of evil, because the evil came along after we became separated from the Most High.

    For a free-will, three-dimensional universe to exist, there has to be two polarities. If this universe became separate from God, but is evolving back to God, there has to be a negative force, an adversary.

    I've seen this illustration in a book I've read, called "Nano: Technology of Mind Over Matter", by Kabbalist Rav Berg. He says that if two star soccer players have children (let's say Pele and Beckham), and they both have the natural ability to be like their fathers, they cannot develop into star players themselves without training. So if one trains against a skilled goalkeeper (the Adversary) and the other against an empty net, who is going to be the better player?


    Terry - don't you get tired of being right all the time? I will continue to value your posts.

    I learnt about love from Terry. No, no, not like that! His posts helped me learn to be objective. Instead of looking to my emotions for answers, I learned that my emotions are a produce of my values. Examining my values helped me to make adjustments and appropriate emotions followed.

    We could ask: Is Love God?

    Well love may be King but that's no reason to go on a flight of fantasy.

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