[JPEG] Memorial Partakers Worldwide: 11,202

by possible-san 41 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Gayle

    @ Listener,,just a guess about partakers, I would guess 60% at least are women. Since I saw a poll or study, about 60% of JWs are female.

  • factfinder

    New branch office dedications took place in Estonia, Solomon Islands, Latvia, Papua New Guinea and Paraguay.

    Of the Scandinavian countries only Norway (where my favorite band a-ha are from!) had an increase:1%.

    There is a section on how the writing dept only uses reliable info, and how great the new songbook is! (gag!)

  • possible-san


    I would love to know what percentage of partakers are women.

    Although it is an old material somewhat, it is written like this.

    "Their number is 8,617 in 1994. (About 8,500 of them are women)."
    (Is Divine Name "Jehovah"?, written by Yoshio Iwamura (Japanese ex-elder) in 1995. p.231. ISBN is 4-264-01512-x)

    He was intimate with F.W. Franz (and other GB members).
    His photo appears in former brochure (in 1986). (Jehovah's Witnesses - Unitedly Doing God's Will Worldwide, p. 30)

    Well, "98 percent" was women in 1994.


  • Gayle

    wow, thank you, possible-san! If the women have a such a percentage rate of partakers yet, no wonder, the GB re-opened the heavenly hope door so that maybe they could get more males in the pool for possible GB replacements/pickings in the future. No wonder they are down to 7 GB presently, they can't find any more.

    My 'tongue in cheek' question to a JW regarding the faithful and discreet class would be is, why is God choosing so many more women to go to heaven for such rulership position with Christ and so few men?

  • Listener

    I agree with you Gayle and would expect the female partakers to be at least the same percentage as the overall ratio of males and females but not much is quite normal with the JWs.

    My suspicions are that the percentage of females is much higher.

    Possible San quoted

    "Their number is 8,617 in 1994. (About 8,500 of them are women)."
    (Is Divine Name "Jehovah"?, written by Yoshio Iwamura (Japanese ex-elder) in 1995. p.231. ISBN is 4-264-01512-x)

    That is absolutely staggering. Those percentages are not likely to have changed a great deal since then. Do you happen to know how Yosho got those figures?

    No wonder the org keeps using the term 'genuine' annointed when making various statements.

  • possible-san


    Do you happen to know how Yosho got those figures?

    Sorry, I don't know.
    I have not talked with him.

    But I gave you an information.
    "He was intimate with F.W. Franz (and other GB members)."

    Also in Japan, he is not an ordinary elder.
    The picture describing him appears in a past Watchtower.

    Therefore, perhaps, that information/source may be via a Governing Body member. (I think)
    I do not know any more.

    Well, I think that there is probably almost no person who knows the men-and-women ratio of the Anointed, even if you ask of other people.
    That is, that is valuable information.


  • Listener

    Yes Possible San, very valuable information indeed. Those figures would be very tightly held secret.

    That leaves 117 anointed males living in 1994 and a number of them would have passed away.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    It's pathetic. The game is up, just like it is with their ridiculous new 'generation' interpretation. Each year they look more and more preposterous.

    The WBTS should just admit that it doesn't matter if your 'hope' is heavenly or earthly, all 'true Christians' who have put their faith in Jesus shed blood are in the new covenant and can take the emblems. Whether you hope to be one of the righteous who inherits the 'new earth' or the 'new heavens', you are in the new covenant. The great crowd have also washed their garments in the blood of Christ and sit before God in the naos, Revelation 7 plainly says. How could they not be in the new covenant also!

    If the next Watchtower study article announced such 'new light', memorial partakers next year would be 7 million. Guaranteed!

    It's so easy when you think about it but noooo the GB will just keep playing the fools errand forever.

    But the most pathetic thing is 99% of JW's just don't wanna think about it. Critical thinking = zero. Rather do the crossword.

    99% of JW's are not 'noble-minded' like the Boreans. 99% of them have no 'love of the truth' or they would be bothered by these things and would research them.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    If you cry "Abba, father" you are anointed. How many JW's have faith in Jesus shed blood for their salvation and how many of them call Jehovah their 'father'?

    All of them!

  • Listener
    99% of JW's are not 'noble-minded' like the Boreans. 99% of them have no 'love of the truth' or they would be bothered by these things and would research them.

    I get where you're coming from and this is how it comes across. The problem is that they rely too much on the interpretation of a few men rather than the bible.

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