A story of brotherly love.....

by Tatiana 45 Replies latest jw experiences

  • jemba

    I still feel shocked to the core to read such horrific stories coming from a so called loving christian religion.

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    It's amazing how awful people can treat family members.

  • scary21

    Just returned from visiting my 89 yr. old JW mother. The elders called, wanting to know what my sister and I were going to do about are mother.

    They came to the house for a meeting. There was a 84 yr. old sister that has been helping her. The Elders said the sisters husband

    does not want her to help anymore because it's beginning to get to hard on her ( duh ! she's 84 herself ) She was taking her to the store

    every week, to doctors app. 2 or 3 times a year ( more often lately because she had an ear infection ) Hair cuts every few months. My mom pays

    for her cut too, and gives her money.

    My mom has a great WORLDLY neighbor. She loves my mom so much and does a lot for her. Cuts her grass, takes out garbage,

    gets mail, brings her food, and checks on her several times a day. My mom lets her do these things but as far as going out.....store,

    doctor she wants a JW. There are no other JW in her con. to help NONE....not one ! After being a faithful JW for 59 yrs.

    Where are the 50 yr. olds 60 yr. olds 70 yr. olds.........?????

    I told the elders the neighbor will take her any where she needs to go , and without this womans help we would have to DO SOMETHING ABOUT

    ARE MOTHER ( like they asked ) but my mom does not want her because she's not a JW................well thier shepperding call was this.......

    They gave their permission for the worldly person to help.......they told her it was ok and read a scripture about a loving companion. I told them

    my mother would have been better off if she was never a JW, then we wouldn't have this problem ( refusing help from worldly people ) HA HA

    I know I'm a smart ass but it's TRUE. My mom has short term memory loss.....so everyday I have to remind her " Mom the elders want the neighbor

    to help you now" repeat repeat repeat The elders put ------ in charge of helping you......Your going to listen to the elders, right mom ?

    Oh, and my mom said " The elders can't help you if you have family " WHAT!!!!! so sad

  • ziddina

    Wow... I am absolutely moved to tears by this story... What heartless Jehovah's Witnesses they were!!

  • ziddina

    Wow, Dazed and Confused, I am SO sorry to hear of your son's death! What HORRIBLE people who wouldn't even offer you a bed for the night - and yet they probably fall all over themselves trying to impress the circuit servant when HE comes to town...

    Ironically, had you been a member of a group like the SCA [Society for Creative Anachronism] or some other social club, you probably would have had LOTS of help - I've seen SCA members here behave VERY generously towards their members in need...

    Heck, I've helped people pack up their houses and have 'autocrated' at least one charitable event at the public zoo for the SCA, so I've seen them in action...

  • nugget

    Her death was not a vain one since it accomplished a great deal. I am so sorry that you had to go through this painful experience. You did all you could and gave a dying woman compassion and dignity. Although at the end you could not be with her she knew that her daughter was coming and that all had been forgiven that is probably the greatest thing you could have done for her at that time.

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