A story of brotherly love.....

by Tatiana 45 Replies latest jw experiences

  • DazedAndConfused

    Hugs April

    I had no idea that you had a similar situation to mine. I am so happy that your baby lived. How old? Male/female? That is so wonderful!

    Our situations are so close it is scary. My son was 2 months premature, he weighed 3 12-1/2. I too had been married for one year, in fact I had him 2 days before my first Anniversary. I was 18 at the time.

    Believe me, to find someone with a story so close to mine is wonderful. Not that they happened but that I can feel not so alone about the situation. Thank you so much!!!

  • Tatiana

    {{{{{Dazed}}}}}, I felt the same way as I read your story. I couldn't believe our stories were similar. My only wish is for you not to have gone through that, or at least to have been able to be there. At this stage in my life, I have no idea what I believe in....but I would like to believe your baby sees you from somewhere, and knows how much you cared.

    My son is 26 now. It was touch and go for a long time. Even when I brought him home, he was in and out of the hospital with pneumonia several times. He was so small. Didn't walk till he was over 2 years old. And his head was way too big. :)
    Now, you wouldn't know it. He's tall, well built, has no health problems at all. I guess he had enough when he was born to last a lifetime!
    Each time I look at him, I know it's a miracle he's here. Today they have much better methods of taking care of premature babies.

    I remember walking into the nursery, up to the incubator, and seeing his entire body lying on the smallest pamper they made. They didn't have premie diapers then. He had a tube in his head. I couldn't believe that was my son. Next thing I remember is waking up in a chair with my head between my knees, and a nurse holding my hand.

    Do you have other children?

    Love to you.....


    If you bury the truth under the ground, it will but grow, and gather to itself such explosive power that the day it bursts through it will blow up everything in its way.--Emile Zola, J'accuse

  • Mulan

    Tatiana, thank you for telling this story. It makes me ache for you and for your aunt. You WERE there for her. You know that, don't you??

    Dazed, I feel for your loss too. What a heartbreak!

  • ballistic

    Tatiana, thanks for telling your story, very touching. I bet these same considerate people keep telling you armagedons coming soon?

  • DazedAndConfused

    Hugs April. I am proud to say that I have 3 beautiful girls. My oldest is 24 (in May), married, and unfortunately still in the Borg. My other two girls (19 & 20) are going to College and thanfully free from oppression. I love them all dearly and I am very proud of them.

  • Valentine

    (((((((((April,Dazed,Billy et al))))))))))))
    I am continually amazed and strengthened by your resilience and capacity to love ,you are courageous and loving and strong people!)
    My heart goes out to all who have expereiced the depths of despair,yet come out of it as shining examples of the resilence of the human spirit! Wishing love strength and courage to all.T

    Todays Affirmation:
    The complete lack of evidence is the surest sign that the conspiracy is working.

  • mommy

    I am so sorry that happened to you! My own sister was in a mental ward for 2 weeks after an attempted suicide, and my parents did not even let us know. I found out years later, funny thing is that my dad visited her but my mother did not. My dad is no longer a JW and my mom is...you do the math.

    April and Dazed,
    My heart goes out to you. How awful to be helpless in such a situation and not have anyone but "wordly" people to turn to. Sick, sick, and sicker.

    I don't want to hijack this thread, but I wanted to add another example here. Monday I had a medical crisis. I was home with my two children and no vehicle. I had a hypoglycemic reaction and my blood sugar dropped drastically. I was unable to stand up without almost fainting, and my body was very weak, sweating, etc. I was scared that I was going to black out, that has happened in the past, and I was worried about my kids being here alone. Not only that if I was able to get my blood sugar level up it leaves me very weak for a few hours, before my body stabilizes again.

    I tried to reach my sisters but wsa unable to do so. So as a last resort I called my mother, who is a nurse BTW. I told her my symptoms, and told her how close I was to blacking out. She knew the kids were with me and I had no vehicle. I told her I was trying to reach my sister so that she could come sit with me for an hour, just in case something happened. My mother's advice? "Call your doctor." CALL MY DOCTOR???? I have two small children here, and I am on the verge of blacking out, you have a vehicle and live less than 10 minutes away. But okay I'll calll my doctor so he can advice me to get someone over here to sit with me until my blood sugar rises. HMMM I wonder who will come stay with me? Not Mrs. Christian of the year. No, it is Thursday, she still has not called to see if I needed anything or if I am okay.

    I think that is the last straw for me. I am done trying to understand her. Thanks for letting me vent. I am still peeved can you tell? lol

  • outnfree

    ((((andi, dazed, and mommy))))

    I think Tina had the very perfect word for April and the rest of you: resilient.

    Tears are streaming down my face, but anger is welling up in my heart at the same time. How DARE these people call themselves Christians?!!
    Where are their hearts?!!!!

    Yet, I am not totally surprised to hear your various stories. Your stories reflect an INSTITUTIONALIZED lack of human empathy in the Watchtower organization. There is a couple in my ex-KH right now who are suffering from the lack of love shown by the congregation. They have a daughter with a very rare disorder and have had to seek treatment for her in a university town about an hour away as well as in New York City. Very few visited or called or offered help in any concrete way. The mother has been reeling from the disinterested attitude of the elders! Her child's disease is life-threatening and they know it. And, of course, any initiatives to help outside of elder-arranged initiatives were discouraged. Sickening!

    Yes, it seems some of us have the "capacity to love" and others have had it trained out of them or are actually encouraged to repress it. I am glad that despite the WT hold on our lives, many here have opted to share and demonstrate love.

    I wonder what an assembly would be like if audiences were asked to share their most memorable experiences within the organization positive OR negative? I'm thinking a LOT more stories like these would surface and would draw more nods of agreement than those repugnant overlords in Brooklyn could ever imagine! They just have no idea! But they should...

    Wish I could offer something more than mere words, ladies.


    It's what you learn after you know it all that counts -- John Wooden

  • TR

    April, you're a saint, an angel.

    Andi and dazed,

    What can I say, except that I'm glad you're both here to this day, and that the WTS is a cold and brutal org.


    "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
    --Benjamin Franklin, 1759

  • Tatiana

    TR, thank you. But, no, definitely NOT a saint! I'm just a human who thanks "whoever" every day of my life that I didn't lose my conscience and my heart in that religion.

    Wendy, your mom sounds just like mine. How cold and hard-hearted. I'm glad you were okay. And your kids.
    I had my "last straw" with my mother after I had my last child, Dominic. I had surgery after having him. She never even came to see me in the hospital. And she only lived about 15 miles away. A 20 minute drive. How do you answer the nurse who asks you where your family is? She didn't even come to see him until he was 2 months old. She walks in and says, "I just had to 'break down' and come see him." Break down???? BREAK DOWN????? I was so furious. I didn't even want her to touch him!
    And she hasn't seen him since he was 2 and he's 10 now. Yeah..figure that one out!!

    outnfree...words can do so much good sometimes. Thank you for yours.

    ballistic...yes, my mother still sends me a letter every few years to preach to me and tell me to "come back before Armageddon!" Come back to WHAT?? Their kind of love? No thanks...may a great big-ass ball of fire strike me dead first!!

    {{{{{Tracy}}}}}..cyber hugs are a good thing! Thanks for yours.

    Thanks Tina....

    My niece called me from South Carolina tonight..(the one I sent 250 pages of info from this board and Kent's site. Also Randy's)...she's going through some rough times. She has a two year old. Her husband is on drugs. Blowing all the money. She has two jobs. She was crying on the phone. She had a witness friend who has known her since they were little kids. Best friends. I still have pics of them laughing and playing together. Well, my niece said when she got the info from me about the UN and the WTS, she called Rebecca and just mentioned it to her. She said she never said she agreed with it. I'd told her to ask about it and see what would happen. If they would answer her questions or treat her like she did something wrong.

    Well, I got my answer. Ever since she asked Rebecca, who used to call her every other day, about the UN....only one call in 2 months. And when she asked if anyone could help her because her car broke down, everyone was busy. They know she has an "unbelieving" mate. What happened to the loving kindness? Needless to say, her eyes are slowly opening.

    I told her to come to Chicago and start over. I'd help her. Any way I can. These people never cease to amaze me!

    Kisses to you all....


    If you bury the truth under the ground, it will but grow, and gather to itself such explosive power that the day it bursts through it will blow up everything in its way.--Emile Zola, J'accuse

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