A story of brotherly love.....

by Tatiana 45 Replies latest jw experiences

  • outnfree

    I am so impressed by the depth of your care, concern and love for your fellow humans. You are a wonderful, warm person as this emotionally brutal story points out. YOU are the counterpoint to the WT religion's institutional lack of love, and I can only offer you recognition and respect for displaying TRUE, unselfish love.

    It was the lack of love on the part of the local WT representatives that finally drove me from the Borganization, and it seems it was the same for so many... How very, very sad!

    And how very, very merciful were you!


    It's what you learn after you know it all that counts -- John Wooden

  • mommy

    I am so amazed at your life and the woman that you are now. I know we only know a bit of you, but I am so glad to have been able to know you. Your character and strength shine through despite the obstacles that you have been through. I love you! And I love your spirit.

    When I read Dana's reply, I mistakenly speed read the first sentence and it read...What a wonderfully, horrible experience to go through. Then I realized that I stuck the wonderful part in there, because it really was wonderful to be able to experience it. I know at the time and even looking back it is catergorized as an awful period of time. But I can't help but to think that it helped you develop into a better you.

    I often think of that as I look back at things that have occured, of times I have seen the darker side of another human. I am much better for seeing it, I resolve to never go there because I know the pain of being on the receiving end.

    (((((cyberhugssucksrocks)))))) but here it is until I can meet you and give you a real one.

  • KissAFish

    What an amazingly sad story, but this is what happens when people give up feeling and only exist. At least you know you have compassion and a caring heart, and did the very best you could in a hard situation.

    "To love someone means to see him as God intended him. "
    Feodor Dostoevsky

  • KissAFish

    Sorry..very late in Oz.. I meant to say April

  • SYN

    This is awful! It's bad enough for someone to die from cancer, but like this...nah. Too horrible to comprehend. My deepest sympathies go out to u!

    "I see no good reasons why the views given in this volume should shock the religious sensibilities of anyone." -- Charles Darwin, The Origin Of Species, 1869.

  • Tatiana

    I want to thank every one of you for taking the time to read this. Reborn, Tracy, Dana, drac, outnfree, KissAFish, SYN, j2bf. Thanks for the understanding and kind words.
    It brought back some painful times, but you're right, Wendy, it made me really learn to put myself in other's shoes. I'll never forget the look in her eyes, or the expression on her face. Just total hopelessness. Despair. To me, she showed strength and courage by not wanting to "spoil" their vacation and telling them to leave. But, really, all I did was what ANY human being with any type of conscience or love in their heart would do.

    She came to the only place she had left that resembled a home.....to die. And sometimes I wish I'd respected what she wanted and let her die at my grandmother's. Because to this day, I still think she died too quickly. I always wondered if maybe her death was hastened because of no insurance. (I know-too many X-Files shows-[8>]) And if I'd stayed at the hospital she would have been alive to see her daughter one last time. After all, the original doctor gave her a month. I never forgave Brother Davis for that. He was more concerned with his daughter messing up his "position" in the congregation. I secretly laughed when she got disassociated! Yeah, I'm so evil!

    A few years later I tried to bring this before the brothers. I wrote a long letter and asked for a meeting. Only one brother showed up. And told me since Brother Blake and Brother Davis were dead now, I had NO WITNESSES to what occurred. UNBELIEVABLE!!!
    The weird thing was, after the meeting his wife, (a really sweet sister), took me into her kitchen and whispered to me that she understood and believed me. That she wished she could give me answers, but she was only an elder's wife and shouldn't even be talking to me about it.

    Even worse was that the 180 acres my grandfather owned when he died, was supposed to be split between all his children, and of course Bobby's would go to Brenda, her daughter. A pitiful 33 acres, and my mom tried to fight it and not give it to her. But she made sure the KH got their acres!!!
    But, that's another story.......


    If you bury the truth under the ground, it will but grow, and gather to itself such explosive power that the day it bursts through it will blow up everything in its way.--Emile Zola, J'accuse

  • TweetieBird


    Every once in a while I read an experience here that touches the depths of my soul, this was one of them. The utter frustration you must have been feeling cannot even be expressed in words.

    It is so sad that an organization that touts itself as being "true Christians" does not grasp the true meaning of the love that Jesus said would be the identifying mark. I often mention to some of my JW relatives that I do not find this love abounding that they swear is evident, instead I find the exact opposite. Your experience, unfortunately is just one of many examples of a lack of true love.

    I hope you are doing well. I do not know your circumstances at the time, but hopefully you are dealing with what life throws your way. I really hope life is good for you now.

    "If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular?"

  • Geordie

    Im not an emotional person at the best of times but, my heart goes out to you.
    You should carry your strength as a beacon for the world to see.

    Words cannot express my feelings about this post but i feel privileged to have been allowed to read it.

  • ElijahTheThird

    Hello April;
    What can anyone realy say? Many have experianced worse, and many far less than this that you have in their lives. Compassionate *hugs* to yah. You gave her more than you know! Think of the hug Bobby Joyce may one day give you for you taking the time you did.

    Compassion; one of the greatest gifts we have been given by our Creator. Use it wisely, but USE it!


  • Kristen

    That was a difficult experience to take in. I am angry that almost all of the people you went to for help with this situation turned their back on you. I know that experience changed you in many ways. Despite you not being there *at the moment" when that dear woman passed away, you did help fulfill her final wishes. I know she would be very grateful knowing that.

    Thank you for sharing your experience.


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