A story of brotherly love.....

by Tatiana 45 Replies latest jw experiences

  • teenyuck


    My heart goes out to you. You showed true compassion and love.

    I just read this, in the morning, and cried. You reminded me of all the terrible things JW's are and the things they do. Your mother could be mine. I am truly sorry for your pain.


  • gotcha

    such a sad story but thanks so much for sharing it.....i can't believe how those ppl could just bear doing what they did to your aunt but thank God for an angel like u...

  • David Gladden
    David Gladden

    Isn't there a scripture about knowing people by the fruit they bear?

  • Billygoat


    I'm so sorry to hear about your experience with your aunt. I'm sure you did grow up in just a few days. *shaking head* My heart aches even tho' it's not my experience and an old one at that.

    It reminds me of the year I got DFed. I lived with some worldy co-workers who had taken me in because I had no where to go. One New Year's Eve, I was so depressed I took a handful of pills and drank some vodka. Sick and drunk, I drove myself to the nearest hospital and told them what I did. I was admitted. In the process of getting admitted, I called my old JW best friend for support. She hung up on me. Unbeknownst to me, a worker on shift that night was a JW. She didn't make herself known to me, but she called my JW parents to tell them I was there. They didn't visit me or even call me. (I found this out years later from my step-mother who admitted to me that she knew I tried to kill myself.) I called my worldly room-mate and her husband (spending NYE at a romantic hide-a-way two hours away). As soon as they heard where I was, they drove back to take care of me. They were the ones that visited me and helped me get into an out-patient treatment and find a good therapist. They were the ones who held me while I cried my heart out about not having a family. They were the ones who helped me celebrate my "first" birthday. They were the ones who taught me social skills and what it was like to love. People I had known for about 6 months and weren't even that good of friends at the time. But they were willing to do whatever it took to help me and make me feel better and become a better person. Tonya and Daniel Wilson, still to this day, have no idea how much they helped me. I don't know if I'd be alive if it weren't for them.

    It was that lack of love in "God's only true modern day Organization" that made me realize I didn't want any part of it anymore. As dark as it was, it was one of the better things to happen in my life. It opened my eyes like it opened yours with your aunt. I can sympathize with the pain.


  • David Gladden
    David Gladden

    All this makes me sick.

  • Tatiana

    Andi, my God. To be down that low. Thank God for those people. Like David said...by the fruits they bear. I'm so glad you didn't succeed. We would not know you now.

    TweetieBird, Geordie, puffs, Kristen, Elijah, gotcha, thank you all. It really is true that telling these experiences is theraputic. It's been inside me for so long. Festering, always at the edge of my thoughts. Somehow I feel lighter now. You all understand. You all know my feelings. You all know the special kind of pain that comes with the realization you were duped. The pain/joy that comes when your eyes finally ARE opened.

    I'm so thankful for all of you......


    If you bury the truth under the ground, it will but grow, and gather to itself such explosive power that the day it bursts through it will blow up everything in its way.--Emile Zola, J'accuse

  • DazedAndConfused

    Big hugs to you April!!!

    You are a wonderful woman for what you did for your Aunt. What a blessing you were to her. I am so sorry that you had to go through so much pain from those in "God's Loving Organization". What a crock! But through all of that you showed the person you are inside and from what I see you are beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.

    I am writing this through tears. I am having a hard time knowing what to say but I felt I needed to let you know how I felt. I am crying because of my own experience. 25 years ago this April I had a son 2 months premature by emergency C-section. He was immediately sent 40 miles away to a Hospital more equipped to handle his problems. My Dr. kept me in the Hospital for 10 days because he KNEW that as soon as I left I would take the trip to go see my son. Even after 10 days he wanted me to stay in the town my son was in so I wouldn't make the trip back and forth every day. Despite many, many calls to Elders in the Congregations around there to see if a family could spare a bed for me at night (because we could not afford a room).....they all said NO. Even with the recent surgery and the distance I had to travel to see my son. My son died when he was 27 days old without me there because no one had enough love to spare a bed for me.

    I would like to say thank you also for this thread because it confirms to me that this Organization is not full of loving people at it makes me glad I am no longer part of it.

  • WildHorses

    April,Andi,Dazed((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Hugs))))))))))))))))))))))))))) I don't even know what to say.

    My heart goes out to you all.

    I don't want someone in my life I can live with. I want someone in my life I can't live without.
  • think41self

    April, Andi and Dazed! I am amazed by your strength and courage, posting such painful experiences from your life...and yet we can all see how much you have grown.

    My heart just hurts for the pain you have suffered...for the lack of compassion when you needed it most. I hope you have progressed to the point in your lives where you now have true love from those around you...people who will not let you down when you need them most. Cyber hugs just don't seem expressive enough. I admire all of you, you have set an example for those unchristian witnesses, whether they know it or not.


  • Tatiana

    Oh dazed, I don't know what to say. I was in tears. Losing a child has to be the absolute worst thing you can experience. How can they say they have LOVE???? How could it come out of their mouths???? I can't imagine the pain you felt. 27 days? Oh, God. WOULD JESUS HAVE DONE THAT????????? Would Jesus have said, "I'm busy."

    I had my oldest son at 6 months. He weighed only 3 lb. They told me he wouldn't make it. As soon as I had him, they sent him 35 miles away to Greenville, SC. The Laurens hospital was pitiful. It couldn't even handle a premie.

    I know how you felt, dazed. I had only been married a year. I was 17. I had no one to take me back and forth. I asked the brothers too. A church bus ended up taking us. And I didn't care what the brothers said. I was so angry.

    My son was in the hospital for 40 days. So many times they called me because he had pneumonia, or his lungs collapsed, or he "lost" weight instead of gained. Or he wasn't expected to make it. And I couldn't go, because none of the brothers or sisters had the time. There was no public transportation. So many times I thought I'd never see my son again. The nights I cried. I can't begin to know what you felt. All I can do is come close.

    I'm so sorry.....so sorry.....



    If you bury the truth under the ground, it will but grow, and gather to itself such explosive power that the day it bursts through it will blow up everything in its way.--Emile Zola, J'accuse

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