Flying to Orlando tomorrow, my daughter is in the hospital

by coffee_black 106 Replies latest jw friends

  • under the radar
    under the radar

    Hi Coffee!

    I am so sorry to hear about your daughter Ali. By the way, she is gorgeous! I hope with all my heart that she recovers, and quickly! She is very lucky to have Mom flying to her rescue. Just knowing that her kids are being looked after properly will make her feel better.

    Two things should ease your mind, even if just a little. First, since she's obviously an adult, her dad nor anyone else has any say in her treatment. So unless she invites them, the HLC and anyone else her dad's friends might send can just take a hike. And unless she has a current "Blood Card" on file with the hospital, her dad's religious convictions are completely irrelevant. In the absence of written proof otherwise, the doctors and hospital staff can safely assume she would want whatever treatment(s) will give her the best chance of a complete recovery. In fact, they would be remiss if they didn't pull out all the stops.

    Second, even if she has pneumonia and her heart is enlarged due to the stress or whatever, the most likely course of treatment will be medication and rest and probably hydration... not surgery. With all the latest advances in medicine at their disposal, and since they apparently caught this situation relatively early, the doctors have an excellent chance of "fixing her up" real soon.

    I know anything I could say would be little comfort to a worried mother, but rest assured that you and Ali have all the prayers and positive vibes your friends at JWN can muster coming your way. Take care of Ali and the little ones first, yourself too, of course, and then keep us informed as you have the chance. We're all there with you in spirit.

    Warmest regards,


  • life is to short
    life is to short

    I am so sorry, what a stressful time for your family. Just know that my thoughts are with you and I will be hoping that you can have Thanksgiving with your grandchildren and at least have your daughter home with her family.


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep


    Enjoy your patdown.

    Healing thoughts are on their way.


  • GrandmaJones

    We'll be wishing you and your family well.

  • littlebird

    Shocking news, prayers on the way. Im glad she has you.

  • miseryloveselders

    Wish and pray you a safe trip to and from. I wish and pray your daughter a speedy recovery. Hopefully your boyfriend only burns the turkey and not the house down.

  • truthseekeriam

    What a great mother you are! I'm sure she will be so happy to have you at her side

    I hope she has a quick recovery.

  • bluesky3074

    good luck for u and your daughter.

  • tec

    Strength to you and your daughter. I'm glad you're going down to be with her!


  • AGuest

    May JAH bless and keep you, dear CB (the greatest of love and peace to you, dear one!)... and your dear daughter.

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


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