In Your Opinion Who Is The WORST President In USA History?

by minimus 79 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    In my lifetime, Jimmy Carter was the WORST president the US has had.

    Obama is working hard to mak Carter look like a genius, though.

  • Ding

    James Buchanan.

    He was so bad, people have blotted out the memory of him.

  • jaguarbass

    The 2 Bush dingbats. W and then his Daddy.

    The nut doesnt fall far from the tree.

  • JeffT

    Boring topic. Republicans will pick on Obama or FDR. Democrats will pick Bush or Reagan. I could have told you that before I opened the thread. Apprently Ding and I are the only people that actually know much US history.

  • miseryloveselders

    Boring topic. Republicans will pick on Obama or FDR. Democrats will pick Bush or Reagan. I could have told you that before I opened the thread. Apprently Ding and I are the only people that actually know much US history.

    You spoke a mouthful there. It does all get pretty cliche' after a while doesn't it? After arguing a few times with other posters on political themed threads, it dawned on me that arguing over politics is pretty much just retarded. Especially if your views are influenced by whatever part of the country you live in, or where you grew up, who raised you, what era they raised you in, what era they grew up in, etc.. It's all objectional, and a waste of time.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Mildred Fillmore

  • Berengaria

    So add "and why".

  • metatron

    Tough question. Believe it or not, President Kennedy may have been the worst. How so?

    1) he came closest to triggering an outright nuclear war with Russia - by his reckless handling of the Cuba Missile Crisis. During the blockade, Soviet sub commanders had LOCAL authority to fire nuclear torpedoes!

    2) he was a legislative failure - his 'New Frontier' was a success AFTER his death when LBJ called it the 'Great Society'

    3) he succeeded in offending the CIA, Southern Democrats, the Federal Reserve, Organized Crime and countless others - dumb, dumb, dumb


  • FlyingHighNow

    I took a poll. Three people polled. Three people agree:

    G.W. Bush.

  • miseryloveselders

    Tough question. Believe it or not, President Kennedy may have been the worst. How so?

    1) he came closest to triggering an outright nuclear war with Russia - by his reckless handling of the Cuba Missile Crisis. During the blockade, Soviet sub commanders had LOCAL authority to fire nuclear torpedoes!

    2) he was a legislative failure - his 'New Frontier' was a success AFTER his death when LBJ called it the 'Great Society'

    3) he succeeded in offending the CIA, Southern Democrats, the Federal Reserve, Organized Crime and countless others - dumb, dumb, dumb


    Not attacking you Metatron, but let me ask you..........does that make him a bad President, or a poor politician?

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