Help me become a real CRAZY FUNDIE ATHEIST parent!

by bohm 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • tec

    Your last post spoke volumes

    You hear what you want to hear. I have always been open about not fully understanding grace vs reward/punishment. Something is wrong in what people teach vs. what is true. All the answers cannot be found in the bible, or in a church, or a kingdom hall. And while I don't have to have all those answers tied up into a neat package in order to have faith, I do have to understand something personally in order to accept it. I can't take someone else's understanding and make it my own.

    (same as an atheist can't take someone else's faith and make it their own)

    I believe because I love Jesus.


  • startingover


    I have to admit it really gets under my skin a bit when you are quick to jump in promoting Jesus when in reality it doesn't seem like he's really given you direct answers. I guess I don't understand why this Jesus character gets all the credit you give him.

  • tec


    I understand what you're saying. I do. But he gets the credit I give him because of what I DO know about him - mainly the love and mercy that He taught, and the absolute lack of hypocrisy in Him. He taught and cared about things that are real. Not appearances. Not status. He saw what was inside people, rather than what they showed.

    I choose to follow Him. I could choose not to follow Him. But faith IN Him - I think this is a gift. I don't think I could choose not to have it at this point; I think its just there. I can only choose what I do with it.


  • Scully


    They seem to contradict to me, which tells me I'm missing full understanding.

    I find it very sad that you recognize the contradiction, but then blame yourself for "missing full understanding". Really, there's nothing wrong with you. The contradiction is at the source, not with you.

  • startingover

    Scully, thanks for defining what I wanted to tell her.

  • tec

    I find it very sad that you recognize the contradiction, but then blame yourself for "missing full understanding". Really, there's nothing wrong with you. The contradiction is at the source, not with you.

    Oh, there's plenty wrong with me ;), but this is not what I was meaning here. The contradiction is not with me nor at the source, but somewhere between the source and me.

    I don't completely understand what the source -Christ- meant about this, because I'm still listening to what everyone else -church leaders, preachers, etc.- are saying that He said. Or even worse, what those people are saying that He meant.

    Its like if you were taught creationism your entire life, and then someone tried to teach you about evolution. You can understand that this theory of evolution is right... but there's a couple parts you just don't get yet. (missing link type stuff) Mostly because there's a couple parts that the scientists teaching you about evolution don't get either... yet.


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